Davy Crockett
Brian Roberts (not Davy Crockett), Christian, husband, father, carnivore, Co-Founder Grayson County Conservatives & Americans for Health Freedom. Save Texas!
Joined April 2021
So-called “school choice” will cost taxpayers $11 billion over five years with an estimated $1.5 billion savings for a net loss of $9.5 billion per fiscal notes. 8% of this goes to unelected bureaucrats (3%) and crony companies (5%) per sb2. The details will be worked out by a team of 42 unelected bureaucrats per SB2. The accreditation process will be run by unelected bureaucrats and 5 crony companies hired by bureaucrats per sb2. The crony companies will process participant applications. 80% of these applications would come from lower income as defined by 500% of the poverty rate per sb2. Including H1Bs and Illegals? It will require standardized testing per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will choose what tests are acceptable. It will require data submission per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will determine what data they require. Sb2 includes a clause that empowers unelected bureaucrats to create new regulations without legislative oversight if certain parameters are met. We’ll have to pass it to see what the unelected bureaucrats think. Globalist Abbott loves to appoint woke bureaucrats (see TEA and TMB).
RT @Homeschool_LLC: We need to move past this nonsense that it is the responsibility of the State to educate our children.
@PasterOfTheDay @WordFits If I may speak for myself… I believe public schools should be chopped down to almost nothing. They are little communist garrisons in every town. SB2 “school choice” creates a monopoly of communist garrisons by conquering the remaining free market private schools.
@FuturesPicks @GregAbbott_TX Then you haven’t done your homework. Here are the details:
So-called “school choice” will cost taxpayers $11 billion over five years with an estimated $1.5 billion savings for a net loss of $9.5 billion per fiscal notes. 8% of this goes to unelected bureaucrats (3%) and crony companies (5%) per sb2. The details will be worked out by a team of 42 unelected bureaucrats per SB2. The accreditation process will be run by unelected bureaucrats and 5 crony companies hired by bureaucrats per sb2. The crony companies will process participant applications. 80% of these applications would come from lower income as defined by 500% of the poverty rate per sb2. Including H1Bs and Illegals? It will require standardized testing per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will choose what tests are acceptable. It will require data submission per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will determine what data they require. Sb2 includes a clause that empowers unelected bureaucrats to create new regulations without legislative oversight if certain parameters are met. We’ll have to pass it to see what the unelected bureaucrats think. Globalist Abbott loves to appoint woke bureaucrats (see TEA and TMB).
@jamesdickey Consider it addressed… SB2 is big money and big government controlled by unelected bureaucrats. Obamacare for education analogy stands.
So-called “school choice” will cost taxpayers $11 billion over five years with an estimated $1.5 billion savings for a net loss of $9.5 billion per fiscal notes. 8% of this goes to unelected bureaucrats (3%) and crony companies (5%) per sb2. The details will be worked out by a team of 42 unelected bureaucrats per SB2. The accreditation process will be run by unelected bureaucrats and 5 crony companies hired by bureaucrats per sb2. The crony companies will process participant applications. 80% of these applications would come from lower income as defined by 500% of the poverty rate per sb2. Including H1Bs and Illegals? It will require standardized testing per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will choose what tests are acceptable. It will require data submission per sb2. Unelected bureaucrats will determine what data they require. Sb2 includes a clause that empowers unelected bureaucrats to create new regulations without legislative oversight if certain parameters are met. We’ll have to pass it to see what the unelected bureaucrats think. Globalist Abbott loves to appoint woke bureaucrats (see TEA and TMB).
@purplskylr16 @RRivas53826 @GregAbbott_TX $11 billion over 5 years. And testing, data mining, curriculum and accreditation strings attached from the start.
RT @RebeccaMeals: Great job, Calvin. I completely agree with you. This is not the school choice we asked for. Let them change districts, bu…
@FuturesPicks @GregAbbott_TX People resort to condescension when they lose the logical battle. I’m already spread thin politically, check my profile. The encroachments will inevitable come from a system run by 42 unelected bureaucrats per SB2. I’d prefer to chop the head off before it grows.
From the article: However, as is always the case when “Big Government” steps in, the outcomes are generally worse, not better. Such should not be surprising. At a press conference on August 12th, 1986, US President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
RT @MdBreathe: Get louder! Bill is opposed by.... MT Hospital Assoc, MT Nurses Assoc, MT Families for Vaccines, MT Medical Assoc, MT Amer…
RT @ImJoyola: @TexasScorecard Wow. “Misinformation.” He keeps saying there are no strings attached. Lies. When he says my private school…
@thehoaxisreal The numbers are from the fiscal notes for SB2 and the requirements are from SB2. Mosey on now.