![Samuel G. Parkison Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1861642206748065792/PeqGBwtZ_x96.jpg)
Samuel G. Parkison
PhD, Systematic Theology (@MBTS), Professor of Theology (Gulf Theological Seminary in the UAE). Shannon's husband and dad to Jonah, Henry, Lewis, and Eden.
Joined July 2021
@navarro_chaz @BaptistBavinck @RHB_Books Thanks for the shoutout! The REDS series is actually with @Christian_Focus, not RHB, but both are great publishers!
Don’t miss this conversation with @wagraham on the Credo podcast! I am once again struck with gratitude by institutions like @CredoMagazine and @DavenantInst for doing such important and edifying work to make the best of Protestant theology accessible.
If you trust in Spirit, you should also believe the Spirit's been building Christ's church. Protestants are biblically faithful when they affirm with the Nicene Creed that they believe in the catholic (universal) church. New Credo Podcast with Wyatt Graham @DavenantInst and @samuel_parkison is out!
I always enjoy chatting with Caleb. I hope this conversation is helpful!
It’s always a joy to talk theology with @samuel_parkison. This time, it’s on Christology, particularly the person of Christ from his latest book with @Christian_Focus. 🎧On any platform🔗👇🏽
RT @CT_Lenard: It’s always a joy to talk theology with @samuel_parkison. This time, it’s on Christology, particularly the person of Christ…
Fun conversation here with Brent on “Proclaiming the Triune God.” @BHAcademic
What is the Trinity? Why is the doctrine of the Trinity so foundational to the Christian faith? Brent talks to @samuel_parkison about his @BHpub book 'Proclaiming the Triune God'. #Trinity #Jesus #God #christianpodcast
So grateful for @JoelBeeke. He and his wife Mary have been very generous with their time to serve our GTS students with a class on Puritan Preaching. It’s been a rich evening to top off a rich weekend!
Our second (and the largest) of four conferences in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, began yesterday with 1400 attendees hailing from 46 different countries around the globe. The main sanctuary was filled (photo 1), as were the two side halls where people received the addresses via screens. This is the first non-U.S. “The Puritan Conference” that David Woollin and I helped organize on behalf of Reformation Heritage Books with the assistance of the host church, The Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai. Pastor John Folmar and his team did a remarkable job with all the logistics of putting this conference together on the ground. I gave the opening address on “12 Reasons Why We Need the Puritans Today,” and Dr. John Piper gave the concluding (and profound) address in the evening on “Puritans on the Glory of God,” focusing especially on Edwards. Between the addresses, there was a long book break. The hunger and excitement of the people was palpable as they surrounded a large rectangle set-up of book tables loaded with books in the church basement; they were 4 to 6 people deep with hundreds of people trying to buy books all at the same time. Books were gone in no time beyond anything I have ever seen. For example, the 40 copies of “Meet the Puritans” and 40 copies of “A Puritan Theology” that I had recommended from the pulpit were all sold within ten minutes before I could even get down to the tables. What joy it was to serve these hungry people (photo 2) and see them walk away with piles of spiritual treasures! We also enjoyed fellowship with the other two speakers who hope to speak tomorrow morning, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and Dr. Kevin DeYoung (@RevKevDeYoung), over dinner and in the “Speaker’s Green Room” (photo 3: Mary snuck this picture of Sinclair ribbing me a bit about books, with Kevin in the background). We also enjoyed meeting an air pilot, Dave Harman, and his wife, who is a physician. His father (Allan Harman) is a retired pastor in Australia who is just finishing a decades-long project of a detailed and exhaustive 4-volume edited set of the “Complete Works of Matthew Henry” that Reformation Heritage Books hopes to publish in the near future. Remarkably, this son was the pilot on the very plane that Sinclair flew on from Scotland to Dubai yesterday—so here we are all together in photo 4! Please pray for the six Puritan addresses scheduled for a full day tomorrow that the Spirit would rain down His benediction!
Seen in the wild! Abu Dhabi / Dubai 🇦🇪 (I didn’t ask them to do this, @RonniKurtz. Apparently they just knew these books belonged together!)
Me, realizing I concluded my review of @gavinortlund’s book with @between2worlds’s least favorite (most hated?) book review phrase… “I cannot commend this book highly enough.” In my defense, I actually mean it.