When I was in Form 2, I got suspended for fighting with a certain boy at school. My dad was really strict, and I had no idea what he would do if he found out I’d been suspended. I went to my uncle’s place and lied that I was sick.
As a Kenyan for now
1. Try not to fall sick.
2. Don't let anything happen to your phone.
3. Drink plenty water and eat healthy.
4. Don't make a woman pregnant
5. Avoid trouble will land you in police station.
6. Read number 4 again.
7. Try to read number 4 again
SO THERE IS THIS GIRL, we have been smashing for like one year but hatujawai date though of late she has been pressuring me alot tudate na sijui how to tell her since am not interested na sitaki kumhurt juu anaeza ni expose and worst of it ni course mate. THREAD how we met.......
Nowadays prostitution and relationships seem the same thing because money is constant. Which Kenyans in Nairobi CBD can do this ? But Tanzanians are vocalising prostitution...
Joho Yvonne Mashirima
Check thread 👇
Saa hii kuna bae wa mtu ameamshwa alimwe proper halafu baadaye afue, aoshe na apewe fare arudi kwa the love of their life. Hii Kenya kila mtu anateseka.