Zorawar Daulet Singh, PhD
Author • Geopolitics and international relations • https://t.co/QEK2qXfQSg
Delhi, India
Joined May 2014
Did a former US President just hint at the possibility of India breaking up ? . Incredible that a country whose professed ideals are so far removed from its own domestic reality — a corrupt oligarchy called the US Congress, a military industrial complex out of whack, a mainstream.
Just sat down for an exclusive w/ President @BarackObama in Athens to discuss the future of democracy, at home & abroad. I asked how the US should engage with autocracies. Watch his response. Our interview and a conversation with 3 Obama Foundation leaders airs 10pET on @CNN.
US and EU officials have crossed the line with their outrageous remarks.
"There will be consequences": Tough words from US Dy NSA Daleep Singh in Delhi, warns against constructing alternate payment mechanisms with Russia, buying more oil, says "If China breaches LAC again, Russia will not come running to India's defence":
The US and it’s allies have become safe havens for anti-India terrorists. These safe havens cannot exist without support from western intelligence services.
Confirming that he is alive and in #NewYork, India’s designated terrorist #GurpatwantSinghPannun on Thursday issued a fresh threat to Indian diplomats in #Canada, the #US, #Australia and the #UK. Pannun, who founded Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), released a video message from UN
This Daleep chap is confused. This bravado only works with client states.
"There will be consequences": Tough words from US Dy NSA Daleep Singh in Delhi, warns against constructing alternate payment mechanisms with Russia, buying more oil, says "If China breaches LAC again, Russia will not come running to India's defence":
The US has never left any doubt that the India partnership is primarily about India chipping in to safeguard the US security framework in Asia and beyond. The notion that India could have legitimate national geopolitical interests in a subregion of Asia is seen as a distraction.
White House says "we’re going to continue to work to improve and strengthen that strategic partnership with India.". India’s importance to the US strategy for balancing against PRC is unmistakable. But is the US important to India in dealing with PRC? Or has India reconciled to.
But Canada and some other countries are the terrorist safe havens. Why should intelligent investors worry about India, who stands for a world without terror?.
Let’s say that Canada is wrong-headed and incorrect, and India’s retaliation is just and appropriate. What do you think Western business executives will take away from this affair as they think about the political risk associated with large investments in India?.
There is now overwhelming evidence uncovered by Americans themselves that the CIA was involved in the brazen assassination of a sitting US President in 1963. Anything with “The CIA believes…” is a joke.
RAW Chief Samant Goel approved the Pannun killing plot, believe US agencies. The CIA believes NSA Ajit Doval may have known about the Pannun operation. US govt is looking at potential links to PM Modi's inner circle. Here's everything the Washington Post's report says 🧵
Russia has single-handedly held off NATO and the collective west in the most intensive great power proxy war since the 1940’s. This feat would be impossible without a formidable military industrial complex and that would be impossible to sustain without science, technology,.
"Geopolitical importance of Russia will go down in time to come in spite of it being major nuclear power. Wagner rebellion indicates internal weakness & is indicative of what lie in store for future where Russia is concerned.". ~ India Chief of Defence.
The coup d'état in Bangladesh was the Biden administration’s parting slap on India’s face.
"A cargo vessel from Karachi docked at Chittagong on Wednesday, marking the first-ever direct maritime contact between Pakistan and Bangladesh since the Liberation War of 1971 but stirring up ripples of worry in the Indian security establishment.".
Absolutely. But it was not just preferring a militarized state over India. Pakistan was built up in part to also keep India down.
🔥 Jaishankar in Australia when asked about why India maintains a close defense partnership with Russia: “For multiple decades western countries did not supply weapons to India & saw military dictatorship next to us as a preferred partner.” 🔥.
At no stage has the Indian government condemned Russia for the Bucha massacre. It has called for an independent investigation, a call that was repeated by the Prime Minister in his meeting with Biden today.
