Adulting is hard. Tak seindah yang kita sangka masa kecik kecik dulu. You're gonna get hurt a whole lot, disappointed, disagreement, struggle or even hated. Tu semua part of growing up, kita takleh elak atau lari, nak taknak kena hadap jugak.
Gaduh teruk macam mana pun dengan someone, never ever spill their aib. At least remember all the good deeds yang dia pernah buat dekat kita dulu. Let Allah repay for their perbuatan. Sabar is the main key.
“Kita sedang hidup dengan doa-doa kita.”
Suka ayat ni. Setiap apa yang kita doa, Allah tengah siapkan kita untuk dapat apa yang kita minta tu. Kita mungkin tak dapat apa yang kita doa tu on the spot tapi satu hari nanti mesti terkabul.
Betul lah orang cakap. Benda yang makin kita kejar, makin jauh dia lari. So stop chasing things. Stop chasing people to love you. Love yourself even more. Life will figure it out the best for you.
Pernah tak masa you punya birthday, you tak ada rasa apa-apa. Rasa macam hari biasa. Nothing special. Tak harap apa-apa since memang semua orang lupa. Dan tak rasa apa-apa pun bila takde orang wish apa-apa. Normal ke tu?
From “boleh ke ni eh sorang2” to takpe go through je dulu, you can do it.
From “im afraid to losing people” to it’s okay people come and go.
From “overthinking” to takpe, whatever happens, happens
From “kenapa dia jadi macam tu” to people change and it’s fine.
Dulu asal single je mesti tak laku. Tak lawa. Tapi sekarang, single means kau matang untuk fikir future, bukan main main lagi. You deserve someone better.
Tanda kau dah matang kau akan lebih diam dan kurang marah sebab kau dah faham ada benda yang tak perlu pun kau nak layan sangat, sebab ianya hanya buang masa.
“Tak pernah expect langsung someone yang aku rasa takkan tinggalkan aku, at last tinggalkan aku.”
Awak kena ingat, Allah can remove someone u’ve never dreamed of losing. Allah can also replace them with someone u never dream of having.
Dah ada someone yang boleh terima baik buruk kau and dia still stay dengan kau. Appreciate la. It's not easy to find someone who will do anything for you.
I stop from replying cause:
• i’m mad
• takde mood
• reply with short text
• merajuk
• malas nak layan
• tengah main game,instagram and etc...
• tak perasan kot
• im kinda busy
• someone make me sad
I hate being so sensitive. I hate being able to detect the slightest change in the way people message me, or talk to me, or look at me. I hate overthinking about it for the whole night. I hate when I can feel someone is slowly losing interest in me.
Bila jadi pendidik, cikgu, pengajar, tolong jangan pernah cakap macam ni kat students:
"Benda basic gini pun taktau?"
"Ni yang senang pun taktau?"
"Benda ni pun tak faham?"
Kita semua start dari zero. Ada orang cepat faham, ada orang take time nak faham.
Dulu bila tengok orang banyak gelak, aku terfikir, "bahagianya dia". Sekarang aku faham, sebenarnya mostly orang yang banyak gelak ni hanya untuk tutup sedih dia.
Pernah tak rapat dengan seseorang lepas itu sekarang dah tak berhubung lagi dengan dia? Yaa semua orang pernah merasainya. Dari kecik sampai ke besar, people come and go. This is rules of life. We can't avoid it.
Aku tahu siapa mengutuk aku. Aku tahu siapa mengata aku. Aku tahu siapa tak suka dekat aku. Aku tahu siapa yang ikhlas dengan aku. Aku tahu semua tu tapi saja buat tak tahu.
"Jangan sedih. Orang lain, lagi berat ujian dia."
I hate it when ppl say this to me when im being sad. Its like they re saying that i dont deserve to feel sad. I hate those words.
Jangan expect seseorang akan sentiasa ada sewaktu kita jatuh or sedih even orang yang kita rapat pun, soon they'll leave us. You can give your best to someone, but don’t expect anything in return. Because honestly, that kind of expectation, do breaks you one day.
Pity you. Even when they hurt you, you heal yourself for them. Pity you. Even when they broke you, you pick the broken pieces and back to them. Pity you. Even when they already forgot you, you still love them.
Tak gentle langsung lelaki yang burukkan ex semata mata nak buat girlfriend baru rasa dia 'the best'. Be careful with this kind of guy. Belakang kau dia cakap pasal buruk kau jugak.
Senyumlah. Allah tahu kau sedih tapi senyumlah. Don’t give up now. Yelah life is not always rainbow and flowers kan. Kadang-kadang you stuck on cloudy day and step on thorn.
I truly appreciate kindness. I appreciate a quick message, I appreciate those who ask me if I’m okay, I appreciate every person in my life who has tried to brighten my days a little.
Selalunya yang jenis happy go lucky ni la yang go through macam macam dalam hidup dia. Banyak masalah macam mana pun still can act like nothing happens.
Nak lepaskan orang yang kau sayang tu memang susah. Tapi lagi susah bila kau tetap stay dengan dia walaupun kau tahu hatinya bukan untuk kau lagi. It's not worth it, you'll just be broken. You deserve someone who will feel how lucky and blessed for having you.
Tawar hati is the worst feeling ever. Dah tak ada apa yang tinggal. Kau buatlah apa pun, dia takkan rasa apa. Tawar dengan perangai kau, tawar dengan perasaan kau, tawar dengan semua tentang kau.
Let me tell you something, akan ada satu masa kita rasa completely hopeless. Akan ada satu masa kau rasa dunia ni tidak adil buat kau dan masa tu kau cuma ada 2 pilihan. To leave and run or to stay and fight. You choose.
Dah banyak kali terasa, tapi takpe lah bila penting je cari .Faham sangat. I make things easy for you but you make it hard for me. You turn me down more than i ever did.
If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you’re okay, who watches out for you and wants the very best for you, don’t let them go. Keep them close and don’t take them for granted. People like that are hard to find.
Kita semua ada someone, yang kita nantikan kemunculan nama dia di wasap. Tak kisahlah kawan rapat ke, someone special ke, mak ayah ke. We all have that one person.
Bila kau silent phone, automatically kau takkan tunggu fon kau bunyi sebarang notification. And dengan cara tu, kau akan kurang expect benda yang tak pasti. And kau akan kurang rasa terluka sebab well, expectation hurts.
Redha tu bila kita dah takde persoalan tentang apa yang terjadi. You know it feels so good when you let go of something with the fullest of your heart. I hope you did the same and get along with the situation. You've tried so hard.
Sebab perangai boleh tawar hati, everyone has their own limits. Sayang macam mana pun, people get tired of bullshits attitude. Tawar hati tu bila kau dah tak rasa atau malas nak gaduh about certain things yang used to be important things to you.
Perasan tak, kita selalu suka orang yang tak suka kita. Ironi betul. “It is hard to love someone that doesn’t love you back. So, until when you can stand it?”
Belajar appreciate orang yang sedang berada di sisi, kerana mereka tidak selamanya bersama. Your attitudes seems like you don’t need them in your life, so they just; leave. Dan waktu itu baru kau tahu erti kehilangan yang tak dapat diganti.
Not everyday is a good day. Some days we wake up and the whole day is filled with sunshine, other days we wake up to some amount of gloom, at any time during that day. Whether we like it or not we still have to accept it and live it anyway. But that’s life and it’s okay.
I'm so sad, but i cannot cry. I'm so angry, but i can't show it. I'm really hurt, but i just can't tell them. Pernah rasa macam ni? I just can't show or tell or express my feeling to others. They won't understand it.