![Alnick Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1887419216372113414/SMaxOmyC.jpg)
Labour, development, and the welfare state.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Joined December 2021
Supporters of anies baswedan are whitewashing HRS records, especially his involvement in FPI, his organisation's records of opposing religious pluralism, religious minorities, not to mention morality vigilantism/rackeetering. Anies supporters are as idiotic as 02's supporters.
Contrast this with the legislative candidates from the labour party. You have domestic workers, factory workers, urban poor, etc who were forced by circumstances to become activists, organisers, and union leaders to advocate for their own & other people's socioeconomic rights.
kalo u gak tau ngapain nyaleg????????? Nanti pas u nyaleg u mau ngapain kalo gak tau??????????????????????????????
Indonesia cannot adopt the finnish education system because, unlike finland, we don't have social democratic institutions like strong unions, centralised wage bargaining, and universal welfare state that produces low social inequality, a precondition for their education system.
Tahu ngga kenapa kita belum cocok adopsi pendidikan Finland?. - Infrastruktur pendidikan gak sama.- Kultur masyarakat gak sama. Kita harus bisa melihat MELAMPAUI "sistem pendidikan Finland". Dengan karakter masyarakat yang bagaimana, anak dididik seperti apa?.
That Rp400k you pay for JKN is not for you, personally, but to pay for the healthcare treatment cost of some lower class person who lived in one of jakarta's slums when they were injured after being crushed by a car driven by an FH UI student while walking on the sidewalk.
@flonoviadinda gak berasa manfaatnya bpjs kes 400rb krn dah bayar asuransi swasta 1,3jt, harusnya pemerintah sbg regulator menggabungkan iuran bpjs kes dgn premi asuransi swasta biar yg bayar merasakan manfaatnya, malah bikin omnibus law kesehatan yg bikin pekerja makin dieksploitasi.
The new Indonesian Labour Party was officially listed as a participant for the 2024 general election. The party is formed by an alliance of the largest labour union confederations (KSPSI, KSPI, KSBSI), the Indonesian Farmers' Union (SPI), and other civil society organisations.
Sejarah Partai Buruh No. Urut 6 Sebagai Peserta Pemilu Untuk 2024 di KPU - RI (14/12/2022) . #WeAreTheWorkingClass #PartaiBuruh .#KelasPekerja #klaspekerja #BuruhBersatu #PartaiBuruhMenang #NegaraSejahtera #WelfareState
A bold move by an HR person to publicly declare their intention to violate the indonesian constitution, human rights law, and labour laws on individual's equal access to jobs without discrimination. Usually they tend to be more covert (e.g. alleged blacklist of union activists).
Gen-Z model begini udah kutandain karena aku bagian Recruitment, ga akan kuizinin masuk di kantorku. Kalau ada teman HR yang nanyain soal medsos checking, akan kusodorin thread ini. Oya, tentu kuscreenshot dulu dong, misal diapus. Alasannya? Here I tell you. .
One of the reasons rice is more expensive in indonesia than global market price are: restrictions on rice imports, so-called "rice racketering", low productivity due to increasing land concentration by landlords. My Q: Do you think other presidents would be able to solve this?.
@neueann @alnickmnathan UK ga ada sawah harga beras cuman 52 penny. Udah akuin aja emang mulyono Gagal mengendalikan harga
So anies baswedan agrees to crush "communism", "marxism", "secularism", "religious blasphemy", etc but in reality he is very pluralistic, intellectual, and tolerant. So does that mean that he is a liar who is willing to say or agrees to anything as long as he got the votes?.
mungkin kang @zenrs bisa bikinin pakta integritas versi intelektual buat mas anies sepakati.
The suburban area around tangerang was a land giveaway from soeharto to private real estate developers during the new order. You are standing on the corpse of weak state capacity hollowed out by privatisation, clientielist goverance, and politically-disorganised citizens.
Ruang terbuka✅.Gratis ✅.Bisa dikunjungi siapa saja✅.Bisa diakses transportasi umum✅.Banyak makanan minuman✅. Terimakasih Pemkot Tangsel karena sudah GA NGAPA-NGAPAIN untuk menyediakan ruang publik bagi warganya sendiri
That's because the people who were willing to fight for emancipation, equality, and social justice, from lowly landless peasants to labour unionists, were slaughtered in 1965-1966 you fucking moron.