"They have condemned the recent horrific atrocities in Bucha, as we see more, we expect them to do exactly that", White House Spox on if Biden asked India to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine
Seems as if the US plan is to keep humiliating India to see where it draws the line. But there is no red line from the Indian side — even on its core interests! And so it leads to even more offensive behavior from Washington.
White House officials meet Sikh activists before PM Modi's U.S. visit. This is the first time that the National Security Council has held a meeting with these Sikh activists and Sikh separatists.
The history of India’s independence movement is also a history of how the radical nationalists were systematically neutralized - from Savarkar to Bhagat Singh to Subhas Chandra Bose and more - in favour of the moderates who wouldn’t rock the boat.
ANI Podcast With Smita Prakash | The story of Tortures at Cellular Jail and Leela & Ullaskar's love story. #ANIPodcastWithSmitaPrakash #SanjeevSanyal #Podcast. Watch the full episode here:
India’s strategic predicament is the opposite of Israel. It is Pakistan who is squatting on Indian territory since the 1940s, aided and abetted by the West. India’s security policies towards Pakistan has been defensive and there has been no attempt to recover Indian territory let.
My take: India must learn from Israel's strategic failure. The policy of periodically attriting enemies, while ignoring politics - the "cult of operational superiority" - has collapsed. Indian policy towards nuclear-armed Pakistan also currently ignores politics, to its peril.
Indians have been led to believe that the rapid erosion of western preponderance over world affairs and a changing balance of power is also a fatal blow to India. All kinds of clever tricks have been employed to manipulate Indian thought - liberal west, democratic west, modern.
When asked to help preserve the collapsing international order, countries like India seem to be asking: "What's in it for me?" . Why help preserve a system you have little stakes in?. Stakeholdership is the answer.
Since 2001, India‘s posture enabled US to stabilize Afghanistan, often at great cost to its security in Kashmir. But with US-Pak promoting an extremist group, India cannot cooperate in that endeavor. J&K’s reorganization first step in reshaping geopolitics.
We must accelerate the #AfghanPeaceProcess including intra-Afghan negotiations. Success here will put Afghans in a much stronger position to defeat ISIS.
Astonishing that Indian policymakers and think tanks continue to use and glorify this concept — rules-based international order — which is a euphemism for an arbitrary and unequal system of international relations!.
Rules-based order with western characteristics… your investigations never meet our standards. Add freedom of speech and you have no case.
India’s ruling elite — across political parties — and the state cannot unshackle itself from the ideological influence of the collective West even when it so obviously undermines India’s civilization, state, society and geopolitical security. And tragically, the main reason why.
Instead of cribbing about what the US, UK, Dutch & Belgian embassies are doing here, try asking MEA, why our ambassadors aren’t busy feting Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Chris Rufo, James Lindsay, Dennis Praeger & a whole bunch of Anti EU, Anti Labour & Anti Dem activists.
“Era of multilateralism” is a polite way of saying that the era of unipolarity is history.
FT Exclusive: 'Absolute agreement on all matters cannot be a prerequisite for collaboration.' Read FT editor @khalafroula's interview with India's prime minister, who responded for the first time to allegations of an Indian assassination plot in the US:
India’s China threat comes from land and not the sea. US’s China threat comes from sea and not the land. The data from these drones will be more useful to the US than to India. And India will spend $4 billion for all this. Great deal for the US.
The proposed drone sale will improve India’s capability to meet current and future threats🇨🇳 by enabling unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance patrols in sea lanes of operation: US on Predatory drone deal with India.
Over the decades, willing proxies have been used by the US to undermine India — Pakistan, UK, Canada etc. — all with the purpose to coerce India and put it in its place. Of course, all this pressure will quickly disappear the moment Indian elites decide to become a vassal state.
MEA summons Canadian Diplomat over Canadians alleging Indian home minister's name in Canada Killings.
