It's so obvious Kim resents being a single parent and still wants to be the celebutante working mom with a husband who can take some of the burden. Khloe not wanting to go to Paris or parties doesn't mean she's not "living her life" when being a MOM is the life she wants to live!
Are you kidding? Did you look at the video? It is the exact same photo with North's belly, waist and head trimmed down.
I left my 16 YO daughter alone for a few days here and there when I went outta town on business. She can cook, clean and get herself to school. Was never an issue.
I saw it in the theaters, and when the cop car pulled up, you could feel the heartbreak in the room. We all cheered and breathed a sigh of relief when it was his friend!
An acid tongue made me a ferocious bully in middle school. Hurt people hurt people. My parents divorced, I was at a new school. Check in on your kids because they're in pain. And it wont go away otherwise. I address it in my preteen book Awesome Blossom.
Regularly threatening to kick you out every time you don’t do what they want; overly controlling/demanding of your time because they are “doing you a favor” letting you live there; will refuse rent if you offer so they can throw it in your face that you live there free
Do you think preschoolers are angry about reruns? Or are you concerned one of the rich lids might spoil the latest episode on Twitter?
And they sounds like reasonable people. He and the ex share custody without court order. So everyone gets along with each other except her!
I think it’s his wife who got killed in the crossfire of a shootout - not necessarily Tariq related - and he’s just on the warpath. Paz gave him a new opp(ortunity)
Ok because I worked in property management for over 15 years and I had kids coming out of foster care that couldn't sign a lease until 18. So you didn't "get an apartment at 17" after all.
Yes! It’s great they let her, as a girl, be as expressive. I was always told my jokes were rude but my brother’s were funny 😑
This is the 100% truth! Robert Glasper, John Legend and others are the ones who really made The Miseducation! She is a fraud!!
If she read more, she'd find out that when you have new interests, the algorithm will show you others with the same interests.
Its important to me that people dont dismiss asshole kids like they're to blame. My teachers and counselors were very insistent on nurtuting my leadership skills and encouraging me to be epathetic instead of judgmental. Kids wanna be seen and heard like everyone else.
You absolutely do have something to be protective of! If he comes on to you while alone and gets angry, or tells his wife it was you coming on to him, or his wife feels insecure and creates drama. You have to protect your body, sanity and virtue
I read her words and don’t need another interpretation of what she herself said before backlash and backtracking. But you can go and defend strangers all day. I don’t get paid to do that