![Jonathan Martin Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1883314419796418560/_9GWkRaP_x96.jpg)
Jonathan Martin
RT @oldreepicheep: Image Repair case study: Kris Vallotton For context, I am including his complete statement here. Let's have a look.
RT @AndrewKaufmanMD: There is no proof for the existence of viruses in the natural world, making the concept of a lab-made bioweapon scient…
@americanuck_r @Svigel That's false. I'm very teachable and also able to teach. I'm also discerning and not interested in man made ideas. I'm interested in Christ and His word!
There are no pews in the New Testament church. Will you smash Baals or continue temple worship that began around 300 AD? Lecturing the Bible by one man for the whole time is NOT in the Bible. The OPPOSITE is in the Bible. 2Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. Cannot be EXPOSITED to mean: A. Lecture the word by - all dialogue EXCLUDED B. ONE man for the whole time - all other giftings EXCLUDED C. Hired men with Bible degrees only - all laity EXCLUDED. It can only be ASSUMED to mean these rules. No hired man with a Bible degree will “test everything” 1 Thes. 5:21 and certainly will not test the basis for his pay check. I did test it and found the pulpit ritual corrupt. Here is what God wants: Hebrews 10:24-25 24 AND LET US (all of us) CONSIDER HOW (prepare in advance of meeting) to stir up ONE ANOTHER (dialogue, no lecture) to LOVE AND GOOD WORKS, (BEYOND merely more knowledge) 25 not neglecting to MEET TOGETHER, (not just being in the same room) as is the habit of some, but encouraging ONE ANOTHER, (again, no sermon) and ALL THE MORE as you see the Day drawing near.
@Svigel Your podium church isn't in the Bible. If some don't fit into your teaching box, that is man created. Perhaps it isn't always an issue with the student, but with the teacher? I, for one, wouldn't fit into your box for ministry but nonetheless have gifts for the ministry.
I have yet to find Scriptural support either way. Ordained some things vs. Ordained everything. If God ordained everything, how would we know that by experience. By the same token, if God ordained just some things, how would we know that by experience? The fact is we can not know. It's a mystery that Scripture is silent about, and our experience can not prove one way or another.
"God predestined some things" → "God predestined everything" is a Motte-and-Bailey fallacy. Just because God has ordained an event doesn’t mean every single detail is predetermined.
I have yet to find Scriptural support either way. Ordained some things vs. Ordained everything. If God ordained everything, how would we know that by experience. By the same token, if God ordained just some things, how would we know that by experience? The fact is we can not know. It's a mystery that Scripture is silent about, and our experience can not prove one way or another.
RT @sola_chad: Salvation—from start to finish—is 100 percent God. If you chose him, it’s because He gave you a new heart. He chose you firs…
@fantasykingpin @xTheGoodNews Though, based on scripture, God has definitely chosen and elected from the foundation of the world, those whom he grants eternal life. As for some of these other things, scripture isn't very clear.
Jesus stated that his kingdom is not of this world or its systems. His church, the Ekklesia, shares this same identity - it exists solely by heavenly powers, not earthly recognition or governance. The church is undefinable and uncontrollable by worldly governments because it is an abstract entity held together only by the Spirit. For governments to gain control over the church, they must entice believers to allow the state to establish a separate legal entity to represent them. This gives the government ultimate authority as a mediator. The Roman Catholic Church was the first example of this, as Constantine gave the church a physical temple, corporate identity, and top-down governance that the state could control. Today's system of registered church organizations are dividable "containers" that exist by government power - a pattern of "fornication with the kings of the earth" begun in Rome. True unity is impossible when each group establishes an independent identity. The church is not a "thing" that can be created, divided, or contained by men. It is a living organism assembled only by God's Spirit, bearing His undividable nature. Its existence and authority come from heaven alone. The church simply IS, regardless of human allowance or control.
Also lecturing the Bible by one man for the whole time is NOT in the Bible. The OPPOSITE is in the Bible. 2Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. Cannot be EXPOSITED to mean: A. Lecture the word by - all dialogue EXCLUDED B. ONE man for the whole time - all other giftings EXCLUDED C. Hired men with Bible degrees only - all laity EXCLUDED. It can only be ASSUMED to mean these rules. No hired man with a Bible degree will “test everything” 1 Thes. 5:21 and certainly will not test the basis for his pay check. I did test it and found the pulpit ritual corrupt. Here is what God wants: Hebrews 10:24-25 24 AND LET US (all of us) CONSIDER HOW (prepare in advance of meeting) to stir up ONE ANOTHER (dialogue, no lecture) to LOVE AND GOOD WORKS, (BEYOND merely more knowledge) 25 not neglecting to MEET TOGETHER, (not just being in the same room) as is the habit of some, but encouraging ONE ANOTHER, (again, no sermon) and ALL THE MORE as you see the Day drawing near.