Memang bukan bangsa pejuang. Bangsa oportunis & penjilat. Lihat aja pas orba. Diktator gitu yg resisten dikit bgt, cuma kelompok terpelajar (mahasiswa & ilmuwan). Lebih banyak yg menjilat, ABS, & enabler rezim biar dapet persenan.
Since when can the president of indonesia control the global macroeconomy? The growth during SBY was supported by commodity boom, ending in the 2010s. By the time jokowi was elected, manufacturing industries were already stagnant, no commodity boom, income inequality was high.
Homeownership ideology is a disaster. They copied singapore but without doing anything to increase housing supply in the cities. You solve the housing crisis by legalising dense, multi-family housing in urban areas & protection of tenant rights.
Many indonesians are still not mature when it comes to politics. Treating politics, politicians, or political parties like fandom, virtue-signalling mechanisms, or worse as something "dirty" (kotor) to be avoided in the name of some moral purity.
“jaminan ruang demokrasi utk masyarakat dlm mengkritik kalo si ini kepilih”. “Nyesel banget milih ini partai”. Ayolah, kan ini bisa jadi diskusi yg produktif. Kritik PB oke aja. Mungkin krn eksklusif ke casenya mereka, sedangkan mekanisme CF ini beragam tergantung lanskap kawasan.
Hadiz & robison thesis was in 2004 (20 years ago), not including hadiz's earlier papers. As long as one variable (politically well-organised workers, lower class, liberals, reformists) is missing, the social structure where political-economic elites are dominant is a constant.
Tentang kartelisasi partai politik di Indonesia, selalu inget bukunya mas Dodi Ambardi yg terbit 2009. Banyak yang sudah ngasih tesis bantahan, tapi ternyata sampai sekarang masih relevan.
Will never tire of saying that small business populism is the last redoubt of the capitalist class and is bad for workers, bad for the economy, and bad for socialism.
Satu harapan saya agar kedepannya lbh bijaksana: Menganalisis UMKM tdk bisa pakai teori pertentangan kelas dalam masyarakat kapitalis antara kelas borjuis dan proletariat. Gak bisa kritisi warung Madura dgn pisau analisis yg dipake ntk minimarket modern raksasa.
That there is no tenant protection laws, nor any political movement advocating for it, in Indonesia is the result of pervasive home-ownership ideology: the view that rental housing is merely "transitional" or "for the poor", and thus an illegitimate form of housing tenure.
Meanwhile, a private rental unit in Jakarta: .Windowless since decades ago. The location is just 500 m behind the most expensive addresses in Jakarta. The state does not provide any protection and subsidies to tenants.
Never forget that ben anderson's proposal to counter against the kramanisation of the indonesian language (which was once revolutionary & egalitarian) is to replace it with the jakartan dialect. Hands down one of the greatest troll of the indonesian social science.
Tahukah kamu bahwa menurut Anderson (1990), stratifikasi bahasa Jawa menjadi ngoko, kromo, dan kromo inggil adalah upaya elit keraton mempertahankan hegemoni dan menciptakan mistisisme untuk kelas atas pasca kolonialisme yang telah merenggut kekuasaan politik pada waktu itu.
Is "skill mismatch" a real problem? Yes.Does the mainstream discourse problematise the issue correctly? No.Are employers full of themselves when claiming of "skill mismatch"? Probably yes.Is it an urgent problem to be addressed? No.Does solving it also solve unemployment? No.
My new article is out on @ConversationIDN: Narasi skills mismatch berpotensi menstigma pelamar kerja sambil terus menormalisasi kebobrokan perusahaan. Dalam narasi ini, peran institusi pendidikan rentan direduksi sekadar menghasilkan tenaga siap kerja.
Social justice is not about creating a society where everyone can access higher education to achieve economic security, but creating a society where everyone has economic security without the need to access higher education.
This only makes sense if either you are not familiar with the history of labour & socialist movements across the world or you have a political understanding of a 12 years old.
A /r/indonesia redditor created a beautiful poem:. "Communist until you get rich,.Feminist until you get married,.Atheist until the plane starts falling,.Activism until you get power". It rhymes.
Recent studies on the impact of minimum wage increase to formal employment in indonesia suggest an elasticity of around: .1) Siregar (2020): –0.2 .2) Higashikata (2021): -0.35 to -0.51.3) Siregar (2022): 0.056 . In comparison, this paper you cited is 0.0041 to 0.0047.
jadi dari berbagai Sumber yang gue pelajari dan teliti, menunjukan bahwa kenaikan upah minimum dapat mendorong pekerja dan perusahaan untuk beralih ke sektor formal.
