1st card: "Here's the thing..."
2nd card: "Let me be clear..."
3rd card, "The deal is this..."
"I'm going to get into trouble for this now..."
for the season born under the geomagnetic storm on Mother's day. That should give rise to an explosion of fun names! Send in replies! Our line names are Ghost, Dancer, Rebel, Bobcat, Midnight and Star.
The most telling point is how level the backcut is and how both the notch undercut and backcut are in the same plane. Amateurs can't keep the saw level, and they make slanted cuts with the tip of the saw pointed towards the ground. This was a pro.
Gaza had a cease fire. Hamas just decided it would be cool to break it. In time, they will have a cease fire again. Maybe this time they will learn to value that.
"Collective Sappuku without any honor or dignity." That is the most eloquent, precise description of Western Woke/communism. The time has come. Discard just a small bit of your tolerance, and punish severely anyone who is attacking your society. 911 wasn't enough to notice?! 🤡
18 mo is just way to soon. You had a 1wk to 10mo window when they just sleep in their car seat. Now is the forbidden zone. 12-36mo kids are terrorists. They will throw drinks at people. Don’t bring them back to a restaurant until they understand social shame.
It's a very bad weekend for guys with fake African names. Maybe he should start a new persona called Henry Rogers. That Kendi guy has dug a hole so deep he's going to need mining equipment to get back out of it.
Mathematics is the kill shot for almost every aspect of climate hysteria. Once you calculate the absurdity of what they are doing - there isn't any ground for them to stand on.
Coming soon: "In defense of Opiate Overdose" a calming and permanent solution to the intractable problems of life, with a positive impact on the carbon balance.
Too bad - it's actually the Zero Forest Management fog. Those are trees burning, not petroleum, and if you had managed your forest products better, you'd have had some economic production to show for all that lumber instead of letting it go up in smoke.
It's not even red meat - it's a pointless gesture. There's plenty of oil down in the Permian in Texas, and it's shut off because at $40/barrel, it does not pay to produce it. Alaska oil won't be viable unless oil goes back over $100.
There is one notable thing. Although they were raking in $250,000 per passenger, the company expects US taxpayers to pay every cent of the search and rescue mounted to find their crushed clients. Let's not do that.
Are there really no Democrats who will join with the Republicans to save a monument to Reconciliation? This is not a Confederate Memorial - it is a United States Confirmation.
But significant COVID mortality doesn't start until around age 60. Reproduction is done by then. The young adult suicides are where Darwin is really having his day.
Yes, but I did what I thought was best at the time. It was the physical experience of shot
that convinced me this wasn't a normal vaccine. It does make me proud that I never required vaccination as a condition for any of my staff to keep their jobs.
Lady, you and your daughter just experienced real skateboarder culture. My son has done this hundreds of times. He left his whole board and trucks with a little boy at a park in Spain, saying, "I'll get a new one in America. You keep it. Keep thrashin' little man!"
Only 2+2=5 causes tension, because it's incorrect and it's woke nonsense. 2+2=4 brings order, sense and relief. You sir, cannot teach math to anyone.
The situation is 67,000 cases/day. All the masking/lockdown orders of the pandemic's first 3 months were issued at <30,000 cases/day. How is this vastly improved?
So when you sober up, just remember you're a guy. How many people got their lives straightened out when a wiser person told them, "Hey - quit trying to be something you're not."
I think the fact that 3 senior women in academia, all University presidents, did intellectual face plants in front of congress refutes this "viewpoint superiority" idea. It also adds some credibility to the idea that women (who compete covertly, via gossip and character
The money laundering is clearly illegal. No one believes that hundreds of thousands of small donors gave her $100 million in a couple of days. This is the Dem machine in plain sight, trampling all over the election process.
My ancestors changed our family name because there were too many fucking Danes named Rasmussen around Brush, CO and they could never get their mail. They picked Steinback - sounds cool and sorta Jewish to me.
And the Mother of them All: Tough guys who set off huge explosions never look at them and always walk away from them like they aren't there.
If you honestly think people are trying to kill you, I suggest that you have yourself admitted to a good psych unit. AOC can help you find one.
Yeah, roads have habitually been built alongside rivers, and have washed out in floods as long as there has been rain. Heavy rainfall causes floods. Is this too complicated for you?
