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Joined November 2020
@erinkrakow @hallmarkchannel when is E going to start navigating this new chapter? Had 6 episodes and other than a teeny tiny scene where E said goodbye to Lee, not Lucas, despite him being in the scene. There has been no interaction. Is someone afraid the chemistry would shine?
Exactly. HM has yet to explain why they destroyed what wasn’t broken. They continue to push E/N down our throats with awful storytelling. Bring in writers who write for this genre not political writers from west wing/madame secretary. Come on @hallmarkchannel read the room
@JKAN3567 In all my years of TV watching, this was the most unbelievable, senseless, unreasonable series flip ever. I once was a loyal, shout-it-to-the-rooftops “Har-Dee,” but those days are long gone, never to return.
@Yepsameoldshay See you are actually thinking unlike the writers who put zero thought into this nonsense. It was/is stupid. Please end this mind numbing storyline. Sell Lee back this ‘prime timber land’ that is a thorn in everyone’s side.
@Pro_LifeErin Indeed she has fine taste in men. Lucas always brings a smile to my face, the fact she is thinking of her man tells me she’s still in the fight. She’s not giving up just like Lucas she’s here to stay. ❤️
👏👏👏👏👏 my sentiments exactly!!! I used to watch HM movies, l loved them but HM is no longer welcome on my TV.
It has always amazed me that Hollywood has its very strong views and lives its life in ways that don't play well on screen - and when they try to make it play that way, it usually is a flop. Showing Elizabeth in a boozy joint flashing her cleavage is not representative of what built this franchise. Making her into a fickle flirt isn't either. I'm not saying go MAGA on the audience. The When Calls audience is quite diverse so if I were running the franchise I would keep that in mind. But I am saying stay true to the core character of the show which appeals to everyone. People want the simpler times, not flashy glitz on the prairie. The Mountie Teacher story has been done and it's clear by how things are going they had nowhere to go with this angle and it shows. There aren't 'more stories' by flipping the script then there would have been had she stayed with Lucas. That was the exact phraseology they used when Elizabeth chose Lucas. It's all spin and lies and we're tired of being lied to. Whatever 'real life reasons' there were for the flip, at this stage I don't give a flip. They need to hit rewind and set us back to where the show was in season 9. Quickly. Lucas was written for Elizabeth. He was written as a man who had seen the world but wanted the simple life. He was and is a hero before the poison pen struck. He was never Henry IV. He was never the Bootlegging boyfriend of a Gangster Beauty until they decided to deliberately destroy everything we loved. It's just mean programming but Hallmark has one opportunity to fix it. Nathan and Elizabeth were not to be. The program explicitly stated this. Break them up. Get Elizabeth away from trying to be manned up for most of a season and slowly allow her and Bouchard to reconnect. They are the ones who deserve to be together. He waited for her for five years and we waited with him. She's a lying, cheating, betrayer the way it stands. She took everything away from the one guy in town who had nothing else. Nathan always had Allie. Lucas has nobody. Lucas had the QofH but due to Elizabeth pushing him into politics, he had to give that up. He lost his friendships. He lost his family. And the way they wrote it, even his own d*** parents couldn't see fit to come see him when he was ill. Show us you care about the #LucaBeth audience, @HallmarkChannel. We are watching (some from afar) and waiting for you to right an egregious wrong. It reflects on you and your brand. I won't watch any series you produce because of what you're allowing to go on here. Think about it. - Signed a former fan of your show who writes fanfiction in such a way that both teams found pleasure in it and nobody was fighting at all. I know how this should be done. I'm not the only one but I have one of the larger accounts so I'll use my voice to express what others feel. If you care at all, you'll #fliptheflop and right this wrong. Many ways to do this. Until it happens though, my set is off. I will catch some in clips but I'm not watching the show and haven't since 10.11.
Exactly there are other channels one can watch that type of content. If they want that move it to Lifetime. It was NOT romantic, it was appalling. l have second hand embarrassment for all of you. HM your brand is suffering, stop the bleeding before it hemorrhages.
