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Family is everyone's life purpose. Protect it. In the end that's all that matters, even for you. The world can be a better place if you have love and belief.
Joined January 2018
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. according to FBI released documents reveals that he was not only a degenerate sex addict but a fraud and a jewish aligned communist who's goal was to demoralize and subvert white people. The man himself is not extraordinary by any means, in fact he was extraordinary in his sexual practices; hiring/trafficking thousands of prostitutes and engaging in night orgies doing "abnormal violent sex." An absolute degenerate. Possibly a pedophile as well. His work and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" (which was his PhD thesis) were written by a communist jew named Stanley Levison. Levison organized all major movements including civil rights movements to integrate blacks with whites, gay movements for same sex marriage, and involvement with Rosa Parks who staged many events but that's for another discussion. MLK studied at the University of Yale on psychology in the 50s learning specifically on how to manipulate human thought. Coming from a supposed poor family as the history books suggest, it doesn't make sense how he was able to afford education in Yale but I digress. (most likely sponsored by jews as he was actively attending communist learning schools) If his work wasn't from Levison, MLK has plagiarized from others and made it his own. he's a true fraud. Example: His first public sermon in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church was plagiarized from Harry Emerson Fosdick's monograph (written study) titled "Life is What We Make it." One of his thesis, "The place of reason, experience, and finding god" stole exact lines from the book "The Finding of God" by Edgar S. Brightman. Boston University makes a statement on MLK's publications saying "...judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, his writings are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism." Despite this, his DR status was given but it was certainly not earned. MLK's name is not his real name and was given to him to usurp Martin Luther's name who wrote the book "On the Jews and Their Lies" 1543 saying that jews are extremely arrogant and are stubborn liars with an insatiable materialistic greed and are hellbent on destroying Christianity. To do so, one of the things they did was pioneer pornography but that's for another discussion. In Jan 1964 he was found watching and laughing at the rape of a white woman (potentially underage) during an orgy by a pastor named Logan Kearse and 10 others. Do not be mistaken. MLK is not a hero nor saint. (Nor Christian either) He is a jewish plant who's goal was to NOT unify America but to destroy it along with the black community. He is a disgusting filth whom you definitely should not look up to. (edited)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. according to FBI released documents reveals that he was not only a degenerate sex addict but a fraud and a jewish aligned communist who's goal was to demoralize and subvert white people. The man himself is not extraordinary by any means, in fact he was extraordinary in his sexual practices; hiring/trafficking thousands of prostitutes and engaging in night orgies doing "abnormal violent sex." An absolute degenerate. Possibly a pedophile as well. His work and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" (which was his PhD thesis) were written by a communist jew named Stanley Levison. Levison organized all major movements including civil rights movements to integrate blacks with whites, gay movements for same sex marriage, and involvement with Rosa Parks who staged many events but that's for another discussion. MLK studied at the University of Yale on psychology in the 50s learning specifically on how to manipulate human thought. Coming from a supposed poor family as the history books suggest, it doesn't make sense how he was able to afford education in Yale but I digress. (most likely sponsored by jews as he was actively attending communist learning schools) If his work wasn't from Levison, MLK has plagiarized from others and made it his own. he's a true fraud. Example: His first public sermon in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church was plagiarized from Harry Emerson Fosdick's monograph (written study) titled "Life is What We Make it." One of his thesis, "The place of reason, experience, and finding god" stole exact lines from the book "The Finding of God" by Edgar S. Brightman. Boston University makes a statement on MLK's publications saying "...judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, his writings are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism." Despite this, his DR status was given but it was certainly not earned. MLK's name is not his real name and was given to him to usurp Martin Luther's name who wrote the book "On the Jews and Their Lies" 1543 saying that jews are extremely arrogant and are stubborn liars with an insatiable materialistic greed and are hellbent on destroying Christianity. To do so, one of the things they did was pioneer pornography but that's for another discussion. In Jan 1964 he was found watching and laughing at the rape of a white woman (potentially underage) during an orgy by a pastor named Logan Kearse and 10 others. Do not be mistaken. MLK is not a hero nor saint. (Nor Christian either) He is a jewish plant who's goal was to NOT unify America but to destroy it along with the black community. He is a disgusting filth whom you definitely should not look up to. (edited)
Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews. Fuck the jews.
@dicktoles88 @AncestralVril They are part of the arab family. They are as brown as subsaharan africans. Its just that they have lied for such a long time that their skin color started to lie too. The whiter skin color you seen on jews is an opitcal illusion.
@Reinhardt_Richt @MattWGraver @9mm_smg When I say they belong in the kitchen, I genuinely mean it its not a joke.
@lporiginalg I don’t mind black people going extinct. Its literally just some cockroaches with low IQ.