![gregorylent Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1073687811268567040/lnuNHhRg_x96.jpg)
watching the play, front row seat, making art, being a self ... change happens by itself, transformation is our part
it seems so
Joined August 2011
RT @PeterDClack: Antarctic sea ice has been increasing since 1980 & isn't melting. Oceans have risen by less than 2-3 millimetres a year fo…
@equalityAlec i don't believe you .. searching for your agenda which has created this perception for you ..
@efenigson @freecitiesfound the consciousness of the awakened creates a frequency in which transhumanism cannot exist ..
@mwilcox the problem is the motives of those using ai for power and control .. and ai can't fix their character
uncomfortable observations on "the holocaust"™️..
Today is "Holocaust Day" Where the Talmud following jews celebrate the only genocide anyone is allowed to commemorate. FACTS: - US Military Police Headquarters in VIenna came in 1948 with a statement: NO POISON GAS WAS USED IN ANY KZ-CAMP THE NEXT CAMP INMATE - PARTICULARLY OF JEWISH DESCENT - WHO CLAIM POISON GAS WAS USED WILL BE CHARGED WITH PERJURY - in 1948 the jewish Henry Morganthaus "Morganthau Plan" which was to make Germany into an agrarian society and kill at least 20 million Germans was replaced by the Marshall Plan - for 30 years the word holocaust were hardly used - Churchill, whose mother was jewish, Eisenhower called the Swedish jew and De Gaulle didn't mention holocaust, 6 million dead jews or any sort of extermination plan in 7000 pages of their memoires - the 1968 version of Encyclopedia Brittanica does not include the word "holocaust" - the jewish leadership in USSR who had murdered 66 million Russian, Ukrainians, Kosak and other nationalities had 66 million reasons to claim the Germans had committed genocide - USSR did not allow the West to conduct Crime Scene Investigation in any of the Camps in the USSR before 1990 - 1990 when the Soviet Archives opened up, the numbers of deaths immediately went from 4 million in Auschwitz to 1.5 million and then down to 70k. Majdanek from 2 million to 30k and Treblinka from 0.8 million to 20k - Red Cross who had access to all KZ Camps calculated that 270k people died in total in all the camps, including Poles, Russians, Gipsies and other nationalities - most of these deaths were in the last months of the war and died from typhus and malnutrition since the entire logistics broke down as a consequence of the Allied bombing of the entire civilian infrastructure - 99% of US and UK prisoners of war survived imprisonment even though many of them must have been injured needing medical attention and also suffered typhus and starvation in the end of the war - "miraculously" nearly all Danish jews survived being send to the Neuengamme KZ camp - according to World Almanac using jewish data the amount of jews went up by 400k in the world from 1933 - 1948 and the amount of Christians went down by 90 million - no museum has been made by jews thanking the Christians for fighting two World Wars to secure Palestine for them - Crime scene investigation made after 1990 in Auschwitz proves no poison gas was used in the alleged gas chambers - the alleged gaschamber had a wooden door with a glass window that would have been smashed by suffocating people and opened inwards making it impossible to open if hundreds of dead bodies were lying inside. - crime scene investigation of the soil around Treblinka proves with 100% certainty that no mass graves exist there as claimed by the jews - the reason the Big Lie is called holocaust or "burned offering" is that Elie Wiesel claimed in his book that the Germans threw jews into massive burning pits where thousands of bodies burned. (An impossibility in itself). Thing is that burning pits is an impossibility since the water table is only 30 centimetres below surface, so the jews have changed their lie, and no longer claim burning pits were used, but too late, so the word for burning pits stayed unchanged with the new fabricated story of gassings - if the brilliant, industrious, ingenious Germans had wanted to kill the jews, they would either have done like the jewish