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John R Dallas Jr Profile
John R Dallas Jr



Champion for microlearning in AI-reinforced decision-critical thinking. | Metacognition strategist, facilitator, coach, speaker. | Author | CEO @EnclaveAcademy.

📍 ChicagoUSA—The Ready City™
Joined June 2008
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
John R Dallas Jr
5 days
Whenever you're near #ChicagoUSA's @fly2ohare, @EnclaveAcademy is a quick and easy short drive west to @SchaumburgIL. Followers of this @X account are invited to DM to arrange a tour and/or attend a microlearning event for #ThinkerDoer difference-makers.
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John R Dallas Jr
12 hours
#ThinkCoffee! With a #cothinker, I discussed her brilliantly intentional transformation of a stultifying “morning #coffee routine” to an exhilarating “morning coffee #ritual.” She #ThinksCoffee—from grinding its beans to her gratitude for its aroma, taste, and #CognitiveImpact.☕️
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John R Dallas Jr
12 hours
“…#CollectiveEfficacy is the most effective way to overcome feelings of overwhelm and #burnout.” “Start to see yourself in this broader #collective, start to plug in to a collective, because a collective…has kind of the sum is greater than the parts…”
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John R Dallas Jr
12 hours
#CognitiveFatigue and #BrainPain happen. Ethically aiming our minds toward #BestEffortThinking (BET)—to metacognitively think through unethical #WorstEffortThinking (WET) of unscrupulous leaders of any political party or organization—takes its toll. It’s #MetacognitionExhaustion.
John R Dallas Jr
13 hours
The “who, what, where, when, why, and how” questions of scholars, journalists, historians, and other fact processors are #CriticalThinking’s basics. Thinkers are challenged in ways similar to diligently, accurately, and meaningfully thinking through #wars raging around the world.
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John R Dallas Jr
13 hours
The “who, what, where, when, why, and how” questions of scholars, journalists, historians, and other fact processors are #CriticalThinking’s basics. Thinkers are challenged in ways similar to diligently, accurately, and meaningfully thinking through #wars raging around the world.
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John R Dallas Jr
13 hours
“It will take some time…for a challenge to one of Mr. Trump’s actions to reach the #SupremeCourt. So far he has not openly flouted lower court rulings temporarily halting some of his initiatives, and it remains to be seen whether he would defy a ruling…” —@adamliptak, @nytimes
John R Dallas Jr
13 hours
“It will take some time…for a challenge to one of Mr. Trump’s actions to reach the #SupremeCourt. So far he has not openly flouted lower court rulings temporarily halting some of his initiatives, and it remains to be seen whether he would defy a ruling…” —@adamliptak, @nytimes
John R Dallas Jr
21 hours
The #ConstitutionalCrisis is caused by #LawlessConduct: revoking birthright citizenship, freezing federal spending, firing government employees subject to civil service protections, threatening to deport people based on political views, etc. #MoralInjury
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John R Dallas Jr
21 hours
The #ConstitutionalCrisis is caused by #LawlessConduct: revoking birthright citizenship, freezing federal spending, firing government employees subject to civil service protections, threatening to deport people based on political views, etc. #MoralInjury
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John R Dallas Jr
1 day
"...I asked, 'Who are you?' 'Child of honor' was the same response that he’s given ever since he could talk.' —Rev. Bill White, recalling a tearful goodbye with his son before his #ChildOfHonor flew off to attend college. The essay's terms of reference go beyond its core topic.
John R Dallas Jr
3 days
For those of #ReasonedFaith traditions such as @churchscotland-influenced @Presbyterian’s “scholarship of #followership” folks, this @nytopinion essay may rank among the most resonant reflections about the psychological, societal, and religious issues of complex thinking related to the #rethinking required to intellectually discern and accept one’s own—or another’s—core #sexuality. Value Theory is among scholarly frames for this compelling story about #metacognition in parenting and coming-of-age #SelfAwareness—i.e., asking, “What is ‘your good;’ your grasp of and identification with ‘good’—and yours alone?” That’s the bigger than big question about any factor of a well-lived life—encapsulated in Value Theory, which is worth a Google Search to inform you or to refresh your memory. The evangelical father’s “thinking about his thinking,” as brilliantly chronicled herein, is quite startling. The son’s metacognitive reflections are powerful. Think openly, think trustingly, think thinkingly. Click through. —JRDjr
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John R Dallas Jr
1 day
"Is it good for all concerned?" is asked by #Rotarians at @Rotary clubs everywhere. Representing @JA_USA, I was 16 (in 1966) when I gave my first of many talks for #RotaryClubs. My teen #brain needed the "...good for all concerned" yes-or-no test question. Routinely, I think it.
