![KARA BOGA: UNBANNABLE Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1869447216395378688/Hh_WOnmS.jpg)
@UsingLyft @paul_hundred @EmmanuelMi68580 My IQ is in the low 70s so being smarter than me isn't a flex. But you're not significantly smarter than the average person. Maybe you are in the 100-110 IQ range.
One of the best examples of this was during the Tempe shooting in South Africa. This nigga killed 7 white soldiers but spared white civilians (like the secretary. The only white 'civilian' he killed was a military instructor.
Now compare him to individuals Jordan Dorner, Mark Essex, Aaron Alexis, or Micah Xavier Johnson. Men who went after armed men back by the state. Most wignat shooters look pathetic in comparison, shooting boomer churchgoers, children, and women
@ThomasSewellx Pull up to youngboy's hood with some sensitive young white men and take care of them once and for all. #whitepower ✊.
Feel good nonsense. I could train for the rest of my life and never be half as good as Messi. Obviously you have to develop your talents but talents appear as inclinations from a young age and some people are just not particularly good at anything.
How can one even be empathetic to these lot? They say this then mock Haitians for fighting for their rights. Wignats would rather endure slavery than freedom despite the shit they tell themselves like this just to counter signal the prevailing opinions of the time like this.
Life is all about comfort and material goods!!!! You have it the best it’s ever been!!!! Stop complaining!!!!.
@UsingLyft @probablyalissa If it was legal for people to track her down and assault her they wouldn't need to resort to passive aggressive methods of taking revenge. But human beings have a natural instinct not to tolerate insults. Not everyone is a worthless bovine like you.
Having some meek nerd execute a violent man who he cannot subjugate on his own is stolen Valor. Women have had fantasies about many types of men criminals, serial killers, rapists but there are no fantasies about executioners. If you shoot a lion in chains no one is impressed.
There was an old post on Social Matter about how to use womens' natural love of violence in a eugenic way. Step 1. bring back public executions.Step 2. have intelligent, moral men perform the executions, televise it. This will hack women to want to mate with smart, moral men.
@paul_hundred @EmmanuelMi68580 Lyft is not even that intelligent. He's of about average intelligence. He is completely lacking in desirable qualities as a human being. Even if he was 200 IQ he should still be castrated.
@VDAREJamesK Muh GDP. Only whites will accept slavery so long as their bellies are full. Dog race.
The only time this animal complains about racism is when it pertains to interracial dating. What sort of degenerate is this guy even.
When I look at how angry some dudes are about interracial dating in 2025 I don’t believe that 0 of those lynchings back in the day were undeserved and just plain evil.
Reminder that despite having more guns than people and the most well trained veterans on earth there has never been a significant revolt in American history much less by veterans.
GWOT vets listening to tech nerds, immigrants, and DEI hires declaring “war” on them, calling their kids lazy and laughing about replacing them with foreigners
@paul_hundred @EmmanuelMi68580 What cope? Using Lyft is not an intelligent person. He's alright I mean he's not a retard but I don't think even he considers himself 'high IQ" and even if he was he still needs to be dealt with, unless he repents of course.
This is my issue with 'free speech'. It is just the height of cowardice to try and provoke someone then hide behind government backing to protect you from retaliation. The true price of 'free speech's is death.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attack, where Islamist gunmen killed 12 people in response to the magazine's controversial cartoons. So, naturally, we should all share the cartoons on X, highlighting the importance of free speech and the right to satire.
Humanity in its current state is pathetic and rapidly degenerating which should seek to separate ourselves from this but many low self esteem blacks are angry they aren't at the cool kids table.
"Human civilization" most times refers to just Eurasia and it's peoples. This should bother every sensible African.
Jakob Morenga the real Negro bandit he was actually about that. 50 battles with Germans, nearly killed von Lettow Vorbeck (shot him in the eye), took a combined SA and German force to track him down. It's Niggas like this who should be venerated enough about the fàg Mandela
@irrationalmale They're making Mandela sound way cooler than he was. His wife on the other hand was actually about that.
Are wignats not bothered that their poor don't do anything but wither away? They don't even have enough energy to form gangs in places like Appalachia, just rot away and watch infowars. Only a cuck would be proud of these statistics.
A fact that changed my perspective on multiculturalism:. At all income levels, blacks are 5-10x more violent and criminal than whites. Crime rates will vary by region or income, but inside of any subgroup, the ethnical ratio seems to hold (if you know contradictions, please
On a consistent basis, these "YNs", "pookies" have done more for the community than so-called productive black men. Are they perfect angels? obviously not but I'd rather them exist than have the community ran by these Niggas, who's game plan is to assimilate to other communities
Bruh all Ive been getting from these "productive niggas" since yesterday is emotional personal attacks & affeminate indirect shade like "da community is unusable 🫣". This sums up their overall delusional & bitch made behavior, always thinking they can shame others into obedience.
