Charles (Chas) Lemon Jr
Husband - Father - Educator - Life Long Learner - iRootForMN - @CSSSaintsFB
Wayzata, MN
Joined December 2018
RT @DrJKWallace: Anyway, I’m too blessed to be stressed. But I’m silent too often about stuff like this and it leads folk to believe that i…
RT @DrJKWallace: Yesterday I submitted my dossier for early promotion. Today I’m trying to prove to some random woman that I’m actually aff…
I did attendance for a long time… and when new video games came out the gamers would not be in attendance the next day… Typically Wednesdays. I lowkey remember noticing this in college with COD. When the random dude doesn’t show up next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. It’s because he pre-ordered NCAA and got that early release and was gaming all day 😂
lol buddy shoulda thought twice before he tried to use the “accountability” angle… have you not looked in the mirror? Better pipe down before your whole family gets torn apart because you were held “accountable”. One thing I am not gone pretend is that I am perfect… morally right/reactively wrong. But I can’t stand people who throw stones in a glass house. Y’all are testing the wrong one. lol I only failed Algebra II, but I passed it the second time 😂
I ain’t worried about losing a job for having a backbone. It’s about time you guys try having one. It’ll serve you well in education or leadership. I’m glad from the time that I was a kid, I’ve never took a job for money. Because I would’ve quit on your dogs along time ago because you were doing me dirty and paying white people tenfold what I was making.
I was twiddling my thumbs as 12 month employee when they had me slaving away with the other staff of color while the white staff were on vacation… yall got all the time in the world now. Story time… I used to get ribs from the 19th hole (southside)… I felt bad as leaders(a word) we would get food and never gave any to the engineers or staff that weren’t a words… I started getting ribs with the engineers because I felt bad… plus they took care of the whole building and their sons with my friends… Long story short, we started cooking ribs…ppl got mad about us hosting a BBQ… it got co-opted and turned into a whole staff event… lol we can even celebrate a people who are left out without it being taken over… I can prove this story. #Colonizers
I should call the board directly and give them my opinions of buddy since yall want money from the fam… I should ask them to speak to the witnesses who described the situation as “distributing” lol all buddy had to do was apologize… I know word of mouth travels…. Just like word got back to me (but not directly through my BLOOD family who yall know) Dude is a problem. Yall can fix it.
I hope @Highway_30 wins… first politician I’ll actually know personally and I know he will actually listen! I’ve seen some of these politicians out in public and they all seem so fake and like they’re pushing hidden agendas… I can’t say I’ve met a politician other than Royce, who I know will actually protect Minnesota values, and understand the importance of single mothers, trying to do their best in this state.. it would be nice to see someone actually from the city who understands it from a different perspective than these career politicians who have run this state into the ground. I promise they are protecting their families with trust and assets while the city burns. Royce has always been super down to earth and been caring... and cold at basketball..(black balled by the NBA) Lowkey the Timberwolves might have beat the Mavs 👀😂 - but only haters will say he can’t get on a plane. Y’all don’t know basketball or politics or clearly anything about Minnesota, Southside, Northside… It is easy to throw stones in a glass house when you live a life of privilege and haven’t really experienced trauma or adversity.. I promise you some people are like the frogs in a boiling pot…
Dawg, no one is perfect.. I’d rather have an authentic politician who I can connect with. I’ve watched your journey for a minute.. We all make mistakes, but keep going.. Is nice to see a politician, who actually can stand on businesses and not be afraid to say how they feel. We need more leaders like this.