![J. Gillman Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1439649220458434568/D1BeguFP_x96.jpg)
J. Gillman
I might be on the board for a Michigan Firearms organization. Who knows.
A Michigan court near you
Joined August 2008
RT @iowahawkblog: If this ever happens, what will really wreck them is when the victory celebration is held in a high school gym https://t.…
In the course of @ironpigsmoke doing his civic duty of roasting journos, the topic of making the legislature and governors office subject to FOIA came up. This would be great, to be sure. In fact, there are two bills - SB1 and SB2 (and . "Great!" you think. "Let's just get these moved through!". The problem is that these bills (mostly SB2 - which is where my focus will be) are hot fucking garbage. First up, let's look at Sec. 13(1)(d) - this is at the top of page 7 in the PDF of the Senate passed version. You'll notice that regulations, not just statutes, can be written to exempt records from disclosure by FOIA. I'M TOTALLY FUCKING SURE THAT'D NEVER BE ABUSED, AMIRITE?!? That alone should lead to this package being 86'd unless it was removed. But wait! There's more! Sec. 13(2) has a bunch of stuff about exemptions related to the governors office, but I'll focus on a couple 13(2)(a) - which includes things like records about appointments, pardons, and some other things. 13(2)(c) - this is a fucking big one. This paragraph would exempt records that were created prior to the passage of the amendatory act. (Pg. 15 of the PDF) Want them documents to really see how bad they were fucking the dog during the covid scamdemic? Lol, well fuckyouverymuch. @ironpigsmoke that one seems like it'd be relevant to your interests. There's more in 13(2), but those two seemed important to hit on. So let's go to 13(3), which is where legislative exemptions come in. 13(3)(f) and (g) - I'm just going to combine these two. Basically anything in the legislatures possession for less than 30 days is exempt (f), and anything prior to the date of the signing of the amendatory act (g). (Pg. 17 of the PDF). So yeah, there are other issues with this package, again primarily SB 2 which contains the exemptions, but I think this should hit on the big ones as to why this package is hot garbage. Also, are hashtags still a thing? #michigan #foia #transparency
Yes, all people like her should sterilize themselves
There has been so much hate thrown in Laurie Pohutsky’s direction this week for the same reasons we all love her: she is fearless, she is authentic, and she is unfiltered. We need more people like her fighting for us in this moment. We stand with Laurie. @lpohutsky19
@Tim_The_Sandman The Chinese got all my shit in the last OPM beach. Musk supposedly having my stuff is basically a non-starter.
RT @VikingRobVWO: I hate the tragedy first and foremost, but I hate what "our side" is going to cook up even more. Please, and I'm beggin…
I don't think this issue is even specific to military aviation. I got my fixed wing rating on the civilian side in steam gauge 152s back in the day. The flight school I rent from now (not the same one I got my private with) primarily operates DA20s with the G500 panel and DA40s with the G1000. However I did rent a 20 a couple times that was still running steam before it got upgraded. Even though I trained on steam, it still took me a minute to get used to having to sync the gyro compass every so often and look at a round altimeter vs a tape on a screen because that's what I've flown a couple hundred hours. Unrelated to much of anything, I do have about 4.5 hours of 58A/C time from back when I was a cadidiot drilling with 1-112 S&S back in the day. I'd love to fly rotor again some day.
RT @MountainMarkID: A lot of information has come out since the day of the mishap so I’ll give my commentary on my perspective up to this p…
If I was going to hot take this, I'd blame the helo route being right on the approach end of 1. But even then I'd want to calculate the estimated altitude difference between the 200' ceiling of that route and where I'd expect the glideslope to have someone that's running the ILS into 1 or the MDA for the RNAV into 33 (though my understanding is Bluestreak was running the visual into 1 before circling 33).
@Tim_The_Sandman @jerrycurld That helo route right under the approach into RW1 and RWY33 seem a bit too close