I am so sorry for what you two have had to endure. It’s truly sickening. My daughter has a rare blood disorder. The doctors told us she may never be able to carry a child to term. Without reproductive care she could lose her life. We must fight. Thank you for all you do.
Quit holding funds! Quit promoting vouchers and pay our teachers!! You and your administration are going to lose and you know it! Yah, like anyone believes as if you support them. Disgraceful!
Omg. Pete didn’t mince words destroying Trump this morning.
“Trump just gave a press conference where he told 160 lies. That frankly is impressive in terms of being able to physically do that. It's like the Olympics of lying.”
As always, everything you write and speak is so beautifully done. Thank you for being a beacon of truth and sharing your story. Hate won’t make us great!
In my line of work I see seniors struggling everyday trying to make ends meet on 1k or less. Something has to be done! By the time they pay for housing there is nothing left for medicine, food or basic bills. Something has to be done!
Thank you again Ryan for all that you’re doing. I’m so sorry that people are so ignorant and hateful. It’s inconceivable that any woman be denied life saving healthcare.
The reporter asked a legitimate question. She was even respectful to a woman who isn’t deserving! MTG is nothing but trump trash! I hope the people of Georgia vote her out!
For too long, seniors have had to cut their pills in half because they cannot afford their full medication.
That’s not fair.
Our parents and grandparents deserve respect and dignity.
Thank you Human for always stating the facts! It’s so disheartening that this news outlet continues to lie and spread false narratives. It only deepens the divide. I can’t believe so many people believe their garbage.
All about him. My system was great. I’m the greatest thing that’s ever happened to farmers. He can’t answer a question! How on earth can anyone support this guy!
It’s disgusting!! I am so glad you had the option of IVF and IUI! So glad you have children. 💙 I am fighting so my daughter will have the same choices!
Here’s NC Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson, a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention, calls for violence last week:
“Some folks needed killing! It's time for somebody to say it.”
I can’t believe there are so many of my friends whom I always thought were good “Christian” people spreading his lies and believing his falsehoods. I honestly can’t believe they support this man. He is anything but Christlike.
Texas is an absolute mess! Our governor and his criminal cronies need to go. This story is heartbreaking! No one should be denied this care! NO ONE!!!!!