The buruh yogyakarta account being dunked en masse because they adopted the correct policy position in opposition to the commonly accepted but wrong leftist position: that you can't eliminate poverty or economic insecurity by simply expanding access to higher education.
Gak belain makan gratis, tapi satu rumah satu sarjana juga ga begitu berguna kalau industri dan pasar kerja begini😐.
@gemilang71 "Foreign workers have better skill and we should attract them by offering higher wages" always shows ignorance and disregard of our labour market & incentives structures.
Again, you think ignorance & denial of economics or development is a peculiarly public officials or government's problem. But "we don't care about development or economics" is a widespread belief among nominally-leftist indonesians. In fact, they *oppose* economic development.
Indonesia negara yang pejabatnya terlalu tolol dan skill issue, ditengah negara asean imperfect lainnya yang pengen maju perlahan-lahan. pejabatnya cuma murni mau ambil kue aja tanpa dikitpun mikirin long term apapun. presidennya cuma seneng pidato gagah-gagahan depan podium.
Yes, but when I wrote this piece a year ago, showing that small (informal) businesses paid lower wages than larger businesses, have worse working conditions due to informal labour relations, etc, everyone was having a meltdown & calling me names.
Selalu sedih kalau baca cerita soal gaji karyawan F&B di timeline. Kayaknya belakangan makin suram karena (selain pandemi) ketentuan di UUCK memberikan pengecualian upah minimum bagi Usaha Kecil Mikro. Nah, F&B banyak masuk kategori ini. “Legal” deh ngasih upah dibawah UMK ☹️.
"Neohistoria" spreads false anti-communist myth that legitimise mass killings. There was never any proof except for circumstancial evidence that the communist party was involved in the kidnapping & killings of army generals in 1 october 1965. There was no "red terror".
Pasca terjadinya Teror Merah oleh Partai Komunis Indonesia pada 30 September dan 1 Oktober 1965, situasi dalam negeri kacau, ditambah kondisi ekonomi yang semakin memburuk, sehingga ketidakpuasan merebak di mana-mana.
This is false. Historically, women participated in economic/production activities no different than men. The rise of single-earner households only comes later, ironically, with income effects resulting from industrialisation, economic growth, and rise in higher-paid jobs.
Ini juga kenapa zaman dulu gender roles bisa pakem (laki-laki bekerja dari jam 7 sampai 4, perempuan mengurus rumah dan anak) karena MASUK AKAL utk hidup dgn single income. “Cewek zaman sekarang gak bisa diatur, maunya kerja!” ya soalnya kalo suaminya doang yg kerja gak cukup🙏🏻.
My piece in @indoprogress on small business fetishism in Indonesia. Small business have lower productivity, lower wages, employ insecure informal workers. The dominance of small business in Indonesia is a symptom of a dysfunctional economy that is hostile to the working class.
“UMKM adalah pilar penting dalam membangun ekonomi bangsa.”. Selalu ada narasi yang membesar-besarkan peran usaha kecil dalam perekonomian negara. Ketimbang mendorong solidaritas terhadap buruh, narasinya malah jatuh pada romantisasi kesuksesan para wirausahawan.
Take the bloody fucking L mate @sociotalker
@sociotalker @zahraamalias @predoc_org "Ummm, actually they have to be employed by university or academic institutions" ☝️🏾🤓. From the @predoc_org website (number 4 will surprise you!):
I wrote a blog piece essentially describing a practice of academic dishonesty by indonesian researchers & activists in the name of the "people". When you constantly see this, a person who says what they really think regardless of people's opinion is indeed a breath of fresh air.
Refleksi akhir tahun 2024 bagi peneliti ternyata adalah: pentingnya komunikasi sains yang empatik terutama di media sosial, apalagi ketika membahas isu2 yang "ramai" di publik.
Muhammad hatta refused to participate in political parties & mass movements advocating for the interests of the lower classes/"rakyat" over slight ideological differences, then cried when he became further & further isolated from political power.
"Anak muda boleh pandai beretorika, tapi juga harus sadar untuk mewujudkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat yang menjadi cita-cita. Tindakan jauh lebih penting daripada kata-kata". -Bung Hatta (juga)-. Mari bermain kutipan para bapak Bangsa.
Indonesians, especially the highly educated types, secretly have anti-poor/class bias. The veneration of formal education & credentialism is downstream from the fact that the lower classes are less likely to have them & so can be excluded from the political/public policy process.
