I'm convinced I'm closer to death than this guy is.
Tun Mahathir sambut hari lahir ke-99 hari ini. Tun Mahathir mendedahkan rahsia mempunyai kesihatan yang baik ialah dengan bersederhana dalam pengambilan makanan dan melakukan senaman rutin. #SinarHarian #harilahir.
Suddenly it's "innocent workers" masa suruh naikkan min wage aggressively opposed. Masa tu tak kisah pulsk pasal workers. REMINDER. Low wages is a form of direct subsidy for businesses paid for by the poorest workers & most disempowered communities.
An Indian child was forced to stand in the heat for nearly 3 hours, by his teacher, despite life-threatening warnings from Jabatan Met on the heat wave. Complaints of a headache were ignored, leading to severe, possibly lifelong effects. This is a child. This is assault.
Capitalism really does rot your capacity to be analytical. One of the reasons why we regress so much as a society is because people in a position of privilege take up so much stage space to normalize oppressive labour conditions.
berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian; bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian 😅 ha dah tengok ke belum episod ni? #jomsembang on @youtube @spotify & @applepodcasts !. #studiosembang
Modi, the fascist who contributed to thousands of Muslims being murdered in absolutely brutal and bone chilling ways is not the person you want to needlessly promote like this. Couldn't you have just done the usual phone call thing and leave it at that? Lol.
I congratulate Prime Minister Narendra Modi for winning a historic third consecutive term. The exercise of democracy in India is indeed a marvel. More than 642 million people have exercised their right to vote since April 19. Prime Minister Modi has overseen a historic
Omg. Elite on elite violence. Lolz.
Former Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) chief executive officer Jalil Rasheed spoke out over alleged non-accountability and idolisation of those involved in approving the investment into FashionValet. Jalil - who joined PNB some 18 months after it invested RM20 million into the
I come from urban poor. Chinese, malays, Indians. After school once me & a couple of friends went to a cyber cafe to play counterstrike. It was filled with kids. We weren't playing hookey, but the malay kids were. A cop stop by. Out of 15-20 kids, guess which 3 were dragged out.
The notion that all Malays greatly benefit from Bumi privilege is flawed. Saying they shouldn't have a say is no different than the problem you're trying to fix.
Evidently it's real, if true, @fahmi_fadzil is using his station as a high ranking minister in the Madani govt to intimidate his critiques with state violence. He has forgotten that he serves the people. I think this is incredibly serious & he must step down from his position
The communications minister tells critics they are being monitored by the authorities. #MalaysiaNow #MNow #MNowNews #Malaysia #tiktok #FahmiFadzil .
Fashmi must be removed from his position with immediate effect. He has repeatedly led authoritarian policies to the detriment of our democracy. We need to throw him out of the government. #BuangFahmiFadzil.
#NSTnation Fahmi defends order for DNS redirection for business, govts, enterprises by Sept 30.
Because the K-word is a racial slur which was historically used to attach derogatory stereotypes used to justify, social, political, & economic exclusion, while "meleis" was coined by a malay a few years back to troll other Malays & has no real significance beyond that.
Kalau nak cop ‘meleis’ is used to call out for stupid malay, then it should be okay to use ‘keling’ to call out stupid indian. Why the double standard?.
Hey @fahmi_fadzil why did you retweet this shitty tweet? Shouldn't you be condemning his racism instead?. Kau tu Menteri Comms Fahmi. You THREATENED state violence against rakyat for "3R". Know what this tells us? Anti free speech laws is a weapon to suppress dissenters.
Saya ambil maklum tentang penularan di media sosial satu tangkap layar dari aplikasi WhatsApp yang memaparkan mesej dari saya terkait keputusan @partisosialis (PSM) yang mengumumkan calon untuk bertanding di kerusi DUN Meru dalam pilihan raya negeri akan datang beserta ayat yang.
Disinformation is not "free speech". Misinformation is not "free speech". Hate speech is not "free speech". Bigotry is not "free speech".
Looking at the QRT, a lot of people refuse to discuss the main issue that Faisal brought up. LGBT activists are strong believer of free speech. Ironically, when it comes to criticism against them, the critics got cancelled and labeled as hate speech 🤷.
