![STS Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000284778000/f5b746dc3ea1aad2e504d6ebcad8bff7.jpeg)
Sociology, Pub. Policy | Part-time PhD candidate @IOE_London @ucl | Exploring meritocracy, class and elite schools | @ColumbiaSIPA '11 | Mommy to autistic twins
Joined August 2013
Not sure if this is controversial - but traditional Malay kuih should remain in their original colors. Roti Jala should be yellow, not pink/ blue/ purple. Likewise ketayap, onde2 and lopes should be green 🤷🏻♀️. Saw a boutique cafe recently selling purple onde2 😟.
What would you say is your most controversial food take that would immediately revoke your Malaysian card?. For me, I can't stand Milo. Not in powder form, not in drink form, not in dinosaur form. It doesn't taste quite like chocolate. just deception in a can.
Sharing this: In a 2021 World Bank working paper, Malaysian students performed worse in mathematics and science tests after the language of instruction in these subjects was switched from Bahasa Malaysia to English between their primary and secondary school years. 1/n.
1. Ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has urged the government to reinstate English as the medium of instruction for Science and Mathematics in schools. "We cannot sacrifice knowledge merely because we want to develop our language," he says.
RT-ing this again. Just watched on Awani "Dialog Anak Muda" and the host was asking Qs in BM and a few panelists were replying in English. If you are not comfortable conveying your ideas in the language that the program is conducted in, then perhaps pass the spot to others. 🤓.
Just my 2 cents. If you are invited for an interview or speak in panel discussion where it will conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin or other local languages, perhaps try as best as possible to convey most of your ideas in that language, instead of resorting to English. 1/n.
Malas atau rajin berusaha, tidak mengenal kaya atau miskin. Tetapi, 'outcome' atau hasil usaha mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi lazimnya tidak sama dengan 'outcome' yang berusaha tapi kurang berkemampuan. And in many ways, that boils down to privilege and class. 1/n.
Bella anak Dr Sheikh Muszaphar & Dr Halina dapat offer Kolej Permata Pintar, TKC and KYS sekaligus. Best gila jadi orang pandai 😭😭.
Maka tamatlah sudah acara tahunan eksklusif golongan elit di hotel mewah di segitiga emas Kuala Lumpur, yang pada luarannya dilihatkan seperti acara ilmu yang mewacanakan isu2 sosioekonomi yg relevan di hati rakyat. Realitinya, acara ilmiah ini hanyalah untuk golongan atasan. 1/n.
I've pointed out last year about how an annual event, organized by the nation's sovereign wealth fund, that talks about important topics and features key scholars and individuals, being made closed door is ironic and reeks elitism. And the point still stands this year.
Perkara ini ada disentuh di dalam kajian ini yang menganalisa golongan elit di Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini, MCKK disebut sebagai satu sekolah menengah yang memberi (confer) status elit kepada pelajar-pelajarnya. 1/n.
SBP (elite schools) is a training ground to enter politics and government as shown by the number of MCKK alumni. For underdogs, we build start ups? 😆.
Pendapat peribadi: Selagi perbincangan mengenai gaji rendah dibuat dari sudut ekonomi dan kecekapan (efficiency), dan bukan dari sudut manusiawi di mana semua individu mempunyai hak untuk kehidupan bermaruah, maka selagi itu perbincangan itu berada di takuk yang sama.
Personal (perhaps unpopular or shallow) thought: As long as discussions on low wages focus on economics and efficiency, rather than morality and humanity where everyone should live a dignified life unconditionally, we will always find ourselves stuck in the same conversation.
When I was a broke graduate student at Columbia University living on a stipend, halal carts were a godsend. The food was cheap, satisfying, and, of course, delicious. If you are in NYC or planning to visit NYC, do support them. Shoutout to Hooda's at 115th and Broadway. 😄.
A moving scene as New Yorkers from all walks of life come together to support Mohamed, Sam and their coworkers on 83rd & 2nd Ave, taking a stand against anti-Muslim hate. Sitting around a folding table provided by an UES neighbor, sharing halal chicken over rice & building bonds
Idea penubuhan sekolah berasrama penuh (SBP) dibentang pada rancangan Malaysia ke-2 (RMK2) selaras dengan pengumuman dasar ekonomi baru (DEB), dengan tujuan untuk memberi peluang pendidikan kepada anak2 bumiputera khususnya yang berada di luar bandar. 1/n.
