![MAYFLOWER CAPTAIN Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1683464612723785729/nO4z96Ne_x96.jpg)
400 years ago I stepped off the MAYFLOWER and started talking about AMERICA FIRST - TRUMP has the CIA terrified - NATIONAL POPULIST - TRUMP 2024
Joined July 2023
RT @LetsGoBrando45: So the South African leader that gives speeches in packed stadiums about mass murdering his white countrymen, is sponso…
RT @johnddavidson: What deceitful, insulting cowardice this is. They didn’t change it back, they changed it to a WW2 hero who happened to a…
RT @RobertMSterling: I don’t want to connect my coffee machine to the wifi network. I don’t want to share the file with OneDrive. I don’t w…
Biggest phaggot on x
@SStricklandMMA Selling bombs that another country uses to wipe out terrorists is America first. Not sure if you’re old enough to remember 9/11 but I am. This coward shit needs to stop.
I care about Indians as much as Christopher Columbus did
The far right is playing a dangerous game with Indian Americans, and the consequences will be detrimental. There was a seismic shift in our demographic—we moved toward the GOP in unprecedented numbers. But if this open racism and hostility continue, don’t expect that support to last. We are one of the most educated, high-earning, and politically active groups in the country. We don’t just vote—we fund campaigns and influence elections. If the GOP wants to torch that bridge with casual racism, dismissiveness, and scapegoating, they’ll pay the price. Many of us took a chance on this party because of policy, not personality cults. If all we get in return is being smeared, mocked, and targeted, the backlash will be generational. We will not tolerate being used and discarded.
I’m sick of this globalist “reporter” propped up by x. He’s a phaggot
WHY USAID MATTERS: INVESTING IN A SAFER, STRONGER WORLD—AND AMERICA USAID isn’t just about helping others—it’s about protecting U.S. interests, strengthening allies, and creating a safer, more prosperous world. 🇨🇳 China: USAID helped Tibetan communities by supporting jobs, protecting their culture, and improving how they use natural resources. 🇲🇽 Mexico: The Mérida Initiative helped Mexico fight drug cartels by strengthening law enforcement and justice systems—curbing violence that can spill over into the U.S. 🇭🇹 Haiti: USAID helped farmers grow more food and sell it at markets, improving incomes and food supply, reducing the risk of mass migration to the U.S. 🇦🇫 Afghanistan: USAID built schools, trained teachers, and provided books to help Afghan kids get a better education—promoting stability and reducing extremism. 🇳🇬 Nigeria: USAID fought malaria by giving out mosquito nets and medicine, saving lives and preventing the spread of diseases that can impact global health. 🇸🇸 South Sudan: USAID worked on peace projects, helping communities settle conflicts and rebuild after war—reducing the need for costly U.S. military interventions. 🇨🇴 Colombia: USAID helped farmers grow legal crops instead of coca, which is used to make cocaine—cutting down on drug trafficking that affects the U.S. 🇵🇭 Philippines: USAID helped create jobs and improve the economy by making it easier to start businesses—strengthening trade partnerships with the U.S. 🇪🇹 Ethiopia: USAID helped farmers raise more livestock and protect their land from drought—reducing famine and instability that can drive migration. 🇺🇦 Ukraine: USAID helped Ukraine fight corruption and make its government more honest and fair—promoting democracy and countering authoritarian influence. 🇮🇩 Indonesia: USAID improved schools, hospitals, and local governments to better serve communities—building strong allies in a key strategic region. 🇧🇩 Bangladesh: USAID made childbirth safer by training doctors and nurses and improving hospitals—advancing global health and stability. 🇯🇴 Jordan: USAID supported new businesses and trained workers to boost Jordan’s economy—creating economic resilience in a key U.S. ally. 🇳🇵 Nepal: USAID helped Nepal use its rivers to create clean electricity—reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting energy security. 🇱🇷 Liberia: USAID improved colleges so students could get better training in engineering and farming—developing skilled workers in an emerging market. Source: USAID
@I_Am_JohnCullen What are your thoughts on the new info coming out of Penn about Gov. Shapiro? Line up with any of your work? You are the master of deciphering the undecipherable
Reagan was a shitty president. It took trumps America first policies to display this. Don’t even look into vaccine manufactures shield from prosecution Reagan was a bitch
@GavinWax Ronald Reagan tax reforms opened US real estate to the entire world, and now we all compete with every human on planet earth to buy property in America.