@AneeraSkywalker This is amazing. The cat, you going for a walk with the cat, then the fish. Wild.
No 13month pay, poverty wages, overworked, stuck in traffic for so HOURS, no WFH, experience constant exploitation, & we have to get up and wade through traffic, wait for hours when we are terribly sick for an MC, but according this palabuto, "tipu MC" is the biggest problem.
Saya pula MERAYU pada palatao yang bukan dalam bidang untuk faham yang cas RM1 merupakan punca UTAMA sistem kesihatan awam negara kita ini TIDAK DIHATGAI dan DISALAHGUNA. Bayar RM1 nak tipu MC tapi cerita simptom2 yang perlukan siasatan lanjut dengan ECG, xray & ujian darah. .
Nah, you are paid based on how easily the market can exploit you. If people were paid based on the value they bring, cleaners, cashiers, and all the labourers would be earning good wages.
If you want gaji RM3k, 4k, 5k you can already get it. You don’t have to wait for minimum wage to increase. You are paid based on the value you bring to the marketplace. Want to be paid higher? Bring more value.
We should all be very concerned that the PH led MADANI administration is creating all the necessary groundwork for an authoritarian regime.
According to The Straits Times, Malaysia is reportedly in the final stages of implementing licensing for social media platforms. The move, aimed at imposing a content code that includes regulations on political content, has allegedly been approved by the cabinet. 🧵1
This is what systemic discrimination looks like. It's not simply about an "offensive" Ad, but discrimination in recruitment resulting in this being approved, decades of dehumanisation to normalize treating Indians as "lesser" within the Chinese community.
1. Big Pharmacy has apologised over a recent advertisement, that was heavily criticised by social media users for mocking Indian people. “We recognise the hurtful and offensive nature of this content, and claim full responsibility,” it said in a statement.
If this is how a PH minister behaves I will not be voting for this coalition ever again. It's your obligation to prove your actions are in our best interest especially when climate is involved . His party must reprimand him for this behaviour. @anwaribrahim @limkitsiang.
@syeddediver @ShaqKoyok bagi alamat bang saya nak saman kerana tuduh saya ambil duit dari developer.
Like a fucking anti-democratic toyol sial mamat ni. So frustrating. Can we just fire him? . Every time I see his face in a news article it's most likely for some authoritarian bs. That's what his image is synonymous with now. Menyampah.
Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has urged journalists to cooperate with the police in investigating their sources. "Kita di Kementerian Komunikasi menghormati hak rakan media. "Ia termasuk melindungi pemberi maklumat, namun undang-undang sedia ada adalah terpakai.". 🧵1
A smartphone is no longer a luxury item. It is deeply imbedded in how we function, from work, banking, security, connectivity. It's a basic necessity. There needs to be strict unambiguous laws to ensure smartphones are not arbitrarily confiscated.
KL MP tells cops to justify seizing e-hailing driver's phone in alleged Brickfields assault case, calls for thorough investigation
Anwar runs around crying about islamophobia in a country where it has no systemic relevance, while the system he helped create continues to affect minorities.
Single mother Loh Siew Hong has filed an affidavit opposing the Perlis government’s application for a review of the Federal Court’s previous ruling, Bernama reports. Perlis is seeking to overturn the decision that prevents Loh's 3 unilaterally converted children from being
@ayividinihsrad Racist & ableism are just things that need to be taken seriously. Tapi xpe everytime Malay do anything,lets divert the issue. Lets screenshot his/her/them keling post so it will make you terpaling guilty & oppressed.
The take away from this should be how incredibly Dua darjat our legal system is and why are we not collectively demanding it to be changed?.
@0flameprincess0 From what I understand the answer is YES. Cyberbullying/fitnah is a jenayah under penal code 499. And org miskin will be affected more, you got no money to “bail” and even bayar denda later on. Sbbtu jgn cyberbully/fitnah/cari pasal dan buat hal tambah2 kalau kita miskin
That's your fucking legacy dipshit.
1. Malaysia has become a police state, says ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He made the comment after he was called in by the police regarding his FB posts. "Kalau kita tak boleh cakap tentang masalah orang Melayu kerana itu racist, apa maknanya demokrasi?" he questions.