We're one election away from socialist dictator-type election irregularities. The trust in the system has been destroyed, and now government actively thwarts real reform in the name of "voting rights."
Never before in my life have such openly racist bigots been given such leniency to profess hatred of other races. Never. And I was here since 1955.
Unemployment isn't really 3.5% - it's just that a few million people are in this massive DEI department welfare program for humanities majors. They do nothing, contribute nothing - they're actually sand in the bearings of the economy.
Racism, for all its many forms, is all the same. This is just racism. Insert black, Asian, Yorubu, Navajo - anything you want. Racism is the same thing whenever it pours out of anyone's mouth.
In my single days I worked on my relationships with dogs and horses, because they seemed to appreciate my value to them more than women did. I built fence and retrieved sticks, and they kept me company and sometimes helped.
Psychiatry, of all the supposed sciences, isn't remotely capable of resisting this cult-like "liberation" of socially contagious gender dysphoric adolescents. As with lobotomy, recovered memory and de-institutionalization, they lead the assault that tramples the vulnerable.
Yes - but the looming economic disaster has nothing to do with sea level or temperature. It's the psychotic response of governments to the new secular religion of Climatism, with it's many extremely disruptive and damaging political instabilities.
Or going around in blackface, like Trudeau, the PM of Canada did. He faced no repercussions at all, other than being revealed for the hypocrite he is.
How about a 10-yard penalty if your team is more than 50% anything, and you must have at least 3 hispanics and 2 asians on the field for each play. We'd need one extra ref to add up the ethnic fairness, and players wear a pedigree circle on their jersey. ie, Mahomes is .5W/.5B
It's a lot like Katrina - Not a trace of FEMA when everyone knows they should be there, and that dark confirmation that the US is a 3rd world country that cannot manage its own disasters.
You are aware that the bloodbath he was referring to was the rate of automobile imports from China through Mexico? You have been lied to in the most fundamental psyop style - by quoting words out of context.
Same with the 60s/70s. You just bolted out the door and ran feral with 3-5 other kids your age. Did whatever you wanted - sometimes got in trouble but generally that just meant dirty/wet/slightly injured. Played a ton of pickup sports.
I man would be perfectly happy with this arrangement as long as you also get pregnant every 2-3 years and provide him with children. Otherwise, there is no reason on earth to invest that much money-per-act of intercourse. There are professionals for that.
This is nonsense. There is no "climate equilibrium" We're at the end of an interglacial. It was warmer earlier in this one than it is now. We are in the process of descending into a new ice age. There is no fucking equilibrium.
Now is the time for the Heterodox Academy to introduce their own college rankings. It will actually weight merit and free discourse, not Wokish PC. Student would value that immensely.
You're showing the descending phase, and the flat, stable bottom phase of an 80 year sinusoidal oscillation. Do you think we can't see there has been no change in extent since 2007? You wanna place any bets on September 2023?
The national weather service issued a forecast today, in which they predicted an increase in hurricanes due to global warming. They neglected to mention that the ENSO switch from El Nino to La Nina FAVORS hurricane development; but why let science interrupt your climate hysteria.
I just had the current COVID variant about 6 weeks ago. It was worse than Omicron. The after-effects (after the antibody response kicks in) are very draining. Masking - by the way - doesn't do anything.
Sounds good - let's just sever out ties with reality completely and acknowledge there are no harmful drugs, no gravity unless we want there to be - let's make life one continuous LSD trip!
Jennifer, please follow up with the police on this one. Any person who composes a message like this is a serious threat. Don't we all wish we could have acted on a message like that before Columbine happened?
Want to know the bigger disconnect? I have a close relative (male) who is mid 30s and is in that 0.01%. And his girl friend dumped him because they had fights about her insistence that she would never have kids with him.
You just said the quiet part too loud - Delta variant is a direct result of slavish devotion to Spike-only vaccines. A mix of adenovirus-vectored antigens and MAb cocktails would have been much better policy.
No, I do gain something. Unknown to me, neighbors see me returning the cart. I am known to be civilized. Women who were vaguely thinking of flirting with me add points to my side of their inscrutable calculus.
What I see locally is that property taxes are used to bloat the size of local government. They build their own McMansion county offices - put in mahogany everywhere. Hire useless and unnecessary consultants.