The moms who talk about having a girl crush when they were younger and that it passed and they later married a man. *Bisexuality enters the chat*.
You posted a video where we could almost see a minor's underwear. You are a danger to any kids.
Trying to age her and pretend that she was drunk is dangerous. Black girls are already unprotected and adultified and yet you don't care. You, the mother of a black girl...😀
So the mom is dumb then. A waistline can't be mold or helped. It's literally the space between the ribs and the hips. It's genetics. With a long torso, the probability for a waistline increases.
The fact that I, a catholic born and raised, didn't even know about all of that. Like...why would we want the apocalypse and do they think God doesn't see them plotting?
Your bio said black Caribbean and now it's west African? Which country? Only white ppl use broad terms when it comes to Africa instead of giving the actual name of the country.
Read the book Medical Apartheid. We don't say that all doctors are racist. But the medical fields was rooted in racism. That's why more black women die at childbirth than white women. They are less believed when it comes to pain or when the have complications.
Il y avaient des esclaves noirs avant 1700. La traite négrière ne date pas de 1700.
Internet a vraiment permis à des gens cons de pouvoir dire n'importe quoi.
Au lieu d'être sur les réseaux, ouvre un livre d'histoire ou deux ça t'évitera de dire de la merde.
Tout a fait d'accord. Quand tu vois des tweets de personnes qui se plaignent des tentatives de suicides comme "Iel aurait pu se tuer sur une autre rame" c'est à se demander si certains on un coeur.
Pour ma recherche de stage, je postule en Bretagne et tout va bien. Mon CV plaît, on me donne même des informations pour me loger et là on me propose une visio.
Ma caméra s'allume avant celle du recruteur et le premier truc que j'entends c'est "Ah."
You realize that many tribes in Africa use clay as a sunscreen which means that their skins is going to appear whitish/greyish. It's not their original skintone. It's like saying white ppl can be brown because their are covered in mud. Bffr.
And every body can be ashy. It's
Weak and immature? Even the most powerful characters were struggling. How in the hell were Gon and Kilua supposed to be better? Smh.
Did you listen to the video? 😅 She never said she wasn't a Mormon. And her entire content is trad wife. There are already ppl saying they want to be like her and stay at home.
Yeah it didn't happen. There were not millions of white ppl fighting for the end of slavery. A couple hundreds max and it wasn't because they saw black ppl as humans it was purely political and economical.
T'es juste con. Tu penses que l'esclavage s'est passé comment ? On apprend vraiment rien en France dessus c'est affolant.
Les tortures sur esclaves étaient communes, les esclaves qui étaient rebelles étient mis dans des cages. Même l'abolitioniste V. Schoelcher en parle.
Did the servants tell you that they were happy and didn't mind servitude or did you just assume things?
Also, this picture tells everything there is to know. If they respected their servant she would have never been kneeling. And look at her face. Does she look remotely happy?
Ca me rappelle une vidéo d'un psy qui disait que quand on demande à des hommes mariés ce qu'ils aiment chez leur femme, ils répondent généralement des choses qui vont leur bénéficier : Faire la cuisine, nettoyer etc. Tandis que pour les femmes c'est l'inverse.
Aux Antilles c'est plutôt une généralité. Entre ceux qui appellent la police sur la plage parce que ya des noirs, ou à cause du bruit du carnaval la journée, ou le coq qui chante le matin ou encore les deux personnes qui avaient prévu de bomber une maison
Collapsed how? You realize that female slaves who had kid biracial kids were raped by slave owners and the kid was deemed a slave. White ppl specifically created a law that said that the mom status would determine if the kid was to be free or not.
He thought she cheated on him and had no proofs. Typical cheater mentality. Ppl, regardless of the gender, tend to project onto their partners because they are the
one being unfaithful.
She's been an anime fan and has been dropping anime references even when she freestyled and was not really known.
A lot of her songs have double entendre that only anime fans can understand.
