David Jenkins, one of the great minds in wastewater engineering, passed away. A through interdisciplinary scientist bridging microbiology and water engineering.
Als het goede wetgeving was dan zou die als gevolg van een evaluatie en niet onder druk kunnen worden behandeld. Nu lijkt het meer op 'never waste a good crisis' om meer macht te verwerven.
🥇 Two exceptional individuals in the field of
treatment have been announced as winners of the IWA Membership Awards at the virtual
. Learn more about Prof Jiri Wanner from
& Prof Mark van Loosdrecht from
Interested to come to work at TU Delft? and interested in
aspects of environmental biotechnology? Send me an email because we are looking for an enthousiastic tenure track candidate
Metaproteomics, metagenomics and 16S rRNA sequencing give different view on microbal communities.
Methods should not be applied without an independent verification of results.
TU Delft Dept. of Biotechnology has a vacancy for an ast. prof. in Environmental Microbiology.
Interested in becoming our new colleague and develop leading edge research and teaching in field of microbiology of engineered ecosystems?
Make sure to apply!
Best wel: Als je de markt beperkt gaan de prijzen omhoog, wordt het voedsel minder beschikbaar voor het volk en maken bedrijven meer winst.
Today in 1683, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek writes a letter to the Royal Society describing "animalcules": the first known description of bacteria ?
We inmiddels zitten in corona alarmniveau 2.
Ernst Kuipers: “Dat is een signaal naar iedereen dat het aantal besmettelijke personen is toegenomen. Ik adviseer om voorzichtig aan te doen. Wij willen zo veel mogelijk wegblijven bij de maatregelen.”
25 years after the first anammox paper some light is shed on the house of anammox by Marissa Boleij, who will defend her thesis soon
. Another
Visiting Jeddah
wastewater plant. Nice to see a lab table idea applied treating the wastewater from 2.2 million inhabitants.
Dus nadat virologen maanden hebben beweerd dat Maurice de Hond fout zit met zijn focus op ventilatie is er nu ineens een plan om een miljard euro in ventalitie van scholen te steken.
A critical review of
recovery from municipal
treatment plants – market supply potentials, technologies and bottlenecks - now published in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
Niet alleen dringende adviezen maar ook maatregelen en respons van de overheid die dicht tegen dwang aanzitten.
Vergelijk alleen al de opstelling van de overheid t.o.v. coronademonstratie tegenover XR rebellion demonstraties
Mass Balances for Chemical Engineers, the latest contribution of
to Chemical Engineering. An essential textbook that summarizes the fundamentals of mass balance so relevant for chemical engineers. Great job!!
Standaard antwoord van elk autoritair regime op elk probleem in de samenleving.
Daarnaast als je meent dat toekennen van vergaande bevoegdheden aan de overheid goed is zou dat breed gedragen moeten worden en een week uitstel geen issue zijn.
"zege (PVV) deze week versnelt de ineenstorting van de naoorlogse politieke orde"
Nadat CDA zichzelf via het niet omgaan met Omtzigt heeft laten instorten doet de VVD dat nu voor zichzelf.
De PVV is niet de oorzaak, maar het gevolg van die ineenstorting.
How Sewage Can Be Turned Into Profitable Energy - Actually title should have better been: How Sewage can be turned into profitable Materials; there will be no economic profit form energy production
Nursing homes are led by very well paid directors who are supposedly appointed to lead the home. Instead they follow protocols. Only a few decided to operate on their own evaluation.
Wat doe je zelf is een verwijtende opmerking naar de burger.
Zou het niet beter zijn te zeggen: We willen dat scholen open blijven en accepteren daarmee dat het virus zich ruim verspreid ipv schuld bij burger/horeca te leggen?
This was dug up by Hiram Jackson (H/T Hiram) from the archives of the Agricola, the UC Davis student newspaper, as part of their influenza pandemic coverage (12/13/1918 edition). Even then it was clear that six feet was not a magic social distance!
The 2018 Stockholm Water Prize laureates, Bruce Rittmann and Mark van Loosdrecht, show us how we can use microorganisms to take the “waste” out of “wastewater”. We asked them about their work and upcoming inventions. Read their interview on page 10-12.
The Dutch government has just published the most recent figures for standard flu. During the latest “flu season” , just in the Netherlands, about 400,000 people were sick, and 2900 people died of flu. Thus far, 18 people have COVID-19 in this country. All are recovering.
is proud to announce the winner of the 2019 Ardern Lockett Award is Prof. Raskin (
) & The winner of the 2019 IWA MEWE Early Career Researcher Awardee is Dr. Weissbrodt (.
). Many congratulations to both on this richly deserved honor.
Because the gathering is more like a religious meeting, which brings the feel good to participants so they can go on with what they are doing but got the blessings.
Als je zegt dat landbouw elders moet, terwijl daar productiviteit veel lager is, veroorzaak je elders dus een oneveredig veel grotere afname in natuur. Dit is een eigen stoepje schoonvegen mentaliteit.
The new
Education facilities at our department have been inaugurated, making sure the next generation of biotechnology engineers get well trained
-Life Science and Technology
New study shows sewage monitoring as predictive tool for COVID19 - early and sensitive detection possible - poses the question if we should measure the liquid phase or the primary solids phase - detection is still not equal to infectious virus detection
The book "Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment" is now also available for free (as pdf) in Russian, and was already available in English, Hindi, Croatian, Spanish, Marathi, - great work by
and team
position available in our group with Yuemei Lin
Researchers interested in understanding the composition of extracellular polysaccharides in microbial communities are invited to send their applications.