![FurQan Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1722473003962015744/NkKCOPTh_x96.jpg)
قوم پرست کی ڈائری سے؟ ہمیشہ کی طرح میں آج بھی شام کے وقت اپنے گھر کے سامنے چہل قدمی کر رہا تھا کہ ایک بزرگ میری طرف آئے اور حال احوال پوچھنے لگے لیکن میں انہیں نہیں پہچان سکا۔ ایسے ہی ہمارے درمیان گپ شپ چل رہی تھی کہ ایک صاحب مائیک ہاتھ میں پکڑے ہمارے پاس آیا #پنجابی #punjab
People like him strategically exploit a nation's fault lines to project themselves as revolutionaries, whereas, in truth, they are nothing more than opportunists.
You are not representative of Balochistan! So it's better to keep quiet and please don't spread lies ! Your 90% information regarding Balochistan is based on lies! Who gives you such instructions? How many years have you spent in Balochistan? @HamidMirPAK !!
It has been proven that the Pathans are still living in the age of ignorance.
This baby girl was burried alive right after birth in Nowshera, KPK. Rescue dept got information and reached the spot, dug the grave and miraculously she was still alive; though very sick due to cold and soil inhalation. She was taken to a hospital and a Major from Pak Army adopted her as a daughter, and named her Abiha Waqas. More power and prayers for you, your family and little baby, sir. You're a hero. 💐
آج کے بعد انڈس ویلی سویلایزیشن کے نئے وارث بلوچ ہوں گے🤡
@SwanMenAceDuke @badmash1337 پونجاب امرتسر سے شروع ہوتا ہے ۔ لاہور لاشاری بلوچ قبیلہ کا ملکیت ہے ۔
@khaaanbehlul @Zafar1391 According to Bacha Khan, your ancestors were Hindus. What is your take on this?
Hindujeet, Pakistan has fought three full-scale wars and has been fighting a guerrilla war since independence. Unlike you, not a single Punjabi left their home. It was Pathan Niazi who went against orders and surrendered, and that too right in front of a Punjabi general.
@furqanism Dalit bro. Pakistan fought one full scale war and it lost half its territory in less than two weeks. The Iran Iraq war lasted a decade with a million dead and it involved chemical warfare. Punjabi dalits will capitulate at the sight of blood😂😂. History proves it
We Pakistanis have been in a state of war since Independence Day, sometimes we have won, sometimes we have lost, but we know how wars are fought and what their consequences are. You know nothing. Therefore, it would be better for you to withdraw your proxies from here.
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan extends condolences to government and people of Pakistan and the families who lost loved ones during the attacks of the terrorist elements against security forces in recent days. 1/2
Look into the Kalabagh Dam, why it wasn’t built? Even though Punjabis make up 46% of Pak’s population, there are only 2 or 3 Punjabi players in cricket team. Punjab has 10 million kids out of school, but scholarships are being given to Baloch, Pashtuns, and Afghans. Laugh more..
@NEZAnetworking Punjabis are the most privileged group in Pakistan. To say they are suffering is just plain nonsense and laughable. Goes to show how non serious and out of touch with reality you are. It is like saying white people are suffering in the US.
He just completed 12th grade. What if he never smoked/drugged? What if he is, in fact, an introvert? He joined a different university rather than endure an uncomfortable and stifling environment. I am pleased that he demonstrates clear thinking and a well-defined perspective.
I am convinced that the time has now come to move beyond the former Afghan leaders and the Taliban and support the National Resistance Front (NRF) to further strengthen their position.
There are reports of meetings between Pakistan's ISI officials and former Afghan leaders who now live in #Turkiya. If true, this is a bad sign and indicates that Islamabad would like to deploy them for propaganda and as recruiting agents for impoverished young Afghans to spread violence and death in #Afghanistan, while they themselves remain comfortably in exile. These former Afghan leaders should know better than to become pawns in ISI's games. The #Pakistan security establishment very likely intends to use these leaders and recruits as bargaining chips with the Taliban to get concessions and then abandon them, as some have experienced first hand in the past.
This is exactly the case with South Punjab, where the PPP had a majority before the PTI came into power. Since these parties are from Sindh and KPK, they have kept those areas of Punjab, where they have strongholds, underdeveloped to use the issue to divide Punjab.
Let me say it plainly . Other provinces are incompetent. Their leaders are incompetent. Their people are uneducated. When they can’t compete with Punjab, they resort to these non factual rants about punjab eating up the budget. New Punjabi generation won’t take shit