![帰ってきたネズミさん Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1873689404499501056/K7oxWvu5_x96.jpg)
Joined January 2021
驚愕:「トランプは100万人の命を救ったワクチンの父だった!」 誤:「今更何を言ってる、毒ワクチンを作らせたじゃないか?」 正:「トランプの言ったワクチンとは、軍が作ったオミクロンウイルスだった!」 (注射のワクチンではなく、感染するワクチン)
NEW — Trump Dismisses COVID Vaccine Safety Concerns, Says They Saved Millions of Lives “You have many reports that say the vaccines saved tens of millions of lives and without the vaccines you would have had a thing like we had in 1917.”
@Gop_Army Japan itself is the country that pays the most money and military expenses to the United States, so Trump doesn't complain. However, he won't give a "name" to Ishiba, who is on the side of the deep state that is talking about a Taiwan emergency and an Asian version of NATO...
イーロンマスク「社会保障番号は重複ありで管理されていたことを暴露」 なぜか? 民主党が「全く同じ社会保障番号を使用する不法移民に2020年大統領選挙で投票させた・・・」 「社会保障詐欺の監査を望まない理由、1兆7000億ドルの売春基金をだまし取っている・・・」 😎(あきれるな・・・)
🚨🚨CONSPIRACY THEORY NO MORE, Two reasons why fraudulent SSN’s were provided to illegals by Democrats. A: 10,000 illegals using the same exact Social Security number voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections. B: The reason the radical Democrats don’t want an audit of social security fraud is because they’re scamming off a 1.7 trillion dollar slut fund. It’s BEYOND MASSIVE. He warned us long time ago…
@mirepo5 おっしゃる通り、そういう意味かもしれません。 ただスーパーボールでは「土星の魔方陣」が現れました・・・(エコノミスト誌もまた土星を示唆) 別の意味もあるのかと・・・
The cube represents the Magic Square of Saturn. Osiris, the Egyptian sun god, of whom is worshipped by this ancient esoteric order, is, in fact, also an archytype of Saturn. Saturn is a representation of Baal. Know your symbolism. The Magick Square of Saturn is used in occult rituals. "Ritual/Magickal Rulerships for Saturn: Suffering, misery, loss, endurance, the father, the aged, discipline, recluses, restrictions, poverty, delay, defects, fatalities, misers, those who fast or starve, ascetics, denial, debts, the widowed, corpses, graves, fear, insecurity, disease, grief, long ties, duty, limitations, time and clocks, patience, serious, skeptical, pessimistic, learning from mistakes the hard way. Parts of the body ruled by Saturn: Bones, knees, the ears (hearing, balance), the spleen, the skin, the teeth. Diseases: Chronic wasting diseases, diseases of the skin, bones and teeth, deafness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), depression, blockages, blood clots, stagnation, kidney stones, arthritis, immune deficiencies. Professions: Builders, jailers, gravediggers and morticians. In your astrology chart: The house Saturn is posited in, along with the houses that have the sign of Capricorn on the cusp. [THE SATURN WORKING WILL ACTIVATE THESE AREAS OF YOUR LIFE AND THIS MAY NOT BE FORTUNATE! The Kabalistic/Magickal planetary square working empowers the base chakra. Saturn when properly directed brings a positive sense of self-discipline, endurance, and organization. Saturn also can bring success and advancement through hard work, especially in the career. [AGAIN...BE AWARE. EVEN WHEN DIRECTED WITH AFFIRMATIONS, UNFORTUNATE EVENTS CAN MANIFEST REGARDLESS]."