Year R Teacher at St Ambrose Catholic Academy where we place our children at the centre of everything that we do. We are a proud member of SJCMAT
We took a moment this morning to think about Mrs Griffin, a special friend of Mr. White. We made a rainbow for her first heavenly birthday. 🌈
Well what can I say? You are all superstars Y2. Only 4 days to learn this dance to Crocodile Rock! Thank you to all of our parents and families who came to watch us perform.
Today in the Lake District I made this leaf art with my daughter. How many chestnuts can you count? What shapes can you see? Can you find any symmetry?
This might seem to the untrained eye like ‘just another nativity’ photo. But for so many of these children today this quote sums it up perfectly..”you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
Today in the bubble we found out about the life of Rosa Parks. A remarkable woman who helped change the lives of millions of African Americans and the history of her country.
I would like to thank all of our teaching assistants at St.Ambrose, but a special shout out goes to Mrs Milton. You show love, care, passion and dedication daily. We could not do it without you!
I had the pleasure of taking these superstars to Runcorn Ski Slope today in preparation for our residential in March. I was SO impressed. 🎿
What a fantastic way to end our aspirations week! Look how many different careers we aspire to have when we grow up. Keep on working hard and coming to school every day and those dreams will come true.
We loved taking part in
’s Big Lent Walk, helping those less fortunate than ourselves in our world. Thank you to all those parents who made kind donations.
Nursery enjoyed a trip to our local library today. There were so many fabulous books to read; it was hard for us to choose just one each to bring back to school. We’re so lucky that we get to read and re-read them again until the next time we visit. 📚
Well that was different...instead of our usual show and tell on a Friday, Y2 had a book show and tell. We brought our favourite books from home and recommended them to our friends. Then we read our favourite page to the class.
Yesterday, we heard about book blankets to encourage children to choose new or different books to read for pleasure. Mrs. Milton tried it with the children today and it was a fantastic success! 📚
“That was wonderful,” Eren - Reception.
This quote sums up Reception’s morning of learning. We enjoyed a fabulous visit from farmers Marie and Craig and the amazing animals from
We had the best morning with
in our school workshop. Stick man lives in the family tree with his stick lady love and his stick children…33!
We had a day full of reading on Friday. Thank you to the parents who supported our reading event at the start and end of the day. It was lovely to see so many of you 📚
We had so much fun with the playing cards from the Maths goodie bag. Some of us didn’t even realise we were working hard “miss we haven’t done maths today” !!!
Think 🧠 Stop 🛑 Wait ⏳ Look 👀 Listen 👂🏻
Reception have been learning all about road safety this week and we even practised crossing the road super safely!
Today we celebrated the feast day of St. Ambrose together with our whole school family. This afternoon we created this beautiful stained glass window, representing the patron saint of beekeepers.
Who is this creature with terrible claws, and terrible tusks in its terrible jaws, and knobbly knees and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of its nose? Portraits of yours truly by Y2. 🎨🖌️
Following our STEM lesson yesterday some children suggested that we ‘reuse’ some of the items to make Mother’s Day cards with. Without giving away too much, here we are finding and preparing the recyclable materials.
What a wonderful day we’ve had celebrating books. We’ve had quizzes, word searches, designed book tokens and listened to lots of stories.
Year 2 were looking for physical and human features of the local area during our walk today. We spotted street and road signs, different types of houses, a nest and even a boat!