Merci de nous prouver encore et toujours que vous pensez tous que les Antilles et les autres ultramarins ne sont pas français. Napo un héro ? Il a remis l'esclavage parce que sa meuf était la fille d'un de propriétaires d'esclaves le plus riche de Martinique.
It was sudanis who said Motaz was antiblack. Rest in Power was created by black ppl last century ago. There are actual blackl ppl who lived through sharecropping and Segregation who talked about how they used to say that when a black perso was killed. Disabled ppl are also
Why do ppl always forget to talk about the exploitation of ppl in the south? It's been known for years too. The boycott should be for both workers in the US and the ppl being exploited in the South America.
Thought the same. I hated them so much. I remember that they all told her to drop Sam for whatever bs reason, whereas they were all struggling with their bf/gf. It made me mad when they had this convo.
La conversion par le viol ça existe réellement et il y a des pères qui violent bel et bien leurs filles lesbiennes. Il s'agirait de faire des recherches.
It's not. Unless you use excessive hot water on your skin which will dry it out.
It depends also on the pollution and the environment. You are supposed to wash your face two times a day and the skin is more sensitive than the rest of your body, you'll be fine showering 2×.
Just a few days ago there was a story about a 8 year old girl who was married off a 40something year old dude and she died of internal bleeding after the wedding night. It's in their culture so it's cool, right?
No, it wasn't. Many priests, politicians and civilians were against slavery. And although it was "accepted" that doesn't mean that people didn't suffer.
Les gars noirs dans mon collège étaient les premiers à se foutre de la gueule des filles qui avaient des coiffures naturel autres que les tresses.
Les colons blancs avaient déjà des esclaves avant 1700 et ça n'avaient rien à voir avec la traite Arabo-musulmane. Et avant la traite, ils avaient déjà colonisé une partie du monde et commis des génocides.
Je me répète mais au lieu d'être sur Twitter, tu devrais t'instruire.
We don't need to. She showed Blue and ppl mocked her because she looked like Jay-Z and they created a petition to get CPS involved because of her hair. Bey had a miscarriage and ppl said she did a sacrifice. Ppl are nasty and evil.
Une collègue blanche à ma mère, après être revenue de Martinique, lui a dit : "Je m'y attendais pas mais yavait énormément de Noirs." 🙄🙄🙄🙄
No one is saying it's a bad thing. Beyonce as 34 was treated more differently than Taylor. Hell even Adele who is only 1 year older is not treated the same.
Ppl always get surprised to hear that Tay is 34. Most ppl think she is in her 20's because of her songs.
100%. They see lesbians as something to conquer because in their mind a man can change a lesbian if he tries hard enough. So it often includes sexual harassment, assault, manipulation etc.
The sentence (and its variations) "I'll turn you straight." is a rape threat.
So we are a monolith? How many Caribbean islands are there? And how many of them speak the same language?
Y'all just show that the educational system in the US is lacking. It's like saying that all Asians have the same culture or even all Africans.
It's stolen bodies. Defending that is just another proof that a certain community enjoy ppl's suffering. We have books about medical racism and testimonies of real ppl. We don't need a museum which is going to make those communities uncomfortable.
So no one is going to talk about the age gap? They got married when she was 20 and he was 30. They probably met when she was 18 or younger.
The dad deserves every lonely year ahead.
Amplifying OPs point. They've been screaming at ppl to actually wear masks even outside group events but y'all don't care if you kill them.
Y'all think activism is roses and compliments. It's not. Y'all don't read activists because your ego is too fragile. They don't mince
I'm French and if you ask in any restaurant in France a charcuterie board, you won't see a hint of veggies. Except maybe 1 or 2 small salad leaves, same for radishes or olives. But your board is always almost cured meat.
No you just love to dogpile on black women unprovoked. And funny how Taylor Swift is still being bestie with Lena Dunham, the child molester, and it didn't get any criticism from the swifities and I wonder why.
Also, T said that "Beyoncé paved the way for every female artist."