bolsheviks did and taken them out in the woods, made them dug their own graves and shot them or like Eisenhower did with the German soldiers after the war and placed them on open fields without shelter, food or water - instead the jews were placed in work camps next to factories used for the war effort and the camps had shops, hospitals, maternity wards, swimming pools, libraries, theatres, sports facilities, post offices even a brothel for the camp inmates - several German camp commanders were severely punished for crimes against camp inmates - no one has been punished for killing 12 million Germans from 1945 - 1948 - in the Talmud jews are allowed to lie to gentiles - the jews have an annual religious event called Kol Nidre where they swear to break all promises made to non-jews - from 1945 - 1948 US, UK, FRA, RUS+CZE, POL massmurdered, raped, tortured and looted the German people because they believed the lies of thousands of former camp inmates "particularly of jewish descent" - from 1945 - 1948 12 million Germans were murdered - the former KZ Camps was filled with German civilians and were used by mainly jews seeking revenge for the alleged holocaust, but also Poles and Czechs took part in the torture, rape and murder of civilians, there were over 1000 such camps in Poland alone, read the book An Eye for An Eye by jewish John Sack. - Ironically that the holocaust is the only genocide that demonstrably didn't happen is being celebrated every year - the Talmud following jews celebrate that they got away with murder, rape, plunder, genocide, guilt tripping white people to accept being socially engineered to accept the total "endlosung" and genocide of all non-jewish white people. - to get away with this horrendous crime against humanity it is made illegal to write what I just wrote in over 25 countries - at both the Versailles treaty and Nuremberg 80% of the employees and staff were jews....WHY!?! they are 0.2% of the World population...! WE NEED A NEW NUREMBERG WHERE THE CULPRITS BEHIND THE GENOCIDE ON THE GERMAN PEOPLE ARE TAKEN TO COURT AS WELL AS THE BANKSTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GENOCIDE ON THE VARIOUS PEOPLE IN THE FORMER USSR @realDonaldTrump @RobertKennedyJr @elonmusk @RandPaul @MedvedevRussiaE WE NEED A TRIBUNAL WHERE THE JEWS MUST PROVE THEY WERE EXTERMINATED IN AUSCHWITZ AND IF THEY FAIL AND THEY KNOW THEY WILL THEN THE MUST REPAY THE 200 BILLION EURO THEY HAVE EXTORTED FROM THE VANQUISHED GERMANS AND PAY FOR THE REBUILDING OF EVERY SINGLE CITY THE DESTROYED I SUGGEST WE MAKE A LOT OF POSTS TODAY ABOUT GENOCIDES WHERE THE JEWS WERE THE CULPRITS: - Bolshevik genocide on 66 million - Armenian genocide on 2 million - German genocide on 12 million 1945 - 1948 - Holodomor on 10 million Ukrainians in 1931 - Iranian genocide on 6 million 1917 - 1919 - Genocide on 6 million Russian people 1991-1998 - Palestinians 1948 - TODAY - Japanese genocide on 10 million by firebombing every city after they had surrendered 1945 ...just to make a few of them I also recommend this post by @ChiRhoBriefings - lets commemorate the horrendous crimes and holocausts committed by the jews against millions of Christians, including Tzar Nicolas (who was half Danish) - 95% of Bolshevik leaders were jews, 92% of Gulag commanders were jews, 80% of Cheka commanders were jews, 50% of NKVD Generals were jews - Chi Rho has plenty of recommended reading - including books and a 900 page illuminating power point presentation Be brave, learn trivium, demand truth, justice and freedom In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour I demand justice Gospel of Saint John: AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE Mads Palsvig, MSc Law, Bac Finance, former investmentbanker from Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse First Boston, advisor to jewish owned Federal Reserve in conferences, private meetings, and numerous drinks and dinners over 15 years
@The_ILF @yehuda_miller @CNN zios forever zios unite crikey .. sorry not buying your pov, it's agenda-driven
@The_ILF @yehuda_miller @CNN agenda creates perception .. released israeli hostages being censored by israel .. why ?