Danny Dorling News
Latest news about Danny Dorling,Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford and author of many books and other publications.
Joined March 2010
Anyone care to try to guess how large the crowds will be to greet Greta, when she arrives? Those who have criticised her have only succeeded in letting more know she is coming. All it takes to start something good is one person doing the right thing. That's all it has ever taken.
Day 2. 100 nautical miles west of Cape Finisterre. A very bumpy night but I slept surprisingly well. Some dolphins showed up and swam along the boat last night!
Hugh Grant's dad does the maths. Here's how you can do it too. 1) Go to the BBC 2017 election website and type in your post code.2) work out which party came second.3) Know that almost always that party is the only serious challenger.4) Don't be misled.
Same with my Dad. Ex army. Tory donor. Talking of voting LD this time. I pointed out that best anti Boris vote in his particular constituency was Labour. Can’t say he didn’t blink, but I think he’ll do it.
The lowest support for the Brexit party is among those households in the UK living on the lowest of incomes. The greatest support in found among those households with a household income of £40,000 a year or more; but, even among, them the Conservatives now poll in fourth place. .
EU election breakdown by household income level:. [£0-£20k].Lab 29%.BXP 25%.LD 12%.Con 11%.Grn 10%.UKIP 5%.ChUK 3%.DUP 2%. [£20k-£40k].BXP 29%.Lab 25%.Con 16%.LD 8%.Grn 7%.SNP 4%.UKIP 4%.DUP 3%.ChUK 2%. [£40k+].BXP 32%.Lab 23%.LD 12%.Con 11%.ChUK 8%.Grn 6%.UKIP 3%.SNP 3%.DUP 1%.
Almost no women in the UK under the age of 55 would vote for the Brexit party. The Conservative party relies on women aged 55+, more than any other groups. A majority of women aged under 35 support Labour. What happens if daughters start to speak about politics to their mothers?.
From our event today - the current age divide - Labour leads among the under 34s - Cons among over 55s #CPC2019 #CPC19
Education, Health and Housing headlines; all in one tweet: shambles, incompetence and cruelty. Failing children at school, failing public health, and kicking families out of their homes. When were there so many stories of government failing across the board all on one day before?.
UK #coronavirus news latest:. -A-level chaos continues as Ofqual suspends new criteria for appeals.-Matt Hancock 'to abolish PHE'.-Ministers have just seven days to prevent a ‘wave of evictions’.
If you are curious about Finland, and why so many people are talking about its achievements today, a new book:. FINNTOPIA.What We Can Learn From the World's Happiest Country.by Danny Dorling, Annika Koljonen. Paperback released end of October 2021, £12.99:.
@Angrybi66581358 @ITVBe Fantastic. A month in Finland.
Just a lucky guess. I might be wrong about the peerage. It could be some other type of bauble. But at least this makes it even clearer to people that a vote for the Conservatives is, in effect, a vote for Nigel Farage and his type of far-right politics & private health companies.
A week ago, @dannydorling told me "Farage will be offered a peerage, then he'll make a pact with the Tories." .I think he can actually SEE the future.
@akalamusic In case this helps: It was originally written and shown in some detailed graphs in the FT on 16 September 2022 by one of the most reliable data journalists in the U.K. - so I think there is no reason to doubt the claim. The link is currently free to read:.
“. second highest deaths from coronavirus in the world behind the US, & higher than the US when normalised by population size. About one in a thousand of UK citizens has died as a result of coronavirus, and that will be the enduring legacy of Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings.”.
For anyone interested in the ONS data that shows this: "Something is going very wrong. And whatever is going on is unique to the UK because in no other European country have there been overall falls in life expectancy that look at all like this." See this
Mortality rates are on the rise in the UK—so why is no-one talking about it? via @dannydorling.
@davies_will @GKBhambra When they say that an idea is too dangerous to be told to children, it is because they are scared of the idea. Generations ago they were scared of discussing democracy; votes for all; & they tried to enforce clause 28 in my life time. Banning the truth will awaken curious minds.
“What do we miss when we focus only on the superrich and the most deprived? What kinds of lives are British children living, between those two extremes? Who are today’s real middle class?”.
@dannydorling @KeirGiles @Le_Figaro @dianadarke @spectator @HistoryExtra OUT IN AUGUST 🗓️. We are all getting poorer. What does that reality look like for #British #children, and for their future life chances?. #SevenChildren is about hidden realities of #injustice and #hope. In his highly original, thought- provoking new book, #inequality writer
". no amount of hard work and inspirational leadership can compensate for the systematic dismantling of public services. The stalled progress in infant mortality is proof that growing numbers of people are being left in distress, and inequalities . are being driven ever wider".
No school meals are termed “free” in Finland; they are just called “lunch”. The legislation to provide for all them was introduced in 1943 & fully implemented by 1948. Finland has low poverty, but provides food for many children in school holidays anyway. Register below for more
British perspectives on the world’s happiest country:.@dannydorling, @MAP6Collective photographers and @AnnamariSipila discuss the 🇫🇮 secret to happiness. Register 👇 and join the talk co-organised with @FinInstLondon tomorrow at 5 p.m.!.
Brexit was conceived, organised, and paid for by politicians and their funders all based to the right of mainstream European Conservatives . Brexit is a far-right orchestrated campaign. The one big mistake they made was they were not expecting to win the referendum, not 1st time.
