When vultures in India died out, human mortality increased significantly, say researchers at
. The findings show the importance of so-called keystone species.
Pretty strong evidence of negative mental health effects of doing a PhD.
Recent working paper by
, Sanna Bergvall, and Clara Fernström.
Paper link:
The Impact of Dating Apps on Young Adults: Evidence From Tinder
Sato, Kuroda, and Owan (2020, Social Science & Medicine)によるとホワイトカラー職のメンタルヘルスの観点からは土日に休むことが重要。土日出勤はメンタルヘルス悪化と関連しており、土日の労働が1時間増えると、その悪影響は平日の時間外労働の1.5倍から2倍に相当。
Training federal judges in economics altered the language of judicial opinions and pushed judicial decisions on economic regulation in a conservative direction, from
, Daniel L. Chen, and
Clubs and Networks in Economics Reviewing | Journal of Political Economy
If you're in a top-10-ish US undergrad, there is a playbook which still gets you a good shot at top-10 econ PhD programs straight out of undergrad
(I think it's extremely unfair that this essentially only works for top US programs, but, info is info)
Only around a third of economics majors are women. One way to encourage more women to enter the field would be to provide female role models, say
in today's
もっと規模の大きい実験を行ったBertrand and Mullainathan (2004)でも同様の結果が示されています。
Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination | American Economic Review
“Working from Home: Its Effects on Productivity and Mental Health”
Justice is not particularly blind. For example, when the Louisiana State University football team loses in an upset, it causes judges in Louisiana to add 1,296 days of punishment to juvenile defendants, including 136 extra days of jail time, just because judges are in a bad mood.
MITの山本鉄平先生によるCausal Inferenceの夏季集中特別講義@早稲田大学が終わった。TAの業務は大変だったけれど、自由にやらせてくださったのでとても勉強になった。
受講生はAngrist and Pischke, Gerber and Green, Morgan and Winshipが枕元に無いと眠られない体になっただろうと思う。
人事経済学研究の最新のサーベイ論文。Handbook of Labor Economicsのチャプターの準備らしい。人事経済学・組織経済学に関心のある人は必読ですね👀
People, Practices, and Productivity: A Review of New Advances in Personnel Economics | NBER
Check out our new working paper: In an experiment with journal editors, we show that papers whose authors are from top institutions get a positive boost when evaluated non-blind rather than blind. This is especially true for papers of male authors.
Shockingly, mindfulness apps really work. This randomized controlled trial on the Headspace app finds it reduces anxiety and depression by a huge .44 standard deviations after 4 weeks - in the same range as drug treatment & cognitive behavioral therapy.