Boris Johnson and the English media are doing the work for us! Own goal after own goal. I have no doubt Welsh independence will happen but we got to turn own goals into wins. Keep posting and spreading the word to join
How is it inspiring? He’s left because he doesn’t want to compete with Adam or see Paige turn for him. It’s nothing but a last ditch effort to turn the tide after being as toxic as possible. A last ditch despo effort to win Paige as he knows he’s fucked up. But yeah unreal 🎉
The Napoleon film in November will quickly accelerate people’s interests into him. There’s more books about Napoleon than Jesus, Mohammed & Caesar combined!
💪 Wales isn’t going to change unless us Welsh people change. That starts with putting your time/money/vote to the right places. Starting here.
Just used
for the first time. What an unreal experience
1st - customer service is phenomenal. Big thanks to Will Marchant!
2nd - the actual process of trading on the platform was lighting. 2 clicks & a big lump sum on the way for growth 🚀
A true game changer
It’s like being told the land you built your house on is solid & you move ahead. But you find out 6 months down the line the builders lied and it was built on shit land
Would you say “I respect my decision I’ll live on shit” or “this is bullshit I want a refund and change now”?
What bugs me is ambitious people think it’s only a 100% positive thing. They don’t see the downsides of a life filled with ambititon. It’s the default state we’re “meant” to take as men also. Ambition ruins many lives too.
God. You’re talking like a 2005 bro science king from the old forums.
Research has long proven your points incorrect. No such thing as “starvation mode” either
No question. Wtf is wrong with people. It seems nobody is truly a friend to anyone on here 😂 if my mate wants to do a bday celebration I’ll do my best to be there no matter if it’s just me and him.
“The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness” Montaigne
Peterson has a go at everything. He’s way beyond his scope of expertise in nearly everything too. He believes his own hype.
I’ve never seen the bloke laugh apart from one of them sadistic laughs.
Nothing new here. Nothing to replace an employee with really.
A recipe doesn’t cook itself. You still need to pay someone well to know what to work on and how to report progress.
Only having empathy for humans that you agree with or are in your “circle” is one big problem with empathy.
Good quote for you to probably re-read:
“Be the change you want to see in the world”.
Imagine being being them right now. Regardless of status.
Shocking tweet.
The observer is the observed. There is no thinker without thought. So thought creates the “thinker/observer” and that tries to become different to the thought. This Division caused perpetual conflict. As long as you see it as a duality there’s always a fight.
Good insight here into the mess. Thanks for sharing Peter. Musk may have overestimated how many people would blindly follow him into anything.
Can this be shared with name / display photo shown? That message is everything that’s wrong with people like him. So because wales 3m is 1/3 London population it’s irrelevant? If so, cut us off. Let us be independent.
Been a Labour supporter all my life but this narrative is terrible. The gov doesn’t wait to claim tax revenues before it spends. It spends new created money. Stop peddling this lie. We don’t need to tax the billionaires to sort those issues out. Sort them out regardless.
Don’t normalise ignoring all the facts and humanity about a photo taken at one specific moment.
This man needed a piss before his bladder blew.
I’d rather see him piss on a country lane than lose focus driving a huge lorry and potentially killing himself and others in a crash
Us: Hey YC, where’s our membership money being spent?
YC: Why?
Us: social media has gone to the dogs + tweets about art grants…whats the plan?
YC: We’re making loads of plans. Lots of meetings.
Us: cool. Would love to see the info. Could you share the minutes?
YC: …..
Why isn’t it Stoic to post it?
Being Stoic doesn’t mean just sitting on the sidelines you know.
It’s a reminder that people like this do exist. I find it crazy people think like this. But goes to show racism still runs deep and what their real thoughts are
Uber is cheaper, more convenient and overall a better experience. I literally couldn’t care if someone has memorised all the roads in London. We got something called GPS now, this allows drivers to follow a given path with traffic updates. Black cab too expensive
Btw his biography is insanely good.