@hallmarkchannel @erinkrakow @kevin_mcGarry You should be embarrassed by that episode that you just aired. Those dreams were disgusting and not something I tune into WCTH or Hallmark to see.
@PamelaS02958729 They have more than enough time to show sleazy Lizzy and lustful Natty over and over again. Just put those two and Allie in a different town and show and let HV get back to what it once was b/c it sure as hell is not this mess.
This makes so much more sense. Thank you!
There, I fixed it for you #ThisIsWhatDreamsAreMadeOf
@hallmarkchannel @erinkrakow @ChrisMcNally_ @brbird
Wow, nailed exactly what is going on, and it’s not going well. The episode was embarrassing. They never had to resort to this nonsense when L was E LI. The man oozed sex appeal with just a smile, rolling up his sleeves and that velvety voice. When you’ve got it , you’ve got it.
When you have to go full sexual and objectify your lead because of the lack of natural chemistry… 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 @hallmarkchannel
@litcrittree3 OMG this is what they showed on a family friendly show. I’d be embarrassed if l was remotely associated with this disaster. Apparently HM thought they were the Lifetime channel. @HallmarkWCTH @hallmarkchannel what has happened? Take too much cough syrup too!
@Donnamour1969 Is this what E told Allie? If it is wow what a hypocrite. The rules of etiquette apply to everyone else except Elizabeth. What a role model.
@hallmarkchannel what’s with the lame NP, L purchased the land from Lee who as Mayor should be the one explaining why cattle r suddenly a problem. A used the word ecosystem which wasn’t used till 1935. Do these writers do any research on these lame stories? I think not.
Sing it loud Nikki, for people in the back. We aren’t as gullible as he thinks
He is so full of 💩. Cable advertisers care about one thing and one thing only: the CABLE ratings. He is leaving out that the Nielsen ratings *include* more data now than they ever did, with their addition of Big Data measurements from top-box sets and smart TVs (including Comcast, Vizio, Dish Network, Roku, etc). Peacock subscribers don't pay for Hallmark's cable ads 🤷♀️
If @hallmarkchannel considers the ratings for S12 to be good then the ratings for S9 when Lucas was E LI were a grand slam home run, with SD views 2M+ and L+3 topped 3M 5 times, imagine what those #’s would be with all this new data. So it begs the question, why the flip?????
The hypocrisy is deafening. Apparently E does like all the things that Lucas offered but she found her new BF dull and uninteresting so she gave him Lucas’s attributes except the current BF can’t pull them off. Now everything is cringey and that’s being kind.
@niirvikalpa Drinking, revealing dress, dangerous mission, and no LJ in sight—remember when those were unforgivable sins for a single mother with Lucas? The silence is deafening. Where are the pearl clutchers now?
Plus that episode from S11 had higher ratings than this Nathan-centric episode Since ratings and demos are the markers for success how does @hallmarkchannel continue to put on blinders to a coupling that does not work on multiple levels. HM is showing its bias, shame on you.
Remember last year when @SWByline posted the 0.08 "Lucas-centric" episode demo, and TN was having a field day saying Chris was the reason the demo was so low... furthered by SWBL using a picture of Lucas as their image header for the episode... Yet this season opened with the lowest demo in 11 seasons (0.07), and the "Grant, Nathan Grant" episode earned a 0.08 demo. I wonder what pic they'll use this time? 🤔
@niirvikalpa @hallmarkchannel lost its way promoting emotional cheating, backstabbing, lying, and everything N fans hated about E being with Lucas comes full circle. But now it’s ok, she thinks nothing of breaking men’s heart. Words of wisdom from RM engagements mean nothing, trial period.
@NatrickPash @inDEwetrust She isn’t in love with Nathan, she just wants what Nathan’s poor behavior cost her. Everyday she’ll remember why Jack isn’t there and so will Nathan. Again what a poor storyline. I guess the new motto is, the trashy the better.