John R Dallas Jr
1 day
Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Thinking—#DEIT—ignites #metacognition at its best. It’s the #HigherOrderThinking (#HoT) type of thinking about thinking’s diversity no one can stop! Fight the #AcquiescentThinking of stultifying—and risky—intellectual acquiescence of #GroupThink.
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John R Dallas Jr
1 day
Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Thinking—#DEIT—ignites #metacognition at its best. It’s the #HigherOrderThinking (#HoT) type of thinking about thinking’s diversity no one can stop! Fight the #AcquiescentThinking of stultifying—and risky—intellectual acquiescence of #GroupThink.
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John R Dallas Jr
1 day
Post below offered as a friendly-serious vehicle safety maintenance alert. It never occurred to me such a dangerous thing could happen without a warning light. Have checked on each vehicle its serpentine belt. I’ll never forget this near miss—just before entering Interstate 90!🚨
John R Dallas Jr
2 days
A shock! My steering wheel stopped while I was driving. With a herculean struggle, I pulled into a gym’s parking lot at closing time. When I popped the hood to see what I might, 7 men came to help. One plucked from my E550 a shedded serpentine belt. Scary!
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John R Dallas Jr
1 day
Bring diverse, equitable, and inclusive #ideas to trusted tables for sharing. Orchestrate (n.b., don’t suffocate) an #IdeaTasting during your next gathering. Over meals with non-alcoholic beverages, allow clear heads to sip, swirl, and savor ideational samplings of #IdeaMakers.
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Janis Ozolins
15 days
Pick. Act. Complete.
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
A shock! My steering wheel stopped while I was driving. With a herculean struggle, I pulled into a gym’s parking lot at closing time. When I popped the hood to see what I might, 7 men came to help. One plucked from my E550 a shedded serpentine belt. Scary!
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
Whisk and bake #ideas. Try new recipes in your metacognition kitchen. Add a spoonful of extra thinking about #thinking to ensure your #idea soufflé doesn’t fall when you pull it from your #brain’s oven. Does it pass the sniff test? Taste it. Swirl it around on your mind’s tongue.
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
Dopamine hits of cognitive superficiality are addicting ways to escape #HigherOrderThinking’s discomfort. Stay hungry for intellectual curiosity’s “daily thread.” Crave intellectual humility’s “humble π.” Slake your thirst with intellectual generosity’s unquenchable “flow state.”
John R Dallas Jr
2 days
Unflappably confident #leaders are coached to be studiously humble and vulnerable. #Courage can’t exist without fear. Even the fear of “missing something” vital in a decision-critical equation requires #CourageousCognition—to metacognitively navigate #humility and #vulnerability.
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
Unflappably confident #leaders are coached to be studiously humble and vulnerable. #Courage can’t exist without fear. Even the fear of “missing something” vital in a decision-critical equation requires #CourageousCognition—to metacognitively navigate #humility and #vulnerability.
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
View #ConfidentHumility and #ValuedVulnerability as strengthening—more than #strengths unto themselves. Humbly develop decision-critical thinking skills to fortify your #VulnerableSelf. Focus on #metacognition’s psychological and executional benefits. Be a confident #ThinkerDoer.
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John R Dallas Jr
2 days
View #ConfidentHumility and #ValuedVulnerability as strengthening—more than #strengths unto themselves. Humbly develop decision-critical thinking skills to fortify your #VulnerableSelf. Focus on #metacognition’s psychological and executional benefits. Be a confident #ThinkerDoer.
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John R Dallas Jr
3 days
Click for metacognitive insights from @AdamMGrant via @NBForumHQ. The list below was reordered a tad by @EnclaveAcademy—to align more sequentially with the Academy’s overarching Mission: Metacognition™ message: “Thinking Like a Scientist Fostering a Culture of Generosity Vulnerability and Confident Humility Asking for Advice, Not Feedback Putting Growth over Ego — Questions for Reflection: • How can you embrace vulnerability in your leadership and create a culture where others feel comfortable doing the same? • In what ways can you shift from asking for feedback to seeking advice in your personal and professional life? • What practices can you implement to foster a culture of generosity within your organization? • How can you apply the scientific mindset to your decision-making process, treating each choice as a hypothesis to be tested? • How can leaders balance the need for humility with the confidence required to lead effectively?” #ConfidentHumility! Thank you, #DrAMG. —JRDjr
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John R Dallas Jr
3 days
Not to be missed—as a study in metacognition’s metathinking. Think thinkingly about the thinkable thinkingness revealed herein. Agreeing, disagreeing, or agreeing in part with any piece of this puzzle will distract you. Take it in. Chew on it a day or so. Note thinking’s journey.
Elon Musk
5 days