So too his article here for Napoleon fans. You can’t disagree with this position when you look at the facts
None of those things matter. If you’re still not losing fat you’re not in a calorie deficit.
You can still over eat on calories even in Ketosis. Using fat for energy and reducing body fat are not the same things. You’ve been misled by the keto gang and insulin model of obesity
That’s what a little personal gain does to people
“Oh.. I can maybe gain lots of new followers and attention!?” In.
Like the gold rush
But they will soon realise there’s no gold for them. Just a platform to consume more shit from the same insta influenced.
So you lose your head about him saying he will remove people for testing but not mad at the fact boris said “let the bodies pile high”? Explain
Don’t get why they aren’t being held accountable for this clear scamming of the nation. It’s actually mental what they are getting away with
It’s kind of exposed these tech “leaders” as just any other influencer. These are the people who probably laughed at insta influencers selling “skinny teas” and “detox shakes”. What they are doing is exactly the same. Well, worse really.
never do, as they think they have the right to "rule" over nations that are not their own. It would have been a classy move to delay this and ask the people of Wales if they want it anymore. They've done it the day after the queen dies...
Not being mean about it. For me it’s clear that he was toxic, he played Paige and then the tables turned and he’s left before he completely loses control and does something stupid. Then laying it thick “I’ll wait for you” to try and emotionally trap her. You don’t see this?
Probably jobs that need the training/qualifications that most don’t have?
Lorry drivers
Can’t just walk into these
Hello, fellow shipwrecks.
Based in London but from Wales
Writing about health, business, Welsh independence, and philosophy
Excited to ship articles every day for 30 days to see where that takes me and to connect with others
The problem I saw with people wanting to speak/learn welsh is that 1) it was either too *forced* or 2) it was seen as snobby
That needs to be addressed. Teach kids the true history of Wales and I’m certain that generation will rally together to make sure welsh is spoken
But “the second amendment” is there so we can carry a gun to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. 1790s this was created mind. 220 years ago. Fuck they are stupid. The land of brilliant minds and the most backwards people on earth.
Bullshit still sells.
People want the “secret”. Issue is most experts in nutrition and weight loss speak with a lot of nuance. That doesn’t sell or go well on social
So people like this guy that speak in absolutes get more traction
People say University is a waste of money but it's one of the only chances someone at 18 can get to leave their home and move to a city without the upfront cost.
You learn more from the people you meet and living independently than anything else.
Worth it.
I love building 2 brands I love
Sales from last 24 hours from a soft launch for my clothing brand
I’m starting a new series “revival” giving you full transparency on how I plan to sell & grow
Follow my journey👇🏻
Also, why do it the day after the Queen has died? Tactical IMO. Nobody is going to kick off out of respect and if they do, easy targets for the media.
Brexit people will never admit they were wrong. They would rather pay 200% more on living with a shitter quality of life and harden into stone about their position that admit they were wrong and want to rejoin.
Our egos are the worst thing about us. Can’t see facts or truth.
Say it’s £300 extra on average per employee.
1.2m NHS staff.
390m extra
How much did they waste on track & trace? Covid fraudulent loans? 50bn total (and more probably)
Country would have crumbled without the NHS. They aren’t worth just 7.8% of what was spent on fraud?
Not even a safety net to take more shots just the safety net in general. A huge psychological uplift knowing if you do fail it’s not the end. Imagine knowing you can’t fail basically? Also rich people have connections that make life a lot easier 1/2
One actually has a valuation and is trading on that valuation right now.
The other is a valuation based on a multiple and someone would need to actually buy it for that to be worth what you think it is.
Not liquid at all. Pipe dream to be worth 10x revenue these days unless ⭐️
“It was to these next four battles that Wellington was referring when he said of Napoleon’s 1814 campaign, it ‘has given me a greater idea of his genius than any other. Had he continued that system a little longer, it is my opinion that he would have saved Paris.”
So just making it a little quicker to do the same route?
No mention of a north/South Wales rail service or better roads?
“Family of nations” 😂 a real dysfunctional family at that.