The more I hear about death threats made towards those who are opposed to Brexit, the more I'm convinced that this Brexit can't be the will of the (working class) people. The far-right and the likes of Arron Banks are behind such a well-oiled hate machine.
S l o w d o w n . The End of the Great Acceleration – and Why It’s Good for .the Planet, the Economy and Our Lives. by Danny Dorling. Published April 2020. HB ISBN 978-0-300-24340-6.£18.99 / €21.00 / $28.50. :-). more:.
Are we really living in a fast-paced world? In this groundbreaking book, @dannydorling reveals that human progress has been slowing down since the early 1970s. Find out more in our highlights catalogue here: #fbm19 .#frankfurtbookfair2019 .@Book_Fair
Christmas dawn, England, 2019. May 11th 2019 Sunday at sunrise - tents rise outside Trinity College Cambridge (pictured) - the richest college of all in the UK. Seven months later, two days before Christmas, a woman (who is homeless) gives birth to twins just outside its doors
A woman who is experiencing homelessness gave birth to twins on a cold street outside Trinity College, Cambridge, on Monday morning (December 23).
As Fintan O’Toole carefully explains: “If Cummings were half as smart as he is supposed to be, he would have shown in his press conference some glimmer of understanding that this kind of betrayal is of a completely different order to the one he and Johnson engage in so routinely“.
“There is no forgiveness for that terrible moment when you realise that the anguish you have endured for the greater good was, to those in authority, just a mark of your credulousness and inferiority.”
Time. to. start. repeatedly. hitting. that. nail . on. the. head. After all, it really is not that hard to understand. [Is it?]. As David explains:. "Brexit is essentially a Conservative party policy supported by Conservative voters and some others. ".
"The idea that Brexit is an anti-elite project is a nonsense.". Professor David Edgerton says, "a certain section of the British political class are suffering from terrible delusions of grandeur."
“This is the story of Queen Mary University of London, whose boss, Colin Bailey, is on a package worth £359,000 a year (plus free housing in inner London) , but which bilks its own academics as brazenly as Scrooge did his clerks”.
The miserly tale of how a university took its staff’s wages – and the public paid the price. My column on a modern-day Scrooge .
@BarbaraMcK42 @CarlaSpade @steve_steglitz @scotbot More of the British working class did not vote at all, than voted to Leave. The majority of Leave voters were middle class. Most lived in the south of England. There is so much about Brexit that is not understood including simple statistics about the vote itself. All in this book
Levelling down - talk and blog:."When society becomes really unequal, we no longer think about each other as human beings. The lower orders are lower orders again. We need a shift in moral compass, decency, how people should be treated and thought about. "
Danny Dorling will be discussing his new book at the LSE on Monday October 16 at 630pm. Click here to register to join in person or online:
Why not read it a second time? It might well be the best thing he’s written. Quite a long way through you get to this gem: “This is why the environmental impacts of the very rich, however right-on they may be, are massively greater than those of everyone else.” To know why, read:.
Here's my article about who we are, why we're trapped, why we are heading for planetary collapse, and what we must do to prevent it. It might not be saying much, but I think this is the best thing I've written.
Private schools gain at expense of poorer students &: “the difference in attainment between students with statements of need and other students has risen sharply this year, and there is a similar leap in the difference between students on free school meals and those that do not.”.
All the charts and graphs you need to understand today’s results and university entry data, with a conclusion that ministerial heads will roll for this.
@ProfKateOakley Yes: More people voted Leave in Hampshire (despite it having a lower electorate) than the combined voters of all of: Bolsover, Doncaster, Hull, Chesterfield, Salford, Stoke-on-Trent and Sunderland combined! How often to do we see a report from Hampshire?
@labourlewis @BBCNewsnight Thanks Clive! First published 1,027 days ago in the BMJ, on 6/3/2016: So many Leave voters (59%) were ABC1 (middle class) because turnout was so high among this group. People often forget how few working class people voted Brexit, especially young adults:
Paul Nicolson spent his life campaigning to change laws so that people would not be made destitute #RevPaul. Today would have been is funeral; more details of Paul are here: The compassion and care he showed in life are what is most needed @taxpayers_a_p.
If you would have been with us at Dad’s funeral today, be with us in spirit, share your memories or intentions with a short video using your smartphone, a photograph or simple text. Whatever feels right for you. Please include #RevPaul @taxpayers_a_p &
The money exists to fix our problems … .But it’s currently hoarded by a rich elite
📢 OPTIMISM IS A POLITICAL ACT❗️ .The UK is a failing state, but it is not yet a failed state. The money exists to fix our problems … .But it’s currently hoarded by a rich elite ⬇️⬇️⬇️. In 2024 we can set course to change this. Happy New Year ❤️✊ #Max12to1.
@blackwellbooks 1/26: ‘Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration – and why it’s good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives’ is a book that took about six years to write. It is about how much we were speeding up and are now slowing down. #BlackwellsVF
@sebkraemer @MichaelMarmot I have written a book, inevitably, with a chapter on what this government (aided by others) did to our health. It is released on Sept. 19th and includes some ideas as to why they did it. That chapter extends this piece, free to read and published in 2019:.
Sunak answered ‘no’. In 2024, at the next opportunity to question him, please can the Prime Minister be asked if there was ever a time in his life that he can remember being concerned about economic inequality, and its implications - ever, at all - even the smallest of worries?.
Liam Byrne: Do you ever lie awake at night worrying about the level of economic inequality in our country. Rishi Sunak: No.