Rob Henderson
Best-selling author | Senior Fellow, @ManhattanInst | Contributing Editor, @CityJournal | Newsletter:
Joined March 2011
Best books I read in 2020. 1. Atomic Habits by @JamesClear. “If you show up at the gym 5 days in a row—even for 2 minutes—you're casting votes for your new identity. You’re not worried about getting in shape. Youre focused on becoming the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts”
Better that ordinary people in a country die of thirst than their political elites experience an ounce of shame.
While American YouTuber MrBeast’s goal was to provide clean drinking water for 500,000 people, activists say his actions shamed the Kenyan government and helped perpetuate the stereotype that Africa is "dependent on handouts."
“Kids.” Many of these protestors are undergrads, many are law and PhD students. All of them are adults. A huge segment of this country faces the full brunt of reality at 18 but if you attend grad school at the richest universites on earth you get to be a kid until your 27th.
WATCH-- @chrislhayes: It's easier to argue about what college kids are doing than to confront the human misery and destruction that's happening in the actual conflict which is, of course, the source of these protests.
20% of the population is responsible for. •100% of criminal convictions. •99% of govt benefits received. •84% of cigarettes smoked. •83% of credit card debt. •78% of all injuries. •67% of fast food consumption. •53% of all alcohol consumption. •47% of all sex partners.
For those who were wise and instead chose to get some more sleep, here is a PDF of the poster :-). And also here is a link to said poster because I admittedly like my small font:
Today at elite colleges across the country, professors and students will whine and cry while the campus dining hall workers, landscapers, and custodians will continue to prepare the food and maintain the castle so that the thin-skinned aristocrats can sniffle in comfort.
Reminds me of Yale after the 2016 election when custodians, landscapers, and dining hall staff showed up for work to clean the castle and prepare the food so that the students and professors (modern aristocrats) could cancel class to stay at home and cry.
Hillbilly Elegy is now #1 on Amazon. The lengths some authors will go to sell books is truly incredible.
Yes for 10-20% of the population there is a vast difference in effort between plugging into a headphone jack and using a bluetooth device. Might as well be the difference between building a paper airplane and a real airplane.
@robkhenderson I think many people are too dumb to learn how to use Bluetooth headphones.
This parolee was then arrested. No emergency declared and they managed to help ruin this guy's life. But at least they got their moment on camera.
VIDEO THREAD: Yesterday, July 4, activists demanding Joe Biden declare a "Climate Emergency" blocked traffic on he beltway in Maryland, just outside DC. One agitated driver got physical with them while saying that he's on parole and could return to prison if late for his job.
People of El Salvador: vote in a landslide to re-elect a president who arrests violent criminals . Ivy League professor 3,400 miles away: "as appealing as a Bukele-style crackdown might seem, these punitive campaigns against organized crime come at a serious cost to democracy".
Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele’s crackdown on street gangs has facilitated a dramatic drop in crime—but it has also come at a serious cost to democracy and human rights, writes @Gustavo_F_M.
Some are surprised that 40% of U.S. women have tattoos. A major social class divide. Very few upper and upper middle class women have them. But just about every working class woman under age 40 I know has at least one tattoo. My guess is 70-80% of non-college grad women.
"Nearly twice as many women are tattooed (39%) as men (21%). This holds true for the rates of both hidden (30.2% vs. 16.7%) and visible tattoos (8.5% vs. 4.1%)."
Naturally, rich people will continue to have top-notch doctors and everyone else will get a doctor who got the job due to "disadvantage." . Luxury beliefs are ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class, while inflicting costs on the lower classes.
To build a diverse class of students, the medical school at UC Davis ranks applicants by the disadvantages they have faced. The disadvantage scale helped turn UC Davis into one of the most diverse medical schools in the U.S. Can it work nationally?
Guy who tried to keep the Columbia janitor hostage is the son of millionaire parents. People joke that Bruce Wayne could have used his wealth to help Gotham, but maybe Batman's creators understood that what rich scions really like to do is put on masks and try to beat people up.
NEW: James Carlson, one of the primary agitators in the recent Columbia's riots, turns out to be a millionaire’s heir with a long history of violent protests. A lawyer and self-styled anarchist, Carlson is the son of late ad mogul Dick Tarlow. Despite his privileged
Based on internal sales data Troubled should have debuted at #4 on the @nytimes list but wasn’t listed at all. The list is pro-wrestling for intellectuals; everyone knows it’s make-believe but still fall for it. In the mean time, it’s up to all of us to support bold authors.
BAD THERAPY by @AbigailShrier is the #1 book on all of Amazon. But didn't make the @nytimes bestseller list. 👀. Buy her book. And listen to our conversation here:.
The dating market is also a modern novelty. Your grandparents met someone in their neighborhood, got married, and made it work. In poor countries, marriage rates are higher; people rely on one another for survival. Not so in rich countries, so you can remain single indefinitely.
It's funny how young women complain about how bad the dating market is AND young men complain about how bad the dating market is. And they're both right. It's garbage. Perhaps modern men and women are just not as good as they used to be and/or have unrealistic expectations.
“Kids.” A huge segment of this country faces the full brunt of reality at 18 but if you attend grad school at the richest university on earth you get to be a kid until your 27th birthday.
The Harvard student groups who co-signed the anti-Israel letter are simple fools. But it’s not productive for companies to blacklist kids for being members of student groups that make dumb political statements on campus. Colleges are spaces for students to experiment with ideas &.