And yet Holocaust survivors are treated badly and ethiopian jewish women were sterelized for years. But yeah, it's a safe place for ALL Jews.
"J'emmerde Jean Marie depuis la naissance ainsi que sa fille L'orang-outan." Ça date de 2016. Le gars a rencontré Césaire dans sa jeunesse et tu penses que son art n'est pas politique ?
Je savais que c'était mort mais je suis restée calme. Quelques jours après on me dit que je suis pas prise et que quelqu'un d'autre a été embauché ce qui est faux. Le poste est resté visible pendant presque 6 mois sur leur site officiel et les différent sites de recrutement.
The ppl responding to you are not just millennials but also gen Z. Also, in the first video of the dude he didn't even mention gen Z. He was talking about the differences between boomers actors in sitcoms and millennials who are now the age they were when they filmed.
I'm reading a book on the history of the Caribbean and it's fascinating how when colonizers came indigenous ppl didn't treat them badly. They taught them how to survive and in return they were hunted down and killed for not leaving their home to make place for colonizers.
I -
That's terrifying tbh. They don't even follow Jesus teachings about love and charity, but they think the apocalypse is a better option?
So you read the entire thread and still you make up excuses for ppl who said that Biwomen transmit STDs, that we are tainted because some of us had sex with men (which is ironic because many lesbians had male partners they slept with before they were out). I heard the same
C'est allez tellement loin ces histoires. Ça me rappelle le cas des Lemmings (rongeurs) que les réalisateurs d'un documentaire ont poussé à se jeter en masse d'une falaise et à se tuer. Et pdt des années les gens pensaient que c'était un comportement normal alors que non.
parce qu'une petite fêtait sa première communion etc. Les touristes métro sont les pires quand ils viennent aux Antilles. Le nombre de témoignages de locaux qui se sont vu insultés parce qu'ils étaient sur une plage publique...Et la police qui fait rien comme d'hab.
He is like bread. You can ship him with everyone and it works. At this point, you won't even have to explain why you ship him with someone else.
Les meufs qui vont en vacances entre filles et t'as une qui ramène son gars. Et le gars ramène ses potes gars. Plusieurs histoires se sont finies en viøls et l'une d'entre elle en meurtre.
La princesse et la grenouille parle quand même de la lousiane et du vaudou. A preuve du contraire c'est une spiritualité qui vient des Noirs. La petite sirène si tu suis réellement ce qu'à voulu l'auteur, elle n'a pas de nom, elle est blonde, et a une peau verte.
Les juifs, hors orthodoxes palestiniens, n'ont pas vécu sur ce territoire depuis plus de 1000 ans. Israel fait partie d'un objectif colonial créé par le Royaume Uni, la France et les USA. Et ces mêmes israéliens ont commis des crimes contre les femmes juive éthiopiennes et
Les baguettes faites pour les cheveux sont beaucoup plus belles que celles que tu portes. Dis seulement que tu veux manquer de respect aux asiatiques.
Le pire c'est que tes noire en plus. Tu comprends le racisme mais tu fais les mêmes dingueries que les blancs racistes.
So you also don't date lesbians. Plenty discovered they were lesbians after years of being married with a man and having kids. Just say you want a gold star lesbian.
Afraid of childbirth? Ppl want to prevent the death of women. What if they don't come and check and the patient dies? Now what? They get sued, the kid got no more mom and the nurses get traumatized?
Le problème là c'est que la majorité des gens ne se rendent pas compte qu'ont retrouve certains de ces noms dans la Bible. Ils ont oublié que les noms bibliques ont été "francisés". Leur islamophobie est vraiment ridicule.
all the kids I've seen react to the trailer loved it and are excited to see the movie. Only adults are conplaining. Most were in awe in front of their screen. Let them live.
Yes! You may look "fine" but no one but you know your strength and abilities. I have seen too many people judge others based on what they see. As if, when we were kids, we didnt learn to not judge a book by its cover.
