![Brian Cox Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/750662705/IMG_2411.jpg)
Brian Cox
Professor of Particle Physics at The University of Manchester, The Royal Society Professor for Public Engagement in Science
Absolute space doesn't exist
Joined December 2008
A passport is only worth the rights it confers. It means nothing inside ones own country. This passport is weaker than the one it replaces, symbolising the removal of our rights to move and operate freely across our own continent. It therefore represents abject political failure.
Our new blue passports will be the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly British passports ever. Read more about them here:
I've always suspected that an advanced alien civilisation with the technology to travel at close to light speed across interstellar distances would arrive in Earth orbit unobserved and proceed to dispatch a fleet of small, easily detectable balloons into our atmosphere.
"An official admitted he couldn't rule out the objects were extra-terrestrials. The object has been described by defence officials as an unmanned octagonal structure with strings attached to it.".Wow! Aliens use string!? Do they have blu-tak as well?:.
I’m so sick of this ‘The British People’ nonsense. It’s inflammatory and divisive and also errant vacuous nonsense with no meaning in a multi-party democracy. The phrase should be banned from political discourse.
We also need the cooperation of the French to intercept boats and return migrants back to France. I know that when the British people say they want to take back control of our borders – this is exactly what they mean.
The reason the UK will have the lowest growth in the G7 next year is Brexit. We're not going to reverse the decline until we begin to remove the barriers - economic, social, scientific - that we chose to erect with the rest of our continent. That's not rocket science. Just say it.
Under this Tory government, Britain’s growth has ground to a halt. And they are too distracted by their own failings to deal with it. Labour has a plan to tackle the cost of living crisis and build a stronger, more secure economy.
You were lucky. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would.
"I remember as a child in South Wales swimming in sewage". Conservative MP @DamianGreen says water pollution from sewage dumping has always been an issue, but it used to be perceived as more acceptable . #Peston
What you’ve also done, @pritipatel , is to end freedom of movement for UK passport holders across our continent. The citizens of 27 other countries, the great majority of Europeans, still retain it. That’s not something to fly our flag over in my book.
We’re ending free movement to open Britain up to the world. It will ensure people can come to our country based on what they have to offer, not where they come from.
I'll never understand why these people celebrate removing their own right to free movement. Everyone else in Europe still has an entire continent to call home.
After many years of campaigning, I am delighted the Immigration Bill which will end free movement on 31st December has today passed through Parliament. We are delivering on the will of the British people.
Honestly - a few of the replies to this little tribute to engineering excellence exhibit a level of stupidity that suggests to me that it won’t be long before our spacecraft are the only thing that remains of our increasingly dim-witted civilisation. Until recently my guess has.
This is why all the bullshit about bringing the country together after no-deal won’t work: Nobody who actually loses their job or business is going to sit back and say ‘ah well, it was worth it to keep the Tory Party together and for my blue passport I can’t afford to use’.
#Marr: Are you prepared to look people in the eye and say you’ve got to lose your job due to no deal #Brexit?. Jeremy Hunt: “I would do it with a heavy heart”.
I'd like to see Stephen Hawking on the £50 note. He made invaluable contributions over half a century to our understanding of cosmology, the early universe and black holes. He also inspired thousands of scientists + millions of people, me included, through his books and lectures.
I’ve been through about ten revisions of this tweet, trying to remain civil, but I am finding it hard to contain my anger at Theresa May. I’ll settle on near-criminally irresponsible. She is focused entirely on keeping her party together irrespective of the real-world damage.
Prime Minister Theresa May says the Government will not bring a meaningful vote on her Brexit deal this week.
Three squabbling boy-men who’ve dragged the whole country into their myopic vacuous petulant egocentric shitshow.
David Cameron blames Michael Gove not Boris Johnson for his defeat in the EU referendum and the loss of his political career and will launch a withering attack on him in his memoirs, The Sunday Times has learnt
For me, this is the most important aspect of Brexit and why I cannot understand or support it. The EU is essentially a peace project aimed at removing barriers between people. It is far from perfect, but we have benefited hugely. Surely the UK should be working to strengthen it.
