![derp Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1532096329417105410/TX58Md4T_x96.jpg)
Joined February 2022
That’s a false dichotomy. A heart is not something that has high compatibility- the likelihood of another being a match is extremely low. Your ability to weigh probabilities is way off - you are arguing to force a person with a cardiovascular comorbidity to delay the already rare position of actually having a match for transplant because you think they need a vaccine that even the manufacturers acknowledge can cause cardiovascular issues in rare cases and so, may in fact cause a negative outcome due to her complications and all so that she has ‘maybe’ an increased resistance to a virus she has likely already been exposed to over the last 4 years. I haven’t brought politics into this, you however seem adamant and so I have to wonder, is it in fact you who are refusing to see reason because you think it somehow aligns with you if a 12 year old dies because she didn’t do exactly as you wish?
Me? Give the 12 year-old girl a chance at life. You? Let’s ensure she doesn’t live by not giving her a transplant. ???????? The vaccine is not given to people with heart conditions because it’s a risk factor. This has nothing to do with politics, it’s about basic sense. None of the manufacturers guarantee efficacy, so any conclusions must consider the risk and the inability to prove that a bad outcome will happen if she doesn’t take a vaccine. Do you know what does guarantee a bad outcome though? Not having a functioning heart.
@RvreWvre @ZenithOfChaos @libsoftiktok @CincyChildrens You are currently arguing against giving a 12 year old girl a lifesaving heart transplant, claiming that an optional vaccine with a disputed connection to heart failure and dubious efficacy is necessary …. It’s not often that ghoul is the correct term, but you’ve earned it.
Well overall, my boss had to rush their cat to the vet hospital though so I’m praying for them. Otherwise things seem to be going well for the gov audits and my personal life is good. God is great in both good and bad times and I know I have many more trials to come but at the moment at least- I am well 😊 hope the same for you.
@EjBeta I agree, as with anything we can turn it into a bad thing if we don’t continually align with Christ, same as he washed the feet of sinners He chased the moneylenders out of the temple with a whip so there is a balance there when it comes to extremes.
@RealAzariahWolf @EjBeta Perfect way to encapsulate my concerns when people use the term ‘tolerance’ in a Christian context. Love the sinner, reject the sin.
@CapDefender @TrumpDailyPosts @MsAvaArmstrong … you do realize the money they spend to make them is -our- money right? They pay with our tax dollars. Canada and others did this years ago. The vast majority of transactions are debit or credit. Goofballs up in here just hating on common ‘cents’ ideas.
Scott seems like a great guy and a great ally politically, there is zero reason to be mean to him from what I see. He is a human like any of us, as a Christian I don’t agree with a particular part of his life, but we all have issues and we all have to deal with them personally. That being said said, I should be able to say that I disagree with that part of his life, and wish for him to find greater happiness, without being labeled a weirdo myself. I know there are trolls and people who poorly communicate their beliefs, but that doesn’t validate you being one too. …. Ironically you are claiming to be inclusive while lumping all Christians into the same camp and badmouthing them.
RT @BonifaceOption: If I could cure my son's autism, if it cost me every penny I have, if I had to climb the tallest mountain, or dive to t…
Hold up, look up that specific project and see how incredibly over-budget, mismanaged and overtime it is. -Then- ask if this is the right thing to do. We do want rail, we don’t want mismanaged public works projects that end up taking years to deliver half the promise while people profit on slow walking it. It’s basically legal embezzlement.
The Hebrew word to’evah is “abomination” in the King James Version (KJV). This term is applied not only to the passages concerning male same-sex relations (but also to other practices such as idolatry, certain dietary. It’ use is not unique to homosexual acts. The over focus on ‘abomination’ in English can lead us to ignore that we are still to love the sinner and treat them well. That doesn’t mean we can’t be critical, but there is also the concept of ‘pearls before swine’ the swine aren’t inherently bad it’s more of an illustration of how pigs don’t care about pearls, it means nothing to them because they lack the context. You are much better off preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, then helping them to understand how to deal with particular sins once they understand and accept their condition as created beings with a savior.
Sex is a wonderful thing that can be misused such as when abusing someone. There are situations and circumstances where it clearly is a problem. Oversexualizing things can deaden your reaction to sexual stimulus. It is no coincidence that ED and other distinctions are more common in younger men than in past generations. Stop burning yourself out if you want to enjoy the fullness of a partnered sex relationship as our Creator intends for us to enjoy naturally.
@Anon__anon5 @backup_mycelium You really need to read more about the story, there is much more than one type of ‘AI’… it has nothing to do with generative AI like ChatGPT or he image diffusion models. Completely different thing.
@BrianAguila10 @TinkererYorch @SRobot26845 Ironically, they won’t touch the character because people called the game racist.
@kenzietuff @ShitpostRock The OT has a rule where you are not to cook a lamb in its mother blood. Theres a lesson about cruelty there, it doesn’t affect the already dead animals. It affects you.
The fact that the tools can regurgitate data it’s seen is a monumental thing since the data itself doesn’t contain any of the training materials, it truly is a profound discovery that mimics the way humans store data. It should be treated the same under law unless we want to utterly screw up our rights to see and share things publicly and iterate on that knowledge. It’s a violation if you intentionally recreate a work and do not sufficiently alter it to meet fair use, it’s not a violation for the tool to be ‘capable’ of recreating a work.