Why tf would an Uber driver be bragging about degrees? Crackers are using fake stories to farm engagement and of course the retards on black twitter will fall for it as always.
asked my Nigerian Uber driver yesterday if Americans were friendly . he said almost everyone was. Then went on a 20 minute tirade about black americans, how badly they treated him, and he didnt want to live by them, or do business with them, and they are the rudest people he'd.
"They'll never accept you, they're supremacists".from this dirty mutt rodent is insane. The lack of self awareness to even make this comment and of course nothing but blind seal claps for this animal in the replies.
♦️Myron educates a girl who wants to convert to judaism for her j*wish boyfriend!😳. “They’ll never accept you. It’s a supremacy based religion. We’re looked at as cattle to them. ”
Honestly even Karens have more vitality than these guys. At least they'd confront the Paks. Wtf did this even accomplish?.
I'm at waffle house with my family and there's a trad Muslim family of Pakistani extraction here. They are putting nice white boy zoomer worker through the ringer about "cleaning the grill so no bacon grease is present". I'm passive aggressively queueing up Creed on the jukebox.
@TheCeddosGhostX Yet we are led to believe that chaos is feminine. The inertia from stability inherently benefits women.
The Gurkha should have turned their guns on him for this gay ass simping.
“Some Indians crawl face downwards in front of their gods. I wanted them to know that a British woman is as sacred as a Hindu god and therefore, they have to crawl in front of her too.”. -Colonel Reginald Dyer after the Amritsar Massacre
It's not just white nationalism, this is the goal of liberalism just far less explicitly. And liberalism is a far more successful ideology than white nationalism, white nationalism is just a vulgar version of it which is probably why libs hate it so much.
The goal of white nationalists isn't to create an ethno-state. The goal of white nationalists is to have every non-white man accept being lower than white men in the social hierarchy like they've successfully done to East Asians.
You post one study but ignore the consensus which is there is significant testosterone differences by race especially in the younger years. And test may make you more honest but that has nothing to do with violence or crime. Violence is the most honest form of behaviour there is
Sorry @RealJarTaylor but this is way off the mark. Testosterone is not what causes criminality. It has been shown to reduce lying and deceptive behavior. It increases cohesion among men and goal-oriented behavior, which only becomes violent when appropriate under threat. So
>Threaten to flood his neighbourhood with Indians.>He says "I prefer Indians to you".> So you're saying immigrants are better than us.About to cry because the upper classes of his race has no solidarity with him. Rather than diverge from them he begs for approval like a whore.
@ScottAdamsSays @bagginsbags it always boils down to "immigrants are better than you" lmao.
Resentment and it's gay cousin resentimment are just RW therapy speak. As someone else said it's the based version of "you're insecure".
The fact that many non-Western immigrants and their descendent never get over their anti-white resentment is a great reason to limit immigration. If you have a chip on your shoulder against white people, don’t come here.
I thought the border Czar was gonna deport 80 gorillion browns?.
Trump’s Border Czar Tom Homan has told Republican lawmakers to reduce their expectations of mass deportations. GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said after meeting with Homan, “We are not having a discussion about 20 million [deportations]. We are having a discussion about an order, and
What a beautiful summary of the retardation that is monogamy. Literally just sexually communism to keep the goycattle at the bottom placated by giving them wives and allowing them to reproduce so they'll never challenge the system. Just so passive aggressive.
"The WEIRDest People in the World" is a depressing read because the whole book is essentially "Western marriage norms, which we collectively abandoned around 1970, made Westerners unique and awesome."
The white man's civilization is not collapsing. It's still the strongest in the world and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Civilization was built for women and the most "successful" ones are not in places like Niger or Afghanistan but in the west and East Asia.
The real redpill about race that nobody ever says:. White people are doomed to fail because theyre the only race that cares what women think and say. Result? Liberalism. LGBT. Birthrate declines. The list goes on. Wife says "no more babies one is enough" and a white man.
@SperglerAcolyte Women are just afraid of men, I doubt black women are afraid of a 'man" like spergler acolyte but bitches just be scary. I know how white hoes act when I'm walking behind them at night, that's fear.
The tech right segregates the world into high and low human capital.Wignats segregate the world in to high and low trust. Wignats have used arguments about high trust, IQ and crime to push to justify white nationalism. This has drawn in many like Elon, David sacks, Yarvin etc.
MERRY CHRISTMAS. Worry not, this will be a day of high volume posting. Indians need me today to defend them from the Low Human Capital hordes. I will not let them down.
People of all races voted for Trump, He's not Hitler. Let it go.
Trump shares screenshot of Elon Musk praising those “of any race, creed, or nationality” who have worked hard to “contribute” to America. Follow: @AFpost
Young men are more sterile and lifeless than they've ever been. It's no surprise that gen Z the most risk averse and cucked generation in history. Yes worse than boomers and soyllenials, is the most conservative in recent history? How do these boys express their will? By writing.
Among my favorite BAP points is that young people are only "inherently leftist" because that's the singular ideology that lets them express their inborn will on the world. The post-war "right" shut itself off to that. It became mere "politeness." Now, there is something different.
