Berapa banyak bapak2 di luar sana yg beli celana dalam kaos dalam sendiri? HAH??? LO WAKTU SMA BELI KOLOR SENDIRI??? EMAK LO TUH NAWAR DI TANAH ABANG SAMBIL JEMBRENG2IN UKURAN TITIT LO!!
Yang kaya gini nih bikin stres dan demotivated. This tweet just doesnt make sense. How is she working 12-16 hours. Being a wife. Caring 3 kids. And resting well. And have time to post this. By math only this doesnt adds up.
I show commitment. I give 100%. I don't work 1 desc job. I am married and have 3 kids. I have my breaks. I rest well. And I work 12-16 hours a day. I don't get here working 8-9 hours a day to be honest.
I don't believe in work life balance. Anymore. 🤣
Jadi gue pergi lupa bawa inner jilbab. My supportive smart funny lovely great husband suggested "pake celana dalem aku aja kayanya bisa"
Ladies and gentlemen...
A guy just asked me
"emang itu dapet gabisa ditahan aja ya kaya pipis? Kan keluarnya dari tempat yg sama"
makanya adik2 pria ku kalau lg diajarin biologi ada gambar vagina jgn teriak2 "iii" terus cuma mikir2 itu gambar porno ya. Kan jadi bego pas gede.
Kalau besok makan di restoran, ke supermarket, atau isi bensin be extra kind ke orang2 yg jaga. You're having or about to have a great time with family and friends, they're working so you can have that. Be extra kind, won't cost you a thing.
Like seriously hal2 kaya gini tuh gabisa di take at face value. Anaknya ada nanny kah? Rumahnya diberesin sama helper kah? Ya gimana? Coba deh orang udh kerja 16 jam. Mau masak secepet2nya 30 menit, 3x makan. Udah 1,5 jam. 17,5 hrs gone.
Rest well?????? She literally said I DONT BELIEVE IN WORK LIFE BALANCE. Jadi which part of your life youre sacrificing????? Jangan bilang "A WIFE AND 3 KIDS" yg misleading. Tell them how you care for them!
It's important to remember people who can romanticize this situation (or any suffering in general) are those who have safety net and get impacted the least, or very very very religious. We all know she aint talking about the latter.
Instead of making free accessible swab test for everyone, we now have market segmentation on swab test. One day result, 3 days result, 99% accuracy, 80% accuracy, poor u die.
It's 2020 let's stop hiding behind "you cant please everyone" or "mental issue" and actually evaluate ourselves, have we been treating others nicely and respectfully
Credit to this man who was willing to held his laughter and took the pictures i posted before. Yes it was a clean unused celana dalam. No it wasnt bau prengus.
Udah dong bisa ga ga terus2an selebrasi anak muda bisa achieve sesuatu, 30 under 30, ketika income disparity gamembaik2 juga. Jujur capek. Udah ya. Please. Udah dong.
Benci banget ketika cuma dijawab "saya dulu juga mahasiswa, aktif juga dalan demo dan proses demokrasi" terus jadi immune utk di kritik?? Senior yg ngerasa entitled.
If the kids you coach are more focused on not getting you angry at them instead of finding and exploring their own style of debating or judging, please stop coaching.
Day 9 Motherhood : I realized motherhood doesn't come naturally to woman, despite what everyone says. I accepted the fact that I can't always calm my baby, and took every help I can get and stop feeling guilty for it.
I forkin brought a human being to this world. What a hellish experience throughout, but really delighted with the glimpse of heaven I am now happy to call my son. He's the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen.
Duh mau long weekend, jadi g semangat leha2, maunya cari cuan terus, gara2 baca artikel lama dari
Mana tahun ini udah mau kepala 3, tapi aset g sebanyak di artikel ini.
Professional financial planner approve this statement g?
Btw aset kalian dah brapa?
Baca kekisruhan ttg bocah ngutang buat merch Kpop sejujurnya merupakan salah satu worry gue jg sih. Tapi menurut gue masalahnya bukan di kpop nya or any form of fandom, tapi menurut ku emg the problem stems from a very poor social media supervision on kids
Punya pasangan yang bisa bilang kayak "maaf ya sayang" ketika salah, "sayang tolong dong" ketika butuh, dan ga lupa bilang "makasih sayang" is the best relationship ever.
Please look at all those women yg report all THESE POWERFUL MEN. What did they get in return? MONEY? FAME?? No. They all they got is just insult from prick like you, and just a tiny bit sense of justice for speaking up.
Tapi sukak apa enggak
Biasanya public figur yg kena kasus
Pelecehan Sexual atau skandal seks itu rata" bakat nya luar biasa lho atau pencapaian nya gokil.
Harvey weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, Tiger wood, Arnold Schwarzenegger Dll
Yg ga bisa di sebut satu satu 🤣
Abis menitikan air mata ngeliatin anak w tidur lucu banget yaampun bingung how can I gave birth to this wonderful creature, i cant, i really dont want him to grow up :(
I promised myself kalau nanti ilyas besar dan ada report kalau he bullies his friend, gue gaakan bilang "gamungkin anak saya gakaya gitu di rumah". I will always admit to the possibility no matter what.
Mediasi itu kalo both party on equal ground, with equal supporting system. Kalo lawyer nya dari ur side doang ya namanya bukan mediasi. Noone would feel theyre safe in that environment, noone would feel they have bargaining position against you
Mungkin kamu pikir lawyer fungsinya hanya untuk menuntut ya? Lawyer juga berfungsi sebagai pihak mediasi, kalau kamu belum tau.