How can a state (India) that is a victim of terror be equated with a state (as per India’s official statement) that is a safe haven for terrorists? This is precisely what we were asked to do with our more prolific neighbour. There is immense western pressure on India to resolve.
Under an untrustworthy and immature @JustinTrudeau, Canada has hyphenated itself with Pakistan and become an open protectorate and safe haven for terrorists. The Indian government should not yield an inch. Canadian diplomats must leave.
Rubbish. Indian neutrality will be proven to be the wisest course. This European conflict was caused by an irresponsible & reckless US/NATO that attempted to create a European order and security architecture without the largest country in Europe.
“The longer Russia prosecutes its war without India changing its position, the more likely the United States will be to view India as an unreliable partner. It may not want to, but ultimately New Delhi will have to pick between Russia and the West.”.
US policymakers must really believe they have a hold over Indian elites to behave so brazenly. It is even more appalling because US international prestige is at an all time low. Meanwhile the MEA can keep living in a delusion that the US has actually got a cunning plan to make.
U.S. calls on India to ban Russian state media network RT; Ministry of External Affairs officials say not relevant to us . That such pressure was applied on India is audacious, disrespectful and mind boggling!.
There is no historical precedence for a rising power that has benefited from the U.S. /West while also retaining its strategic independence other than ironically China! The others have all been vassals and protectorates with limited sovereignty or have been used and thrown away.
Interest in India only function of West’s China ties? If US-China reach some deal interest in India will wane? Lesson for India?Keep West at some distance & preserve ties with Rest. Where was democracy/hyper nationalism/aggressive foreign policy when West wooed China for years?.
Naive to imagine that Canada is a “lone gunman” on this issue. Indian diplomats have been threatened in at least three countries in recent months: Canada, UK, US.
So turns out US intelligence worked closely with Canada on possible India link to murder of that Khalistani terrorist. Perhaps a good cop/bad cop gameplay to leverage this allegation in order to compel India to abandon its neutrality in international relations?
Utterly absurd to have a summit with India’s eastern neighbours without Myanmar with whom India shares a 1,600 long km border! No continental India-ASEAN connectivity is possible without Myanmar.
Biden is cozying up to the murderous Saudi rulers but India, in deference to Team Biden, didn't invite Myanmar's foreign minister to its meeting with ASEAN foreign ministers. Myanmar rebuffed India's invitation to a non-political representative and boycotted the New Delhi meet.
Since the Great Game of the nineteenth century, when the British went to extraordinary lengths to keep Russia — the only great power that could challenge the British in Eurasia — away from developing any contact with India, that basic policy of the West to disrupt and sever.
A wide ranging and useful meeting with FM Sergey Lavrov of Russia. As strategic partners, discussed the international situation and contemporary issues. Exchanged views on Indo-Pacific, the Ukraine conflict, the Gaza situation , Afghanistan and Central Asia, BRICS, SCO, G20 and
Spoken like a true vassal state. The subordination of Japan is one of the successes of US foreign policy along with, of course, most of Europe. There is little ‘national’ left in all these states.
Kishida to Congress: “I want to address those Americans who feel the loneliness & exhaustion of being the country that has upheld the international order almost single-handedly. I understand it is a heavy burden…The US should not be expected to do it all…
Ironically, the analogy should be this - Pakistan was and is for India what Russia is seeking to prevent in Ukraine - a hostile, militarized frontline state propped up by the US.
Tanvi M’s art(IE t’day) on costs to India if Russia invades Ukraine is intern level.All will bear cost, not India alone. Can India press US don’t offer NATO m’ship to Ukraine & Russia don’t invade? India has borne cost of US policies in Afg/ Pak/Iraq/Iran/Libya,even China.
US policy to arm Pakistan was not merely for Cold War purposes, that is, to secure a strategic area in the Eurasian Rimland, but to also forestall the possibility of a regional hegemony in South Asia under India.