Tujuan penubuhan asal mmg untuk anak pandai atau anak kaya. Kau tengok MCKK dan TKC aa. Mmg utk anak raja, bangsawan atau budak pandai supaya boleh masuk civil service.
Since no one asked, let me share some insights on policy making scene, specifically in MY, and perhaps some thoughts which could be useful for the participants. 🙂😅. A thread 🧵.
In recent weeks, drivers in Klang Valley have had one common complaint - the steady build-up of traffic regardless of time, weather or road conditions. It is frustrating and both mentally & physically taxing!
People who read PDF papers online/ on computer screen - How do you guys do it? 😂😅. Maybe this reflects my age more than anything, but I still prefer printed hard-copies so that I can highlight, make notes and put a post-it flag. 🤓📰✏️. @PhDVoice.
Sewajarnya dikongsi dalam Bahasa Malaysia juga. Satu kajian Bank Dunia pada tahun 2021 telah menunjukkan prestasi pelajar Malaysia di dalam Sains dan Matematik menurun apabila bahasa pengantara bertukar dari BM di sekolah rendah ke Bahasa Inggeris di sekolah menengah. 1/n.
Sharing this: In a 2021 World Bank working paper, Malaysian students performed worse in mathematics and science tests after the language of instruction in these subjects was switched from Bahasa Malaysia to English between their primary and secondary school years. 1/n.
A study done by BNM back in 2014 estimated that the B20 households only receive 4% of the fuel subsidy, while the T20 receive 42%.
3/ Yet, the petrol subsidies practically does not benefit anyone, probably except those selling petrol to you. A KRI study already told us that it is arguable more helpful if we relocate the allocation for petrol subsidies to cash transfer programs.
The thing about class privileges such as having parents' financial patronage or social capital (cable) is that it is a form of unearned advantage that gives those who have them a competitive edge over those who are less privileged. 1/n.
Nama kedai kopi di tepi pesawat peribadi tapi nak orang kagum yang dia mulakan perniagaan dengan modal RM50k. 🤷🏻♂️.
Just putting this here - you know, there is a number of qualified Malaysian female economists and/ or experienced policy experts who can be considered as well. 😂😎.
Siapa calon Menteri Kewangan PH? Tolonglah bukan LGE. Rafizi pun kena kotakan janji tak mahu pegang jawatan kerajaan. Sebagai laymen dalam ekonomi, saya minat 2 ekonomis anak watan ini:. KS Jomo, penasihat kanan Khazanah Institute dan Dr Muhammed Khalid, ex-konsultan Bank Dunia.
Read some of the replies and QTs, implying that higher income groups also deserve fuel subsidies as they pay more taxes. Subsidies should be viewed as assistance, not incentives or rewards.
Subsidi minyak RM37.3 billion:.T20 - RM19.8 billion.M40 - RM11.9 billion.B40 - RM5.6 billion. Yes, 53% of petrol-based subsidies go to the top 20% in Malaysia.
Just a quick update - I passed my upgrade a few days ago and am now a PhD candidate 😁. It was a really engaging upgrade session. Looking forward to fieldwork (and the ups and downs of it 😅😝) . @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie @PhDForum
I've pointed out last year about how an annual event, organized by the nation's sovereign wealth fund, that talks about important topics and features key scholars and individuals, being made closed door is ironic and reeks elitism. And the point still stands this year.
Maybe it's just me and I am the minority here; but it is a little ironic to have an event that features discussions on important topics and key scholars, only to make it closed door and limit its access to selected groups. 😅.
Miskin, malas. Tidak berjaya dalam pendidikan, malas. Golongan A/ B/ C, malas. This simplified narrative is not only misleading but also harmful, especially coming from someone in a position to influence policies and with a large public following. #iykyk.
This was one of the most enjoyable interviews I had ☺️. Thank you for the opportunity @EkonomiRakyatMY.
Meritokrasi Menyumbang Kepada Masyarakat Individualistik dan Pentingkan Kelayakan (Credentialism). " Latar belakang saya tidak penting. Saya yang berusaha untuk mendapatkan kejayaan ini. Orang-orang yang tak berjaya itu kerana mereka tidak berusaha. Kerana mereka malas. "
For the rich, success is always framed as the result of effort and hard work; seldom is it attributed to their privileges. Arriving at a position of success is not a true meritocratic process but a confluence of effort, good fortune, and inherited privileges.