@bombsovrbaghdad Peruvians are basically Indians, I don't get the shilling. NGL sp1cks get more angry at me when I insult whites than when I insult them, truly just dogs.
"I'm not like the other girls, I say retard and f****t".Crazy enough she actually thinks she's special for this.
I skipped that phase of my 20s where you want to go out and do degenerate things and drink and be social. Instead I skipped to the phase where I’m a lonely but content, broody 70-year-old-man, except for the fact I’m a 25 y/o woman. Also I don’t relate to my peers because.
@biancabebe5 It's not that we don't like skinny women, but a twerking looks better on thick women.
You'll still be respectful like a good little chap.
We could be your neighbour. We could be your friend. We could be your co-worker. We could be your teacher. We could be your pastor. We could be your food delivery driver. We could be anyone that you know. We are everywhere & there are more of us than you could possibly imagine.
"Beware of the Zanj for the are cannibals and fight with courage".This is what those who wanted to attack us in those days had to say about us but niggas like this ch1mp prefer to be lauded as good workers. The polygamy and cannibalism will continue nigga
An Arab writer had this to say of pre colonial Africans “Of all the peoples they are the most corrupt, addicted to many marriages, and most prolific in producing sons and daughters. One can seldom find a woman among them, who is not followed by four or five children. They are.
Nah we're good man, may the YNs inherit the earth
@WomanDefiner White and Asian high trust societies all experienced hundreds of years of a culling period. The honor culture periods of the samurai, or chivalrous knights gave us a system that quite literally ended blood lines of low trust citizens. If blacks want any chance at successfully.
Sam Hyde is just not an intelligent person man. Like you don't have to support immigration but this strawman just makes you look dumb. China has 4x STEM graduates than America and a significant portion of American stem graduates are migrants, that's what tech righters are saying.
“Why isn’t China importing infinity Indians right now so they can win the tech race? I think we should do a blockade between India and China to make sure China doesn’t get any Indians. Sounds retarded right? That’s because it is.”. -Sam Hyde
Do wignats just say things for speech's sake? He was from Saudi Arabia, the country is richer than Germany plus the citizens do way less work. If he'd stayed home he'd have a much easier life. These niggas abuse the fact that they have no character limit to try and sound profound.
Few people realise how deeply alienating and demoralising the experience of being an immigrant – even a relatively stable and successful "high IQ" immigrant – from a non-western country can actually be. Even if you're a well-educated 1%er you're probably brought up to believe.
"We will not allow a legal invasion".The delusions of these MAGA boys is actually insane. It was 🫘er votes who got your boy into office. More whites voted blue than ever before, whites simply don't have the electoral numbers for this obnoxious white nationalism of MAGA, nor do.
Watching Elon get ratioed badly on his own site over the H1B issue is a fascinating revelation of reality. 1. He doesn’t have his finger on the scale like the previous regime. People strongly disagreeing with him is actually encouraged. 2. MAGA is decidedly NOT in thrall to.
@KamenSoL_ This Nigga is dead, chauvin is still rotting and probably being molested in a cell. Chauvins situation is way worse and more humiliating. It's just blacks don't have the autism to be making AI obsessing over him.
Thank you for shit they didn't ask for? Most of their ancestors would trade all these things if it meant they never made contact with you Niggas.
Aboriginals should hold “thank you” ceremonies on January 26th, for my ancestors’ knowledge, innovation & technology which dragged their stone age, misogynistic, brutal & primitive society into the modern world and in doing so, doubled their life expectancy.🇦🇺😄.
That's what free speech is. This 'anti-woke' cuck probably thought that it would stop at gays and tr00ns. I love to see these c00ns humiliated.
“Free speech is dead because of Elon.” . No—you idiots just proved that we can’t have nice things. The second we got free speech on Twitter, you clowns started tweeting niqqer and hailing Hitler.
It's actually crazy how Anglos have been enforcing the longhouse even 2 centuries ago. Yet wignats say this is a modern development or because of Jews.
1857 mutineers were incredibly reactionary—the rebels denounced race-mixing, female-initiated divorce, disregard for purdah, and the outlawing of honor killings; recruitment of lower-caste judges and the presence of Christian missionaries similarly disgusted them
Lack of noise is due to the west being a gerontocracy. It's not healthy. Trying to force the condition of solitude of the entire population is one of the reasons for the high rates of suicide and anti depressant use among whites today it's no different from trying to force.
Yes, the longhouse is a brown trait. Constant noise and the suffocating presence of human biomass are typical of the third world. With a few rare exceptions, only the white man has risen above this primordial swamp. The individual is a creation of harsh Western Apollonianism.
Go support it if you want, but this attitude whites have where you insult people then are shocked that they don't bend their cheeks and ask for more is insufferable. If you wanna join RW twitter it would cost nothing just stop this faggotry.
man. idk. the number of posts ive seen like this is genuinely shocking to me and makes me more inclined to support obnoxious immigration restrictions tbqh. something is going very badly wrong with integration if this is a common expressive response among indians.