Good article. But US arms to Pak did disadvantage India. Deepened pol rift. Pak joining US defence pacts nourished its mil hostility to India. Pak had better US planes & tanks in 1965 than India.F16s armed with AMRAAM missiles limited India’s options in aftermath of Balakot.
That is not an accurate analogy because the US has armed Pakistan to the teeth with weaponry that is directed against India and which allows it to wage a prolonged proxy war. India is not arming Russia against the US or NATO but rather it is Russia that assists India with.
It’s understandable why the Western countries would like to get India’s support in their fight against Russia. It matters to them. So hypothetically speaking, if there’s an Indo-Pak clash tomorrow, would the West support India or advise the two sides to exercise restraint?.
Pakistan was a frontline state created by the departing colonial power to serve western geopolitical goals and keep independent India down. A peaceful Pakistan can only emerge once the Pak Army has been cut down to size by its own people.
Actually it is quite soothing to see an enemy burn itself to the ground. They aren’t our people. If they were,1947 & the massacres that followed, the terrorism that followed, the wars that followed wouldn’t have happened. This romanticism and nostalgia is totally misplaced.
Sensible because Kashmir was always a part of India, while Aksai Chin has a much more complex history with Prime Minister Nehru himself raising doubts about it in the late 1950s.
Significant that Home Minister spoke of PoK belonging to India while speaking in parliament about J&K reorganisation, but didn't repeat 2019 reference to taking back Aksai Chin as well.
Russia is the military superpower, not China. Russia controls critical natural resources and strategic commodities, not China. And yet, it will somehow succumb to Chinese schemes! Russia has always sought a balanced multipolar Eurasia. Moscow can pursue a partnership with China.
China is firmly in Russia's corner, and "it now has the capacity to limit Russia's engagement with India, including in India," writes Amb. Shyam Saran via @IndianExpress.
People ask why does US engage in such “strings attached” policies? Because the US is not in the business of creating great powers. It supports those states who are aligned with it and further US geostrategic goals. India’s strategic autonomy is incompatible with this approach.
It’s always ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ with the US. If india does that, will get this. And after all that, these weapon systems can only really be leveraged in concert with the US (“compatible”). That means enormous geopolitical risk and constrains future Indian security policies!.
A neutral Ukraine could have been a bridge between Europe and Asia, leveraging its location to deepen interdependence between major economic centers while also establishing itself as a zone of peace and prosperity. Instead, it succumbed to the worst geopolitical instincts and.
#WATCH | Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Kyiv Central Railway Station from Poland to begin his one-day visit to Ukraine. This is the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
Indeed, and besides it is impossible to prevail in an information war if India relies on west-dominated media and west-controlled social media to project its worldviews. Indian policymakers have done little to invest in independent infrastructure to project ideas.
No emotionalism.West against us on Kashmir since 1947. West’s HR orgs have helped boost Pak propaganda. Its seeming “successful”info war bcoz of this fertile ground.We fight prejudices; Pak profits from them.Muslim card helps. On nuclear issues too West targeted India, not Pak.
Nehru’s position evolved after US decided to militarily build up Pakistan in 1954. It’s essence: Pakistan must vacate occupied PoK & send it’s Army to the barracks. With Indian sovereignty established over whole J&K, free and fair elections would be held.
Nehru on Kashmir, Jan 1952, for anyone interested in a little historical context to recent developments. (via @PriyamvadaGopal )
The extent that America will go to preserve the life and liberty of anti-India terrorists.
1/ Some new details on the alleged plot to target Sikh separatist (and US citizen) Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on American soil in this @prashantktm piece.
This Nazi is lucky he’s not being conscripted for the fall offensive. NATO has started to scrape the bottom of the barrel in Ukraine.
A 98-year old was given standing ovation by the Canadian parliament during Zelensky's speech. He was hailed as a hero for fighting against the Russians. Yaroslav Hunk fought for the 14th division of the Waffen SS.