A BIT SUPER RICH. 1. Being demonised for being ultra wealthy undoubtedly hurts the feelings of the super rich, but life can be unfair, and I’m sure it doesn’t hurt their bank balance as much. They’ll still be able to lead very comfortable, highly privileged lives, their
Pendidikan asas (0-18) tahun adalah hak asas (basic right) yang seharusnya disokong and dibiayai sebahagian besarnya menggunakan hasil kerajaan. Tidak sesuai jika ia diteliti dari sudut yang sama seperti subsidi penggunaan seperti minyak atau bantuan sosial khusus yang lain. 1/n.
Pendapat peribadi, mungkin dana kerajaan lebih baik digunakan untuk menambah baik sekolah2 harian termasuk sekolah2 daif di mana peluang serta akses pendidikan berkualiti boleh diberi kepada lebih ramai pelajar tanpa perlu diasingkan mengikut kelas pendapatan.
1. The government will consider introducing a new type of school specifically targeting students from hardcore poor families, says PM Anwar Ibrahim. He says this will be based on the framework of a science-based secondary school with complete boarding facilities.
Rather than building or having MRSMs catering to high-income families, a better use of public funds would be to improve the quality of daily secondary schools in the country. 1/n.
Mungkin terkait dengan ini ialah kurangnya pilihan sekolah menengah harian yang mampu menawarkan kualiti pendidikan dan pengajaran yang di kaca mata kebanyakan ibu bapa setaraf dengan MRSM atau SBP. Tidak semua tempat ada sekolah2 harian/ premier bistari yang 'established'. 3/n.
The problem with blind faith in meritocracy is that it creates the false impression that one's success is solely due to their own effort; making it difficult for a person to put themselves in someone else's shoes. .
“I am using that money for a better lifestyle, which I have always wanted. Why am I being punished for that?”.
Fluency in English aside, being eloquent/ articulate can also be associated with display of privilege and higher social class. 1/n.
Good English and eloquence. I know Malaysians think these two things are the *peak* of competence and intelligence. Also much better if it comes wrapped up in a borderline English accent.
Mungkin ini agak sinis, tetapi perbincangan panel, forum, atau debat mengenai isu spt kemiskinan, ketidaksetaraan, dan perlindungan sosial yg hanya melibatkan pembuat dasar, ahli akademik, ketua korporat, dan dijalankan secara eksklusif dlm B. Inggeris, terasa agak tak kena. 1/n.
Perhaps I'm a bit jaded and cynical, but another panel discussion, forum, or debate on topics like poverty, inequality & social protection that only includes policy makers, academics, think tanks, corporate heads, and is done exclusively in English feels quite disconnected. 1/n.
@H_Bakkaniy Alternatively boleh try Kloth Cares. Ada multiple stations boleh drop old clothing items.
Have to bring this back because the annual event just started. 😎 #iykyk.
Maka tamatlah sudah acara tahunan eksklusif golongan elit di hotel mewah di segitiga emas Kuala Lumpur, yang pada luarannya dilihatkan seperti acara ilmu yang mewacanakan isu2 sosioekonomi yg relevan di hati rakyat. Realitinya, acara ilmiah ini hanyalah untuk golongan atasan. 1/n.
I'm not certain about M'sian universities, but there is undoubtedly a lack of socioeconomic diversity in institutions crucial to policymaking in Malaysia. These include regulators, think tanks, govt. investment arms (such as the sovereign wealth fund), and various committees 1/n.
One of the most striking charts from our paper imo is this one:. The vast majority of Economics PhDs at top-ranked programs have a parent with a *graduate* degree - particularly among the American students. That is, we are drawing from an extremely narrow socioeconomic pool.
💯💯. I should also add that often, those who make return to office decisions are usually more privileged where they have to worry less about parental responsibilities, caregiving duties, underlying health conditions, long commute or having to live with existing disabilities.
To all the companies calling people back to the office full-time: Don't mistake presence for performance. Showing up is not a sign of commitment or contribution. It's an act of compliance. What matters is the value people create, not the place they inhabit.
In the midst of everyone sharing their two cents on the state of education in Malaysia, perhaps we should also take the time (or more time) to seek the perspectives of the most important group in the discussion - the children or the students themselves. 1/n.
"Out of 81 countries selected in the analysis, we are number 51 particularly in Science, Mathematics and English language. Even among seven Asean countries,we are the worst of all," . GGWP. We are regressing so bad.
If I can add, I am not an OKU, but parents to children who are OKUs. At the risk of sounding a little selfish 🙏🙏, perhaps I can also suggest that support could also be extended to parents and caregivers of OKU/ person with disabilities.