Yup, or they'd look like the lantern fish. Scary, skinny, sharp teeth and blind. Unless Atlantis is real. Then, it'd explain why mermaids look half human half fish. But I'm sure their skin would be as tough as a manatee one.
And white settlers. Why leave it out?
White french ppl called white settlers creole first and later non white ppl.
You can be white and creole.
I come from a french Caribbean island and we have white creole. They look just like the woman and her family.
The irony of black men saying that black women don't know how to raise biracial kids. But we can all tell who was raised by a black mom because of the way they are with other black ppl. Black dads often don't even raise their kids in the "culture".
The gag is he didn't bring y'all up. He was talking about looking better than the 30-40 yr old ppl he grew up watching in sitcoms.
The girl didn't even watch the entire video before making a fool of herself.
Et même si tu parles de la colonisation de l'Afrique, elle s'est passé dans une violence extrême qui a laissé ses traces encore aujourd'hui.
C'est hyper difficile de prouver après. Parce qu'elle m'a rien dit de raciste ouvertement. Et j'avais trop peur qu'on me dise que je me faisais des idées ou que c'est parce que j'ai pas eu le stage que je parle de racisme.
Elle aurait dû se mêler de ses affaires. Donc toi, tu serais aller confronter un inconnu chez lui, l'accusant d'être rentré par effraction et tu l'aurais insulter? Surtout que la police l'a même pas arrêté. Ca aurait été une femme noire et on l'aurait embarqué.
What are you even talking about? It's not grudges it's distrust.
The day white ppl will stop policing how marginalized communities react in front of their own hatred, we'd be a better society.
And I don't understand why you precised "white". Kelly attacked all the transppl.
She didn't mention any other artists. And if you Google the most popular artists right now. There is a list of ppl besides Taylor.
Au bout d'un moment il faudra arrêter de tenir la main de certaines personnes. Tu veux un enfant métisse mais tu cherches pas sur internet comment t'occuper de ses cheveux, c'est affligeant.
It's not jaundice though. Many black ppl have yellowish eyes and it has nothing to do with jaundice. I hope y'all would actually research before tweeting.
I don't give a flying a fuck. My mom's generation protested against fascism and imperialism on our island. The same island where Fanon and Césaire came from. I don't need the validation of anyone.
I was raised an activist and saw REAL activists put in the work.
Yeah because I always feel weird reading these stories. I read one between an Orc and an Elf. And all the stereotypes about the Orcs could have been applied to me, a black person. And the elf was precious and smart. Their culture was "evolved" compared to the Orcs. Yikes.
There are literally videos of Zionists Jews weaponizing antisemitism to call for the death of all Palestinians. In this case it's not a trope. I'm french and our gov already said that being pro Palestine should be illegal because it means you are antisemitic.
Merlin, flash, the vampire diaries, the falcon and winter soldier, the walking dead etc.
You didn't see because you don't care.
Les juifs palestiniens orthodoxes. C'est pas une guerre de religion. Le premier ministre israélien défend l'idée que l'holocauste ne vient pas d'Hitler mais des musulmans et il récupère les méthodes de propagande nazis.
Ppl were talking about them already because they are doing IVF. And one of them discovered that she has a chronic disease. They've always been open like this. This is not new.
No. It was true. Politicians didn't care about revenge porn even after the suicide of young girls, but when it happened to Taylor suddenly it became a national issue.
It's more a critic on our society than Taylor.
Saying that when most AAs have white ancestry and yet you don't see them call themselves white or mixed.
Y'all uphold the one drop rule and get mad that the ppl who suffered the most under it are criticizing you.
Seeing non french ppl side with the peninsula out of all restaurants is so funny. It's not the first time that they refuse to serve a black person and many restaurants/clubs in France will reject black ppl.
I thought the same. Considering how black people are treated, it wouldn't surprise me that they sold the embryos without the consent of the parents.
Do you even understand that there are multiple denominations under Christianity? Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic... They are all Christians.