Move to a class base approach then douche bag. Because only malays come from underprivileged backgrounds while Indians for example don't suffer poverty barriers? Like that ah? . Anwar you piece of shit, be fair? We have long been too lenient with this ethno-supremacist douche.
What did I say?. Illiteracy on public policy is such a common trend among medical professionals. Imagine the level of ignorance needed to somewhat mock important areas with so boldly. It's comical at this point. I bet he believes in the magical "free market".
Now hear this. Food is a basic need. No person should be left hungry, everyone should have access to food. Food should be RM1. Housing is a basic need. No person should be homeless, everyone should have excess to housing. There should be universal housing. Housing should be RM1.
Minimum public holiday .Medical leave.Minimum annual leave .Minimum wage .Maximum working hours .Overtime pay. Our labour act is filled with mandatory COMPENSATIONS. It's policy regulations. "Free economy" isn't a thing. Yang beria2 sangat nak makan najis kapitalis dah knpe?.
@laylamajusi Ko mabuk ketum ke? Govt cant dictate private entities on compensation. That is not free economy.
What kind a dad says that? 🤮. The old donkey insinuating a romantic attraction towards the kid was a gross sexual comment. Doesn't harassment involve unwelcomed sexual comment & difference in power dynamics?. We have a PM making a sexual joke towards a kid in a formal setting.
#unpopularopinion Was @anwaribrahim being inappropriate esp his status as Prime Minister; asking for a student's phone number on public broadcast show?. Yes, it was a bad Dad joke, as public figure he should know better and apologise. Cringe. Was it sexual harassment?. No.
Mind you, Singapore has actively uses their legal system to aggressively go after minorities who speak about discrimination & any form of dissent. Literal right wing culture war talking points really making waves eh. Also the internal racism. Lol.
Cancel culture is the opium of the wokeys. Like when they came after me, one even brought up an incident which happened 30yrs ago which she heard from a former good friend who is also on Twitter. And friends of wokeys, the ones who used to talk to me, now distance themselves.
Malays when minorities talk about systemic racism. "Snowflake!". Lol.
@KryptoBifrost @krishk_kumar92 Snowflakes.
"bruh bruh bruh, know what we should do? Create OUR own Facebook!". "Brooooo". "Bruh?". "BROoooo". "Bruuuuuhh".
Fahmi said he has also met with celebrity host Datuk Aznil Nawawi, who came up with the proposal, following Meta Platforms Inc's recent action of removing social media postings related to Palestine. 🧵3.
These useless mfs consider poverty wages like RM 2500 to be unreasonably high but get paid 10's of thousands for sitting on boards of directors doing literally nothing.
Presiden MEF Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman berkata majikan sukar penuhi permintaan gaji tinggi dari graduan, walau mereka miliki pengetahuan teknologi tinggi. Beliau saran graduan bersedia ubah gaji jangkaan mereka serta menilai keutamaan & matlamat sebelum mula bekerja
That's not the issue Marina. You constantly individualize complex societal problems that require state resources & policy intervention to alleviate. As an ADUN you have the ability to consult experts & the OBLIGATION to speak about it responsibly. Not perpetuate stigmas.
sebab kita bodoh dan tak pandailah kita bertanya. Dekat situ kan di tanya kenapa. sebabnya bila kita melawat, mak ayah mengadu bila jaga anak sakit nasihat tak dengar, isteri mengadu suami sakit tak nak makan ubat doktor, makan ubat MLM je. Tetap nak makan manis dia kena hamun.
There is no such thing as "splitting votes" . Votes have to be earned. No party is entitled to any vote. Those are votes she earned, entrusted to her by the voters. Instead of attacking a healthy democratic process go ask why PH bullied & alienated it's voter base.
To think that MUDA is innocent of splitting votes is just wrong. MUDA knows they can't win any of their seats, they don't even have a proper manifesto/promises if they win their seats!.
Politicians work towards privatisation of healthcare for us while they enjoy first class accommodations and full socialised healthcare.
Deputy sec-gen (finance) Norazman Ayob says MOH is exploring “Uberising” ambulance services, pooling public and private ambulances that can be accessed via an app. The ambulance’s journey can be tracked; users can choose to go to MOH or private hospitals.
