You’re confusing being courteous and yielding during a lane change. It’s the driver making the lane changes responsibly to yield to traffic and they could have easily done that after this car cleared. There is no “both.”
Twin stick shifting is a lost art. Imagine developing a shifting system that requires you to take both hands off of the wheel…..and I’m sure some of these old timers could do it while lighting a lung rocket and putting ketchup on his bologna sandwich. 🤣
Retake your Civics courses. Removing the voices of 48 states so NY and LA can decide everything is a non starter. Notice how everything needs change now? SCOTUS, electoral college, filibuster and voting rights just because every ruling/outcome didn’t go your way.
The Covid shutdowns prove your point is false. There was zero measurable drop in Co2 concentrations during and after. Even entertaining the idea that governments can regulate, restrict and correct climate is in itself completely ignorant.
It’s that time of the year South Dakotans. Make way for all the costume wearing hardasses as they migrate to the Black Hills for their yearly mating attempt.
Still hard to believe that none of those folks could muster up enough bravery and gumption to engage. I’d rather be dead from trying than living with that mistake. Granted, I’m armchair cowboying this, but still.
It’s their default statement for everything. It could be downtown LA and they’ll find the one elected Republican dog catcher and blame him…..or Trump.
Here’s one way to stop making payments on your RV after Sturgis is over. 🤣🤣
Suppose his bike is inside? Two birds one stone? 😏
That was pre-Covid, hardly the same. Drop boxes, huge mail ins, early voting, ballot harvesting, ballot curing and non-functioning machines were not a “thing” during the Kemp election.
No clue how many times I’ve been asked “is that feed corn for animals or is it human corn for food?” Folks really are clueless about where their food comes from.
They have the $$ to make silly mistakes and not lose the farm. Terrible PR for farmers and stuff like this will usher in more rules and regulations.
You don’t know what a Red Flag Law is then, do you? If they use a RFL, they require you to turn in your weapons or remove them from you. You then go to court to prove you’re sane, capable and not dangerous to yourself or others. Maybe read the law before bumping your gums.
Imagine if you and your ilk focused on worthwhile causes instead of political bullshit. Politics consume and define your entire being. Maybe look at yourself a bit.
Your outerwear quality changed some years back along with most of the other lines you manufacture. My guess is lesser materials and craftsmanship to increase profit. Now you make clothes for people that don’t work and chant the “woke” garbage. I’m out, was an easy decision.