Sekilas kritik ini seperti deja vu utk konteks Indonesia, tapi para ahli kesehatan global ini tdk pernah mengkritik si bos NHS "karena dia bukan dokter", tapi fokusnya selalu kepada bagaimana dia memperlakukan sistem kesehatan, sebuah NHS, selayaknya bank. Dua sistem berbeda.
Because. that's not what the jakarta method book is aiming to do? Like the book's title & subtitle already gives away what the book is mainly about. ?.
Menurut saya Metode Jakarta bukan buku yg paling komperhensif membahas sejarah PKI. Buku McVey - Kemunculan Komunisme Indonesia ini yg paling mendalam membahas PKI sampai pemberontakan 1926-1927.
You can sort of imagine the kind of human capabilities and potential that can be unleashed if only society doesn't collectively decide that a large proportion of the population must live in abject poverty & economic insecurity.
Aku terpesona dengan drivel ojol ini yang ketika senggang menunggu pesanan resto/penumpang, beliau belajar Python dari buku O'Reilly menggunakan handphone nya. Beliau bercerita pernah masuk di dunia Front-End dan ikut kelas gratis, tapi beliau belum dapet "konsep" nya.
The Urban Poor Consortium & Jaringan Rakyat Miskin Kota had a long record of advocating the interests of urban poor in Jakarta. Help them as nuch as you can. @projectm_org had written few articles on their advocacy efforts:.1) 2)
In laymen terms: we have stronger evidence suggesting that raising the minimum wage reduces formal employment than evidence suggesting positive or insignificant results. So increasing the minimum wage is indeed bad if your main consideration is formal employment :).
Recent studies on the impact of minimum wage increase to formal employment in indonesia suggest an elasticity of around: .1) Siregar (2020): –0.2 .2) Higashikata (2021): -0.35 to -0.51.3) Siregar (2022): 0.056 . In comparison, this paper you cited is 0.0041 to 0.0047.
I am fascinated by indonesian leftist discourse on a purely discursive basis. In this case, the argument that some people (urban poor) lack the privilege to golput is then responded by arguing that other people (west papuans) lack the privilege to not golput.
Btw, golput jangan cuma dilihat dalam pemaknaan yg individualistik. Di realitas lain, golput itu keputusan kolektif yg berasal dari proses demokrasi. Justru, gak semua privilege dan bisa afford untuk memilih dan berkontrak parsial. Misal 👇 .
@gyupuppiy It's an extrajudicial execution & bad. If you support the execution, you are no better than FPI footsoldiers who are willing to break laws & persecute minorities in the name of religious morality.
Fucking delusional. If it weren't for the fact the so-called "middle class" are recently experiencing a decline in standard of living, as opposed to the previous period where you are the main beneficiary of growth, you would still be mocking blue-collar workers & labour unions.
Kata gue dia lebih pengen bunuh middle class soalnya middle class justru yang paling masif perlawanannya. Low class dikasih makan lgsg diem tapi middle class masih bisa ‘melawan’. Jadi either kitanya dimatiin or dibikin jadi golongan low class biar ga punya pilihan.
@SirupPisangIjo You can say he changed his viewpoints (doubtful) without whitewashing his actual political track records. It's not that difficult. You are no different than PSI politicians whitewashing prabowo's track records just because suddenly jokowi supports him.
If you read some rural research, you learn that the rural poor/labouring classes are often threatened with social exclusion, removed as welfare recipients, losing their land access, etc if they choose the candidate that the village's ruling class/party apparatchiks don't like.
ayo tetap semangat ngata2in voters 02 tolol di sekitarmu biar 5 tahun lagi (kalau masih ada pemilu) orang2 pada inget bahwa salah pilih presiden bisa diganjar sanksi sosial yg ga main2.
Its difficult for me to blame the "government" as responsible for romanticising small businesses when in fact they are dandhy laksono's & farid gaban's (two prominent journalist/activist & populist figures) whole schtick.
Masalahnya, yg paling meromantisasi UMKM itu pemerintah. Di UU Cipta Kerja, Usaha Kecil Mikro (Menengah nggak termasuk), dilegalkan untuk ngasih gaji dibawah upah minimum, cukup “kesepakatan” dengan standar yang nyaris nggak ada.
Obviously the poor & low income groups are more economically disadvantaged than you white-collar middle income groups who are currently studying abroad.