Shut the fuck up. 1) He didn't acknowledge his racism.2) That statement was a response to getting caught.3) It's a shitty apology.4) PH fans are also incredibly racist & bigoted. It's very disrespectful to spin a gross act of bigotry as a shining example of "good politics" for PH.
1. Pemimpin PH sebut/buat benda salah. 2. Penyokong PH kutuk, maki dan rejam beramai-ramai. 3. Pemimpin minta maaf. Bukan macam parti lain yang gigih menunggang agama, semua pemimpinnya maksum dan dipertahankan oleh gerombolan walaun yang lebih bodoh daripada lembu dan keldai.
Dr Kunji is an example of why Drs in general make such horrible policy makers. They just aren't competent in anything outside their niche.
Dr Kuljit noted that when patients had to pay a portion of their medical expenses out of their own pocket, they are more likely to weigh the importance of a doctor’s visit or specific treatment.
Anwar was never authentic. He is ideologically problematic.
Blog: Opposition will resist any government attempt to control internet: TMI The opposition will resist an. http://t.co/MByF3i6DgV
The state created a whole generation of STEM kids with no job prospects and underemployment, saddle them with debt, give them hope on debt relief then abandon them. Now want to talk about building a STEM based labour force. Kids aren't so foolish to fall into the same trap.
PTPTN is considering suspending funding for university courses where student loan repayment rates fall below 50%. They aim to work with universities to promote a repayment culture, with potential funding focused on courses with high repayment rates. 🧵1
My advice to Nga Kor Ming. Resign and get out of politics. Bigotry and incompetence harms Malaysians. Better focus on something else. Like start a podcast themed around ranking things, or review the various toilets around the world.
My advise to LZJ. Ignore all the noises, focus on your game and bring back gold medal in 2028 LA Olympics. For those who only know how to complaint and chastise others, pls ask them to go on court and proof themselves. Agree? . #OlympicGames .#Paris2024
That's a false narrative. If a guy wants to assault you a signboard isn't going to stop him. U can't oppress trans folks because of men. Also note that incidence of crime is weaponized by racist bigots all the time. In case you were wondering about what should be obvious by now.
we women are already tired of feeling unsafe and now we have to face this kind of bs pula?? how do we know if someone pretend to be trans but turns out he’s gonna harass someone in the toilet?? 💆🏻♀️💆🏻♀️.
Has Anwar apologized for throwing the LGBTQ community under the bus which is causes actual harm to vulnerable groups? Or is his "kindness" & "civility" only reserved for architects of systemic racism & race supremacy?.
The netizen who prayed for PAS President Hadi Awang's death has apologised. "Saya memohon maaf kepada isteri & keluarga Tan Sri Hadi Awang andai ciapan saya mengguris perasaan," he said. Earlier PM Anwar reprimanded the man for his offensive remark which garnered over 1m views.
Gaji minima belum naik lagi dah mula bust hal dah. See how it's NOT about the minimum wage. It's just capitalist scumbags being capitalist scumbags.
A kopitiam in Batu Berendam is facing legal action after allegedly raising drink prices three times this year, with each increase reaching up to 70%. "The reasons cited by the kopitiam operator are the implementation of minimum wage and the rising cost of raw materials," said
Not surprised coming from a fan of a the child raping human trafficking Taint brothers.
@zoulyazix @HilalAsyraf tak salah pun kenyataan dia. definisi child berbeza mengikut keadaan dan kes. Sampai skrg pun negara2 librel sembahan anda tak mampu tetapkan umur tetap child. saman? dia ada hak utk saman orang yang layak disaman. Celah mana GISB practice child marriage ni? ko melalut ni.
Kids kdnapped by an abusive ex-husband, illegally converted to another religion. then held hostage facilitated by a fascist party politician, faced further prosecution by state religious fanatics. This is how social & state violence can be escalated to harm minorities.
An evidently emotional Loh spoke to reporters after today's court proceedings, during which the mother could not hold back her tears. “I just want to live happily with my kids, and just to focus on their studies, not on court cases. Please, enough. That is all I’m asking for.”