I don’t think this is specific to “hot girls”
Most men struggle with their partner going out, dressing X,Y,Z. Comes from insecure and not knowing who they are and being authentic.
Be authentically yourself. Let your partner be so too. Done.
Otherwise it’s never gonna work
You don't have to accept every customer.
Doing so risks your own mental health and the quality of your customer base
This is more important if you run a community-based business
Don't be scared to ruthlessly cut out problem customers.
Addition by subtraction
It’s honestly pathetic how some people get so shocked by mere “swear” words. It’s ridiculous. More outrage about a swear word than actual damage done by those spoken about!
So true for weight loss and general health.
You don't need a complicated ZOE continuous blood glucose monitor with ZOE "points".
You don't need advanced workout plans.
You don't need to follow a diet tailored to your genes for weight loss (a recent study showed no benefits
You can’t say she was groomed by online videos? She went on her own accord. So if I watch videos on YouTube of joining a gang or cult I’ve been groomed ? I have been persuaded or influenced not groomed. She has no remorse too. She doesn’t care. Watch the interviews.
No peace? Can you tell that to the 4000 dead children please. I’m sure they can’t wait for the peace given to them after Israel is finished with the bombing.
Thought of man wrote the bible. None of it is the word of god. Thought is very narrow and confined to the belief of the writer at the time. None of this is the truth. Why we take words written down 2000 years ago as the word of god is hilarious to me.
Improved the effectiveness of propaganda. With 88% of their ads lies and still winning by a landslide. They’ve somehow got that down to an art
I've turbo-charged my reading this year and made sure to read a wide variety of books.
Here are 9 of my favourite life quotes from the books I've read this year.
First recorded maybe. But it’s debated of the origin. China wasn’t impacted by the Spanish flu which raised questions whether they had got immunity to it prior which means it would have started there and spread.
So they are still allowed to make record profits even when wholesale prices drop. Class. The gov not doing anything about it even with the IMF saying inflation due to huge profits. They need to be forced down
Bang on. Conversation is the most important element for me in rships and friendships. Ridiculously hard to find people in real life to have the kind of discussions you want.
Lucky we have the internet to share ideas. Imagine this pre internet! Way worse
How much longer can we let this corruption carry on? Honestly wtf can we do? This is like the 10th story I’ve heard of Tory MPs doing deals for the boys this year.
No mention the club is Welsh? No mention the new owners have had such an impact due to them learning welsh, understanding the culture and sharing welsh history? This move is nothing without this part of the story. If you’d actually looked into this you’d have known.
If England subsidises Wales so much why won’t England let Wales go? If Wales is such a drain why not get rid of such a useless piece of land? Wales is more valuable to England than England will admit. It’s classic manipulation to say Wales is useless whilst draining from it
England tried hard to ruin the Welsh language
In the 1500s it was made illegal to speak Welsh, this went on for centuries.
Think of France today, we say "of course you should speak French when you go to France!" We admire them. But it wasn’t always like that.
It’s also a shame that the majority of people know more about the life of reality tv goons than people who have actually changed the world for the better.
Singapore has managed to evolve from a third-world country to a first-world trading port in under 50 years.
If they can do that I'm sure Wales will survive independently and thrive once decisions can be focused on benefiting Wales and not Westminster.
Christian wisdom is really stolen Stoic and antiquity wisdom... just rebundled.
If you truly want to know the source of Christian wisdom, you can start with Epictetus (who they LOVED, btw). And just work your way back.
Oh... And they removed "Socrates" from Epictetus work and
Scotland have more fresh water than England and Wales combined. Way more. Birmingham wouldn’t last a day without its supply of welsh water. Wales and Scotland will be in strong positions in the future with water IF INDEPENDENT! Otherwise England takes all
Get over GDP man what a useless number when people at the bottom are getting squeezed more and more. Energy prices up. Cost of living up. Wages stagnant. What you saying to this ?
indeed, one of the best biographies I've read. They came across like 10,000 letters sent/received by Napleon maybe 15 years ago, or less. So he went through them and paints a more vivid picture of Napoleon.