Upper class: punya uang unlimited, semua gak masalah. Lower class: ada subsidi, bantuan, dan fasilitas seperti KIP. Middle class: gak punya cukup uang, gak ada bantuan, elu tuh gak diajak.
I personally think these kind of reasonings are just a cope from the indonesian highly educated strata. Many socialist politicians in the 19th & 20th centuries came from "bourgeois" backgrounds yet were able to built a government that "benefits the many, not the few.".
ini template yg bisa dipake utk hal lain. gw mulai:. Pejabat tidak banyak yang peduli pada perpustakaan karena pejabat tidak banyak yang suka membaca.
Hal hill, anne booth, vedi hadiz, etc, despite their disagreements are of the consensus that economic development under soeharto were relatively successful in bringing structural transformation & income growth. DESPITE the inefficiencies, the authoritarianism, the inequality.
Mafia Berkeley itu berhasil ngibulin rakyat dengan fiksi statistik. Bukan aku yang bilang, tapi kakak tingkatmu, FE 1950. Bukannya berefleksi, kau malah ikutan ngibul!. Orientasi planning kita masih top-down. Rakyat cuma jadi penonton, dipaksa puas kecipratan getah pembangunan
Continuing the tradition of romanticising mass actions, even referencing may 1968 france is very appropriate. After 1968, the vote for france's socialist parties collapsed & the conservative de gaullist party won an electoral landslide.
Salah satu slogan revolusi mahasiswa Prancis 1968 adalah "Sous les pavés, la plage (di bawah jalanan, pantai).". Melihat foto ini, saya pikir kita bisa melanjutkan slogan itu mjd "Sous les pavés, la plage. Au-dessus, l'arc-en-ciel (di bawah jalanan, pantai. Di atasnya, pelangi)."
The road to the welfare state in indonesia is steep because most people still believe that it is the responsibility of individuals, and not society or the state, to provide economic security or social care for their families. Believing otherwise is seen as "western values".
Makanya penjelasan sandwich generation itu gak masuk di boomer dan early X. Karena itu yang mereka lakukan untuk survive. Sandwich generation jadi terasa berat karena diiterasi hari ini sama values western.
I think the moment people start slandering and making up claims or accusations that can be easily disproven is the moment you all should realise that your own biases have massively clouded your judgements.
@sociotalker Maaf, Prof, di US research assistantship yg berorientasi training & studi doktoral memang umum disebut ‘pre-doctoral.’ Terutama di Ekonomi. Umum juga disebut “economist” meski masih in-training bila merujuk ke bidang studi dia. Contoh @predoc_org & ini:.
In the 1960s uneducated peasants, organised by the communist party, were able to do social research on rural inequality that was used to promote land reform. Urban workers & lower class women were politically educated. They were later killed, jailed, tortured by the army in 1965.
@poordeimos @silvaaa100 @fariss_rachman @AzvinHutama Bener sih, idealnya sih sebelum reformasi masyarakat kita sudah mengalami aufklarung seperti Eropa abad pertengahan. Karena belum tercerahkan semua hasilnya demokrasi pun jalan di tempat dan bahkan cenderung mengalami kemunduran.
@sociotalker @zahraamalias @predoc_org And what you "know" is wrong, and have been repeatedly proven wrong. Just take the L man
In the tax you pay, regardless of how much of it ends up in misallocation or corruption, entails some of the rights of the poor, welfare program recipients, people who accessed cheap public and social services, workers getting social security benefits, etc.
Kesimpulan dari baca ribut2 pagi ini: “oooh ternyata panik juga ya kalau rakyat jelata jadi pada males bayar pajak.”.
Yeah let's just ignore how your own economics department stood silent as hundreds of thousands of communists, socialists, labour unionists, peasant organisers, women activists, were slaughtered, imprisoned, and tortured en masse in 1965-1966 to crack a joke.
That "marxism-leninism" and "communism" are legally banned ideologies is not that big of an obstacle for the growth of socialist politics if you are willing to think creatively, pragmatically, flexibly, and shed some of the ideological marxist dogmatism.
Blok oposisi liberal / kiri di Indonesia bisa kuat, kalau bisa ajarin kerangka berpikir politiknya, bisa bikin program kaderisasi secara ideologi sama dengan PKS dan kawan-kawan. Lha ideologinya aja di larang. Mau gimana coba.
Reminder that the communist party was able to teach uneducated peasants about political economy & social research. The result is the "seven village devils" report on rural class inequality. Uneducated peasants in the 1960s did better research than most college students today.
