Pretty ludicrous opinion considering most pregnancies were not a choice historically speaking. People had children to work farms, and because prevention was impossible, not because they were actively sacrificing a personal choice.
Unrealistic premise. It portrays every day Germans as unaware of the mass murders, this is incorrect. The little German boy would've been in the Hitler Youth.
Old gay stereotype. Was commonly joked about on Will and Grace back in the day too. Some of that humor is just generational differences.
They literally did. Hundreds of thousands of Brits & Americans killed, millions of Russians & Poles killed. By Germans, with Italian lackeys. Oh, & Romanian ones too.
I disagree with the idea that if things were "switched" people would care. They didn't care during the Holocaust or with the Jews of Yemen or Ethiopia etc. It's just about having the power and some kind of perceived value, that's all that ever to the outside world.
They're not "poor people ", they're vagrant addicts, there's a difference. Many of them make quite a bit panhandling, they just spend it all on drugs.
Lotta fancy words attempting to justify "I want what you have so give it to me or die". Similar to bank robbers, or killing for an inheritance.
Uh no lol The kids are definitely grifters & they're all assholes for sure, but the poor family isn't portrayed as lazy but stuck in a cycle of poverty too difficult to overcome. You might not agree with that premise but that's what's being portrayed.
Then you shouldn't be able to vote, join the army, live on your own, drink alcohol, or do anything without the the permission of a guardian before 25 either, if that's where you want to take this.
I must be the only person that liked Zack 😆 lol. But I hated everything after they got married, like their crappy honeymoon & getting pregnant immediately. Why couldn't Lane have had a nice experience for a change?
Being unprepared and uneducated shouldn't be praised. He wasn't courageous, he was naive. He wasn't free, he can't be. He's dead. It's a tragic story of the dangers of romanticizing living in the wild without the knowledge of how to do so.
A combination. Nurture and nature. Jimmy is naturally mischievous and a good con man. Chuck saw this, and was hurt by the favoritism Jimmy was shown by their parents. He pushed Jimmy away, not realizing he actually had enough influence to help Jimmy change.
Your perspective is stupid, Jewish or not, because it's historically daft & irrelevant to the current life of millions of Jews, whether you like it or not. Turns out, not everything is actually about you.