![Kir Kahlon Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1408630612936830981/c7NmjEBA_x96.jpg)
Kir Kahlon
Personal account. Founder/CIO of Scorpion Capital, which tweets at @ScorpionFund.
Joined October 2016
Good points by @NateHindenburg
With Nasdaq spiking to all-time-highs and with FartCoin trading at a $500 million market cap, Bloomberg is out with yet another article attempting to demonize short sellers. As part of a broader article, the crack research team at Bloomberg uncovered that in 2020 an investor shared a really good lead with us. And during our research process, we even talked with them about the idea – how scandalous! We routinely get leads from all walks of life; including industry experts, analysts, investors, etc. Throughout our history, we independently vet any lead and always have full editorial control. The company in question, FaceDrive, was a very tight-float, hard-to-borrow, tiny short; but as those who follow us know, we like pursuing these ‘total fraud' cases, even when difficult to monetize. (In many cases we have written about companies we have not traded on or have not even been public.) Our research on FaceDrive involved an extensive in-house investigation which I largely undertook personally, and the company was later charged by Canadian regulators with fraud based on the findings we uncovered. The stock dropped ~95% in roughly a year before the company eventually went defunct. We didn't get paid a dime by any third-party on the project. So yes, as isn't a surprise to anyone actually in the investing world, investors DO communicate and discuss ideas from time to time. When short sellers do it, it’s of course a big, dark conspiracy. The Bloomberg article rather insanely adds, "the notion that short sellers may exchange research has long irked CEOs and sympathetic policymakers", as if policymakers should single out short sellers to somehow criminalize their basic communication. Sharing research about companies and investments has been the backbone of investing since the beginning of markets. It’s what all financial media and buyside research is based on. I continue to find it fascinating how much ink media outlets spill painting the generally mundane aspects of short research as dark and shady. Shorts don’t just talk to sources like every other investor or even every journalist on earth. No, instead they have “secret talks”. Shorts don’t have passive investors like every other mutual fund or hedge fund on earth. No, instead they have “mystery backers”. As a short-seller I didn't just eat breakfast this morning, no – I secretly wolfed down an egg and cheese sandwich in the shadows. Media should of course feel free to nitpick on any aspect of short research that they want, but my only hope is that they dedicate at least SOME of their resources to actually exposing the corporate fraud we spend our time researching and writing about – though that might threaten their access to those precious CEO and industry-insider sources that drive the 24/7 coverage cycle. Until then (if that day ever comes) shorts will continue to be the primary market participants exposing corporate wrongdoing.
Just in case they haven’t, may I suggest NYPD review every buyer of this book on Amazon and check every credit card transaction database. The assassin seems literate if he inscribed “delay,” “deny,” and “defend” (?) on the bullet casings. Based on the number of reviews, doesn’t seem like a ton of buyers. @NYPDPC @NYPDSpecialops @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDCT @NYPDDaughtry
The analysis in this letter seems extraordinary and not seeing anyone dispute it.
“A historically absurd number of Trump-only bullet ballots or undervote ballots. In 2024 in the 43 non-swing states, bullet ballots make up a nominal >1%. In the seven swing states the numbers are so high to be unbelievable, unprecedented & demanding of further investigation.”
I became a vegetarian 13 years ago after randomly, almost accidentally watching a few undercover videos on FB of slaughterhouses. That simple act was enough. I haven’t had a single bite of meat since 2012, purely because of those videos. That was sufficient to give me a lifelong conviction that I really didn’t need the pleasure of eating meat badly enough to inflict what I saw. Diet is a very personal subject for all, and I’ve never been a strident person proselytizing about animal welfare or vegetarianism, so I say something on FB about it maybe once every 5 years. At any rate, I saw this 15 second undercover video on Instagram of a pig being stunned. People get really pissed off or offended at this kind of thing, but my view is, if one eats meat, at least have the courage to watch and listen how it’s made.
@reidhoffman Literally every sentence in this is generic, passive, inane, safe babble that could be written by any 18 year old copywriter or ChatGPT. Maybe start by being authentic and saying what you actually believe and think. Probably one take away from Trump’s win.
They’ll all just pissed b/c @linakhanFTC blocked the $20B Figma acquisition by Adobe and their epic payday. This is the origin of the rage from @reidhoffman and Silicon Valley - just talking their book. Fairly sleazy to not cop publicly to the obvious conflict of interest - Greylock was in the Series A and other rounds, along with virtually every other VC.
@HandlerRich Unfortunately this criteria makes it close to a null set. “The bottom line is this: the IPO market is OPEN and there is meaningful demand for companies that are priced appropriately and have strong management, durable business models and solid long-term prospects.”
@alchimerical @long_equity Same reason. Tsmc mask shop dynamics are discussed in the report. What happens if you spend $50mm tool then tell your boss the supplier you picked and sunk $$$ cap ex into sucks?
It’s covered in the report. CYA after the mask teams spent hundreds of millions on Lasertec tools. If they didn’t then mgmt would ask why. Also Intel gives one to basically everyone if you google the list; and they’ve made a high profile bet on high NA euv, so admitting this would be embarrassing.