Penceramah agama lebih populer dibanding dosen/akademisi adalah penjelasan kenapa Vietnam bakal menjadi negara terbesar di ASEAN dalam beberapa dekade ke depan meninggalkan Indonesia jauh di belakang.
Taxing extractive sectors (palm oil, mining, etc) to subsidise and invest on manufacturing industry or R&D sectors is an underrated industrial policy strategy.
Korporasi2 yg kerjaannya cuma ngabisin kekayaan bersama (SDA) kok pajaknya mau disamain sama multinasional2 teknologi dan industri di Singapura. Enak bener. .
I remember when I first read the paper years ago. As a discourse enjoyer, IMO this is one of the best policy cum semantic research paper I've read. Linguistically tracing the indonesian term for "policy" & the politically conservative nature of the term.
@parlefeu Kolega saya di kampus kemarin ada yang meneliti kata "kebijakan" ini dari sisi semantiknya. Diterbitkan oleh jurnal Critical Policy Studies. Kalau ndak salah 2 tahun lalu ini jadi salah satu artikel yang dapat penghargaan dari Taylor and Francis.
You don't hate asian education system. You hate not having a big welfare state & a strong labour market that can reduce economic inequality while ensuring economic security across an individual's life cycle.
It’s okay kalo punya perbedaan pandangan ya. Tp IMO, pendidikan model ‘asia’ gini berasa banget toxicnya pas anak udh mulai dewasa. Lulus kuliah harus segera kerja -> dapet gaji besar -> kirim sebagian ke orang tua -> naik gaji terus sampai tak terhingga -> investasi ortu balik.
Removing all the employer's contribution (Rp838,080) + "potongan tunjangan kesehatan" that is obviously employer's private health benefits (Rp1,296,067) would put the effective payroll tax that this person pays at Rp653k or 7.5% of their monthly income of Rp8.6 million.
Tiap bulan, potongan gaji aja udah sebanyak ini, terus masih bakal dipotong lagi buat Tapera???. Demi Allah ga ridho dan ikhlas sama sekali.
A pro-worker & pro-family agenda would entail:.1) Public childcare provision.2) Public social insurance-based gender equal paid parental leave.2) State-funded monthly child/family allowance.3) Free public health insurance for children.4) Free pre-K & primary + secondary school.
Pemerintah mulai panik karena angka kelahiran mulai turun, tapi nggak mau menyentuh inti masalah. Mulai dari beban pengasuhan yg hanya diletakkan pada perempuan sampai harga² barang & layanan yg semakin mahal. Yg dilakukan malah menakuti dan guilt-tripping, khususnya pd perempuan.
The first step of having a nordic welfare state is actually to have a strong & well-organised labour movement & socialist party capable of taking political power.
The first step of having a nordic welfare state is to actually have a clean government. IF this first step is skipped then it is "memeras kelas menengah".
Comparing the price of milk between indonesia with a country/region where dairy production & consumption were part of a long-standing history & whose producers earn so many subsidies from the governments + EU's Common Agricultural Policy that china challenged them to WTO.
This is the conservative welfarism under esping-andersen's typology: social welfare & care provisions are primarily the responsibility of the family (more specifically, wives/female family members). The aim of social policy is to reinforce the traditional/family institutions.
Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini menolak konsep panti jompo. Menurutnya, itu bukan bagian dari budaya Indonesia. #newsupdate #update #news #quote
It's hard to believe that this book existed because benedict anderson was banned from indonesia (his original expertise) by the soeharto's regime, leading anderson to more seriously research about other southeast asian countries & eventually to the question of nationalism.
Benedict Anderson’s, “Imagined Communities,” was published 40 years ago in 1983. Given the current times, a bit surprising that not much has been written, as far as I know, on the fortieth anniversary of the book.
This is a misleading meme. The post-1945 celebration of kartini was not primarily due to dutch colonial influences. One of the groups that aggresively promoted kartini into a national figure was the communists. Because they saw her as sort of anti-feudal & proto-feminist figure.
Krn buat Belanda Kartini aman. Ga offensive. Beda dg el Yunussiyah, Rohana Kudus yg senang mmprovokasi murid & perempuan unt kritis dgn keadaan lingkungan ketidak adilan trmasuk ke penjajah. Rohana menulis dg tajam soal Belanda di surat kabar miliknya sdg ibu el yunussiyah bahkan.