Ahead of the #EUCO discussions on #Brexit, let's take a moment to remember what we are all trying to safeguard today. Reconciliation, remembrance for those who suffered, the protection of human rights & peace, on the 21st anniversary of the #GoodFridayAgreement #BelfastAgreement
This is the moment the government lost control of events. It is inconceivable to me that my government - a British government - would so blatantly devalue the concept of a rules-based international order. Churchill must be turning in his grave. MPs from across the house must act.
🚨 Brandon Lewis confirms the Government will break international law on EU Withdrawal Deal: . "Yes, this does break international law in a very specific and limited way".
This has to be the future if we are to prosper. A million people marching in good humour but with a fierce commitment to our country and our continent, asking for tolerance, reason and compromise. There will be no winners if we continue on our current course.
#PeoplesVoteMarch organisers say more than a million people joined protests in central London.[tap to expand].#Brexit
We are in control. We can revoke article 50 and retain control of our borders (we are not in schengen), our money (we are not in the Euro) and our laws (parliament is sovereign). This deal - the best deal of any EU member state by a mile - is available. Let’s put it to voters.
#ECJ: UK is free to unilaterally revoke the notification of its intention to withdraw from the EU – Case C-621/18 Wightman #Brexit
The origin of our current malaise was the Brexit referendum. Charitably, it was a risky bet on a radical shift in our long-established and reasonably successful economic and geopolitical model and the bet has been lost. What we are seeing now is government by sunk-cost fallacy.
'What has this country done to itself?': Historian and former Telegraph editor says Tory MPs unaware of UK's 'ridiculous' image internationally
They’ve given up now. It seems to me that the Conservative Party’s strategy is to bury their heads in the sand until after the election, at which point they will blame the in-coming Labour government for the (escalating) consequences of Brexit and claim that it would have been.
ITV News has learned that imports of food and plants from the EU are being waved through customs even if they have incorrect paperwork. @ITVJoel reports on the new Post-Brexit border checks which came into force this morning
This statement - that the government may decide not to obey the law - confirms that the current minority government is dangerous. Every MP with integrity from any party must stop them this coming week. This is no longer about Brexit - that can be dealt with afterwards.
Would the government abide by a new law from MPs to delay #Brexit? . #marr asks the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove .
The speed of development of vaccines has been breathtaking - and whilst it shouldn’t really need saying, demonstrates the almost incalculable value of a strong University sector and wider science base. Thank you to the researchers from post docs to Profs who did this work.
Today marks an important milestone in the fight against #COVID19. Interim data show the #OxfordVaccine is 70.4% effective, & tests on two dose regimens show that it could be 90%, moving us one step closer to supplying it at low cost around the world>>
In general, but especially during a pandemic, anybody with an IQ above that of a fence post would try to arrange things so they don’t have to stand for hours in a long queue. We are indeed, to quote from Withnail, drifting into the arena of the unwell.
Some good news. By the way, this is one of the many reasons why we fund research institutes and universities and PhD’s etc etc. as a society. It may all seem a bit of a luxury to some until we actually HAVE to find something out about Nature very quickly.
Wait until he hears that the second is defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom!.
This video of Tucker Carlson blessing someone for their righteous fight against the metric system is such a self parody of Fox News
The thing I don’t understand about these Conservative MPs is that they are such angry people. They haven’t done badly out of Britain - they aren’t on the receiving end of their own policies. And yet they want to smash everything up. The EU, The Union and now their own party.
Why Tory MPs tell me they expect at least 48 letters of no confidence in Theresa May to have been lodged with Brady of 1922 committee by lunchtime today
Brexit is a self-indulgence from another age. It should be shelved for an indefinite period until we have dealt with the long-term economic and social fall out of COVID-19. There can be no justification for imposing a second, voluntary shock on the country in early 2021.