Hello, if you identify as disabled, what do you think should be done for our community in Malaysia?. I want discrimination protections in employment & all levels of education, what about you?.
I would also be wary of listening or highlighting similar 'hustle advice' from privileged women who have all the resources and ability to access help. By doing so we are it obscuring the lived realities and challenges of many other women who are not as privileged.
Reminded me of a video from a male boss who shared how he studied for his Masters at UM while working to make a pivot in his career & be like, ‘Lepas kerja I terus pergi class. It can be done’. The question in my mind was, “Who took care of your 3 kids while you doing all that?”.
I am reminded of a thought-provoking question from a book I recently read on elite education: . Is it more disturbing that the wealthy spend thousands on private education, or that the middle-class families spend similar amounts? 1/n.
Yuran Sekolah Termahal Di Malaysia. 1. Fairview International School RM554,060.2. The International School @ Parkcity KL RM763,360.3. Australian International School Malaysia RM828,839.4. Nexus International School Putrajaya RM864,560.5. Alice Smith School KL RM980,600. MORE ↓
It's not the curriculum per se - most probably what Muar MP @SyedSaddiq was referring to is the LEARNING that takes place in MY's schools. Malaysian students only received the equivalent of 8-9 years of schooling in real terms, despite attending school for 12.5 years. 1/n
1. Malaysia’s curriculum is on par with other countries like Singapore and Japan, says Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek. She explains that this was based on a comparative study carried out by KPM, involving nations like Singapore, Australia, Japan, the UK and Finland.
💯Also, just my observation, you hardly hear any of the C-suite lady bosses speak about what steps they’ve taken to ensure their firms are inclusive towards women, OKUs and other marginalised groups. 😎😉.
My takeaways from IWD events:.-Tokenism is real. Ppl will platform any woman in high positions- no gender lens needed. -They'll stuff 1 man on the panel & he'll jk abt being a 'thorn among roses'.-Privileged corporates think they can speak for all women, incld low-income women.
💯 Worth repeating over and over again - learning cannot take place on an empty stomach. Neither at school nor at the work place.
"Pendidikan lebih penting dari handouts" . Why kena pilih satu. Kenapa tak buat dua dua sekali. Kau bagi dia pendidikan, tapi bila dia balik rumah dia takda duit nak makan minum, ingat dia dapat ke nak focus untuk belajar? Belum baju sekolah lagi, duit minyak nak ke sekolah lagi.
This doesn't get discussed as often, but imagery is powerful in shaping expectations and subsequently influencing policy. Many of us grew up with textbooks, montages of what a rich country looks like - skyscrapers, metros whizzing through cities, cars on expressways etc.
I used to have the same reaction/ question. The bigger issue, however, is whether the working environment is inclusive enough to allow parents, esp. mothers, caregivers, OKUs, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to participate in policymaking at the highest level. 1/n.
Just a question: why can't we parachute younger people, perhaps even more women, from a more diverse background into the cabinet?. The lack of diversity in gender, socioeconomic status, and education is hurting the country's ability to serve those in need.
Mungkin mesej ini perlu diulang beberapa kali supaya tidak ada salah tanggapan mengenai apa itu subsidi. Subsidi itu merupakan satu bentuk BANTUAN kewangan dan bukannya insentif atau ganjaran, dan seeloknya, disasarkan kepada golongan yang lebih memerlukan. 1/n.
@paultantk T20 bayar tax lebih banyak lepastu kena isi minyak RON95 tanpa subsidi? Rasanya adil ke tak?.
When success and growth are viewed through privileged and meritocratic lenses, credentials, qualifications, numerical targets, and wealth become badges of success and markers of growth. 1/n.
This is a concept of life/mindset that I struggle to comprehend. 😅. Kenapa sesetengah orang boleh accept a stagnant lifestyle and one that’s just barely enough to cover the basics?. Don’t they have the desire to give the best life to themselves?.
💯💯Could not agree more. Even the use of phrases like "low-skilled" or "semi-skilled" labor/workers carries a lot of judgment, placing a hierarchy that implies one group, i.e., "high-skilled," is better than the rest. All labor has dignity.
Let's have a serious conversation about the phrase "unskilled labor". Economists have used that phrase for as long as I've studied economics. At some point I became inured to it falsely thinking it's no judgment, just trying to classify workers. That's wrong. It's horrible. 🧵.