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change Eritrea&
I will always be a voice for the voiceless
🫴Human beings are precious.
EPLF or PFDJ is illegitimate and illegal. Any declaration, without people’s consent and vote, passed is null and void. Any declaration of PFDJ is of PFDJ, nothing to do with the society, and the country of Eritrea.
is a
Socialdemokraterna ger grönt ljus till Eritreanska diktaturens festival på Järvafältet – en skam för Sverige!
Genom att godkänna festivalens ansökan visar Socialdemokraterna ett oacceptabelt stöd för den brutala eritreanska regimen. Detta beslut undergräver inte bara kampen mot
Attention worldwide justice seekers, Share this informative linktree pamphlet globally so leaders can better understand the
struggle. Especially the Netherlands. Copy link share 5k.
Nederland moet stoppen met het arresteren en intimideren van jonge asielzoekers en stoppen met het assisteren van het moordzuchtige regime in Eritrea. De oorzaak van de opstand in Den Haag is het autoritaire regime.
Shameful decision. the people of Sweden should pay attention to it.Otherwise it is black history.Dictators don't live, the people are fighting with the people