Now that you guys are in this thread, banyak tweet yang cukup informatif bisa kalian baca untuk menggantikan pelajaran biologi yg kalian lewatkan karena cabut ke ke kantin atau mikir mesum. Let's educate ourselves!
"Gue dari awal udah berjanji, gue bilang sama Ashraf kalo kita nikah kita gaakan bertahan buat anak. Kita cuma boleh bertahan kalo kita masih mau bertahan kalo engga let's just be friends"
ditanya mau masuk komisi apa kalau jadi dpr, malah ngajak baca al-fatihah bareng-bareng😭😭😭🤲🏻🤲🏻
yaudah kita di rumah juga ikut bareng2 mengepalkan kedua tangan kita ikut berdoa
Its been almost a month since my last breakdown. I had never felt so low and confused and angry at everything and everyone. I felt slightly better the moment i told my husband about the thoughts i had bottled up, and felt much better hearing his response.
Di KRL gue dikasih duduk walau mepet2 sm ibu2, trs ada yg komplain krn dia jd kesempitan. Si ibu2 yg ngasih tempat duduk was like :
"heh lu tuh cuma bayar 3rb pelit banget jd orang, mau luas? Tuh naik ambulans, gaada yg mau nemenin lo"
Wey bu.. Thanks (?)
But I wake up to him smiling. Every morning. No matter how rough yesterday was, or scary the night went, he always wakes up in the morning smiling. Like it's gonna be a good day.
WTS few IKEA stuffs. All are new (BNIB) and 100% conditions. Dijual krn truck gue bocor saat delivery barang IKEA ke customer, so we need to refund them. Please help a small business out here :">
Bcs the boxes are mostly broken due to rain, we're selling 10% off of retail price
krn BPJS has helped me and my family a lot. The inconvenience of its system is not even comparable to the benefit it gives. It really is a system that keeps on giving.
Ini sepupu ngirimin hasil usg 6 bulan, terus bilang "ini idungnya aku bgt ga si" BITC THERE'S NOTHING THERE BUT GREY CLOUD IT MIGHT AS WELL BE A PICTURE OF POLLUTION AND I COULDN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE. ok.
People really be losing their mind over this????? But at the same time getting angry at kids who disregard other people's ownership???? If home is the kids' early education, making them learn about ownership should be normal.
💚 Gua tau mama gua suka nyimpen makanan atau jajanan nya sendiri di kamar, tiap gua liat gak pernah gua ambil juga makanannya dia. tapi gua kaget liat kulkas sampe dinamain dan gak cuma satu. Berasa lagi ngekos 😅
Where did this term sleep like a baby come from like my baby doesnt sleep so easy is he not a baby? I sleep like a baby better than my baby does whos the adult in this family
Im a happily married woman with a kid. I dont need to see my past crush giving speech and fall in love with that voice anymore. Im so done with heartbreak. Im a happily married woman with a kid. Im a happily married woman with a kid. Im a happily married woman with a kid. Im a ha
The greatest tragedy would be to forget everything that he has taught me. He taught me that all those seemingly strong people also has insecurity. That those seeking for recognition is not petty. That those failing needs reassurance that they can.
The "everything happens for a reason" has made us feel so entitled to have good things happen to us. Sometimes things just happen, and you're not that special.
I cant decide which one is more painful: remove the group chat altogether while we're still close but embarking on different paths, or keep it and watch it get more silent by time
I guess the first step is to realize that "being married to" is not a death sentence, but it is a choice that you can always opt out from. And second, to also realize that "cinta yg sesungguhnya" is not as black and white as some people might expect
There's no transition time between my mom telling me not to watch kissing scenes on movies and asking how my first night as a married couple went. How do i tell her
My unpopular opinion: I don't feel sympathy at all toward Meghan Markle. She sounds like a spoiled whiny *sjw* who should know better when she married into a royal family what she's getting into. You can't cherry pick the glamour w/out the consequence of stifling royal tradition.
And now Awkarin accusing everyone yg criticized her video as "mocking mental illness". Umm, no. We're criticizing your clickbait youube video title, which in it you criticized clickbait trend.
Stop. The. Strawman. Response.
Me getting angry at my son for not telling me his feeling (cause hes a baby). But also me getting angry at husband for not understanding my feeling without me having to tell him (cause im his baby).
And seeing how active mba aw in fighting for mental health, it's weird seeing her instagram flexing her wealth when this country's income per capita is less than 5mill and econ disparity is one contributing factor to mental health issue.
The team I judged told me "to judge this debate, you need to put yourself in the shoe of a CEO". Wow such a high bar of accreditation. Phew, thank god I passed.
Great that this finally happened. Sad that it required this much attention for this to be processed by the police. Apakah polisi bekerja untuk image di publik saja?
Polres Tangerang Selatan mencokok terduga pemerkosa berinisial RI (19) di daerah Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Polisi mulai mengusut kasus ini usai cerita korban AF viral di media sosial.
Diingat saja sudah berapa preseden terkait finance di national yg berujung sengketa. Kalo profit gimana, kalo loss gimana, apakah orgcomm boleh dibayar/ambil profit? Coba di konstitusinya dijelasin jd gadiabuse di next tourney nya
Wkwkwkwkwkwkwk gila banget ya ada cowo bisa mikir cewe kalo nyerah ngurus anak aja di rumah. WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK WOW WHERES MY SLEEP AT WHERES MY MEAL TIME AT DO I GET A WEEKEND OFF AND ALSO SHOULD I BUY DIAPERS OR MAKE UP I DONT KNOW.