A couple of points.
is not far right but people who reveal what's going on. You just don't like them having a voice.
We have been told that speculation and misinformation is wrong. This is an ongoing investigation and this may influence a jury.
When are we going to be honest. Islam does not fit well with people who are not Muslim. The major point of objection is the extremist element that wishes us harm for the only reason of being non-believers. Then where is the calling out of the most aggressive calls for Jihad.
The Pakistani government doesn't want its own citizens as they are a burden. The population could reach 400m bu 2050. They don't collect tax as its Haram, but our government is allowing our tax pot to be drained.
The ECHR didn't step in when our right to a family life was interrupted during Covid on the basis of spurious data and ideological advice.
Thank you. We want people to come to the UK who come to contribute and respect who we are. Not treat us a free ride and see what you can exploit. It's is not about race but fairness. Identity politics is to blame here rather than looking at the individual.
Unfortunately, I think some people need to live under a Labour government to see that they won't save the NHS, raise standards of living, and social division will get worse.
She will not be alone. This is tax payers money. Also money that has left our economy.
She knew what she was doing and should be made to work to pay it back. They think they are untouchable by having large families.
What percentage of young people would this benefit?
I would say: Weed out the useless Uni Degrees and offer quality including the ability to study elsewhere. Coupled with that, provide pathway training into trades or caring professions.
You are the joke. The WEF invites individuals from governments and corporations who they can influence to get on the gravy train. All policy decisions come from behind closed doors.
This is what happens when you try to do the right thing, and it doesn't always go well. It comes back to bite you.
In China they have stopped helping old ladies who fall over because of the cases of fake falls and suing the helper.
Also, the world has changed since 2016. It has become increasingly authoritarian because of Covid, Net Zero and DEI.
High taxes for the privilege as well.
A rescue at sea was once every so often and the seamen wanted to go home.
Not twice a day for months on end for people who put to sea in unseaworthy craft.
I suggest the CEO should start with a pay cut.
NHS is still there but overburdened.
BBC is still there, but I don't know why
I travelled to Spain and Italy this year, showed my passport, and was let in with no problem.
It's all very noble and uptopian wanting to look after everyone.
But at what point do we sensibly plan for a sustainable level of population where we can feed , house, school, and ensure employment without upsetting social cohesion.
Very generous help offered there. This is the value of free speech. It can offend sometimes, and people should not be punished for their opinion.
The obstruction was in his lane. Whatever happened to braking. He had no intention of stopping.
Plus filming a wheelie in between cars is attention seeking.
My wife has fallen out with her son over the grandson's behaviour. He has been allowed to get his own way by getting angry and lashing out. If he had proper boundaries when he was old enough to understand, he wouldn't be like this. He has ADHD apparently. We say naughty.
Reading this makes me so pleased that the "Remain" focused government sent every household a leaflet. You couldn't come up with any more reasons why it was unfair. The government said it would implement the decision.
I would make voting mandatory, but to temper that, I would include a "None of the above" category. If this category gets the most votes, then no one is elected, and those candidates are eliminated for 5 years.
This is exactly the problem. You see a negative comment, and you question the persons sanity rather than thinking, "Why would they make such a comment?"
Politicians' arrogance towards public opinion is what creates division. You ought to remember you are public servant's.
Mr Ethical....bollocks. Worst handle ever. The root cause was a horrific attack in the first place. We all would have preferred it never happened and thus not a topic of discussion. You must have been thinking all day on how you could pun this on a prominent target.
Why no peace talks? After nearly 3 years of fighting with no end in sight. What gives them the right to use our tax money in this manner without regard.
I think back in 1968 Enoch Powell called for a root an branch reform of the Tory Party as the issue of EEC membership was dividing them back then.
Is this division coming to its Zenith?
Carry on . Nobody takes any notice of your moaning. I am not sure what you want to achieve that would also be acceptable to the majority in the country.
The usual statement that if it weren't for the immigrants, you wouldn't have a health service stifles argument.
If your wait is two years to see whoever, it's a poor service in many instances. Nobody wants to be in a life-threatening position to receive excellent treatment .
She was a disgrace to the church as well. I'm not religious, but it does seem hypocritical to preach a sermon from a pulpit and then act without integrity in her professional career.
It's all illegal, and two of her daughters came here with her. No matter how many brownie points they come up with her, it doesn't excuse the fact that she lied. If you allow it, you make the laws ineffective.
The problem with Islam is that you are either for it or it's against you. There is no tolerance of a middle position of live and let live.
They should investigate every crime, but they don't. The problem for LF here is he expressed support for what was happening to the ULEZ cameras. They allege he caused incitement.
He upset Khan on TV and, being the MET boss, went after him.
Is ULEZ lawful? Public are ignored.
My M and F in law live in Swansea. They are voting Reform as well. Reform then need to propose undoing devolution to abolish the Synedd.
Devolution was an EU idea to turn the UK into regions when they had hollowed out Westminster totally.
He has the fight to freedom of expression. There is such a thing as self-control. He was one person waving the union flag in the UK.
It is just pandering to a large group of people with the propensity to cause trouble.
Not a chance. I don't want to live in a dystopian world. If you hand power to people because of a crisis, they will ensure we have a permanent state of crisis.
As a teacher, you are encouraging fraud from the landlord. "Don't pay any of it." Not a good look for a professional.
Maybe the landlord has a mortgage on the property and might rely on the rental income.
We know how this works now. Wrong political think, and they do their best to interfere and undermine.
First order of business: Bring BoE under government control again.