BREXIT NEWS: The first meeting of the EU-UK joint committee today, by teleconference. Michael Gove and EC Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič. Draft agenda: EU citizens rights, NI protocol, Cyprus, Gibraltar, divorce bill
The frustrating thing to me about the quote from this article is that the columnist knows, and the Conservatives know, and Labour knows, that Brexit was an awful economic and geopolitical error. This was obvious in my view in 2016 and it’s ten times more obvious now, for the.
"Our economic model is bust. Being a services superpower is not enough". Nick Timothy, strong Brexit proponent, concludes in the Telegraph there's a rise of regional protectionism but then doesn't join the dots to the only country outside that protectionism because of Brexit.
This is drivel. The only way life will continue as it was before brexit in the event of a no deal brexit is not to brexit. You can’t pull out of hundreds of international treaties and then carry on as if those treaties were sill in force. Forget politics. This is just logic.
The U.K. will signal that it wants life to continue as normal in the event of a “No Deal” Brexit, in the face of warnings that aircraft might be grounded and hospitals run short of medicine
Here is the image of the black hole in M87, and at the press conference the Event Horizon team just said it is precisely as predicted by General Relativity. Einstein right again - wouldn’t he have loved to see this!.
Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the center of the galaxy M87. The image shows a bright ring formed as light bends in the intense gravity around a black hole that is 6.5 billion times more massive than the Sun
I’ve seen many cabinets come and go since I began paying attention to politics in the 1980s - some I liked more than others, some I voted for, some I didn’t - but Johnson’s cabinet has demonstrated to me, in hindsight, just how relatively competent they all were.
This’ll confuse the Flat Earthers ….
For the second day in a row, Qantas flight #QF28 is flying over Antarctica, en route from Santiago to Sydney.
We’re going to spend decades negotiating to help tackle the impact of Brexit on everything from the music industry and the City of London to car manufacturing and tourism. Instead, why can’t politicians explain to voters why it’s in the U.K’s interest to be inside the single.
The @labour4europe has been calling for the UK to be part of the pan European Mediterranean convention to help tackle the impact of brexit on rules of origin requirements. The jobs now at risk in our car manufacturing sector show why the government should listen …#brexithaos.
It never ceases to amaze me that a spacecraft launched in 1977 can be fixed remotely from Earth.
#Voyager1's interstellar comeback is like music to our ears! For the first time since Nov. 2023 @NASA's most distant spacecraft is returning data from all four of its science instruments again — all from beyond the heliosphere out in interstellar space:
We are seeing the long overdue shattering and reshaping of UK politics. Both major parties have failed the country absolutely when we needed them most. They have no answer to the crisis Cameron created having exposed the rest of us to the Tory civil war. They are beneath contempt.
If, as I expect, a quartet of Tory MPs quit the party today to become independents, in a way that is even more significant than the Labour defections. Because the minority government of @theresa_may will become even more of a minority, with even less grip on the Commons. So. .
Whether or not you think Brexit will be good for the UK in the long term (I do not), I think it’s now beyond doubt that it was the proximate cause of the dumbing down of the Conservative Party which in turn contributed to the disasterous health and economic outcomes of Covid-19.
I’m not buying this line of argument. Johnson knew, as everybody in the Conservative Party knew, that the Brexit referendum was about heading off the (over-stated) electoral threat from UKIP and simultaneously dealing with a fringe group of MPs in the party who were a distraction.
On #Brexit. ITV: You told us that we should do this and you hadn't devoted any serious thought to what came next. BJ: I wanted to win an argument. What we expected was that the Cameron gov't would deliver it. ~AA
The reason we knew there would be an eclipse today, @realDonaldTrump, is that science works.
For the final time: You haven't removed freedom of movement across our continent from anyone other than poorer UK citizens. Every citizen of the 31 EU, EEA and EFTA countries, everyone born in NI (if they choose) and in practice every UK citizen who has enough dosh still has it.
💬 Home Secretary @PritiPatel: "Last year the British people sent a clear message that they wanted to end free movement and our landmark Immigration Bill delivers exactly that."