Wow 😳”The U.S. Intelligence Community concluded that some of the leaks from Guccifer 2.0 were part of a series of cyberattacks on the DNC committed by two Russian military intelligence groups,and that Guccifer 2.0 is actually a persona created by Russian intelligence services”
Over Pressley’s 3 days in South Carolina dozens of black female voters who spoke to us said they would take a closer look at Warren after hearing Pressley. Renee Jye, 55, switched from Biden to Warren on the spot, and said she’d volunteer for the senator.
It’s a PRIMARY! I’m tired of Democrats pretending not they don’t know the difference between a primary and the general election.
No she does not. She’s a progressive and a Palestinian American that is disgusted and horrified by the slaughter of innocent civilians, half of which are CHILDREN, by Israel using weapons provided by Joe Biden. Why aren’t you?
“He prefers denouncing those who disagree with him as sellouts rather than trying to persuade them. That explains why in 29 years in Congress he has been the lead sponsor of only three bills that became law — and two of those were to name post offices.”
Why can’t women have solidarity? Why? Why can’t we say “I’m only voting for a woman for president in 2020? We let down
, We still have
. Two solid choices for progressives or moderates. Can we do this?
From impeachment to wine caves she refused to let President Trump or her fellow Democrats off the hook during the debate. Warren won Thursday night’s PBS/Politico debate by taking on the corruption of Donald Trump and the corruption of the Democratic Party
Women, only WE can change this narrative. We have the power, let’s start using it. Hold these networks and media outlets accountable. They can’t afford to lose women as a demographic. Let them know it!
“Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday promised to appoint women or nonbinary people to at least half of the top positions in the executive branch if she wins the presidency.”
How ironic when he’s over there ignoring our crumbling rail system and the horrific derailment that has left an entire town living with toxic chemical exposure.
Why would it be okay to go to grocery stores and not an outdoor environment with tables spaced far apart? Saw this posted somewhere. No idea if it’s accurate.
“I'm absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything... living standards and outcomes.”
Another Republican Senator here that sold millions of $ stock in Ceasars Entertainment and bought pharmaceutical stocks after he was briefed on looming pandemic but as he still denied there was a threat to the American people
WARREN responds to
reporting on WOC staffers in NV leaving her campaign
"So I just heard about this and I believe the women who have spoken up and believe them unequivocally and I apologize to them personally. It's important to me to try to build an organization...
I see Democrats complaining Biden will compromise too much with the Republicans and I see Democrats complaining Bernie won’t compromise with anyone at all. Polls show every Democrat running can beat Trump. The solution is obvious.
2016 primaries: Clinton had more pledged delegates so Bernie was trying to get Superdelegates (unpledged delegates) to vote for him, as that was the only path to win. 2020: This scenario may work against him, so they’re painting the minimum delegate requirement as undemocratic.
Warren announced her Fair Workweek plan which includes requiring employers with 15 or more employees in the retail, food, hospitality or other industries to give workers at least two weeks’ notice of their schedules and compensate workers for any changes
This is what I realized after campaigning for
in 2016. He’s never had a plan for being president. His focus is creating a movement, which is admirable, but that’s not the same as leading a country and making executive decisions.
has the plans for that.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both center their campaigns around white working class males. It’s beyond time for change. I’m voting for the candidate that listens and has a plan for ALL of us.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a president who has a positive outlook, listens to people, and creates plans to solve the most important issues?
“His staff feuded unnecessarily with Elizabeth Warren, and he failed to make inroads with older Black voters, a repeat of 2016 dynamics. Sanders failed to expand his core bloc of support into a coalition capable of winning a majority..”
Petersen is the highest-ranking woman in the Iowa Legislature, and she was the first woman elected to lead the Iowa Senate Democratic caucus. She was among the few top Iowa Democrats who had yet to endorse a candidate in 2020.
Yeah you were in a documentary together in the past. You lost your election and are not one of AOC’s “colleagues”. This kind of take is not helping pass progressive policy or elect more progressives.
“In November, a HarrisX survey asked, “Would you ever vote for a Socialist for elected office?” Liberals said they would. But 72 percent of registered voters, and even 64 percent of Democrats, said they wouldn’t.”
Biden damaged himself in Michigan. I’m originally from the Detroit area and we have a strong Arab American community that is justifiably furious and devastated by Biden’s support of Israel’s actions against Palestine.
It’s as if Berners suddenly woke up this morning and realized they’d need votes from other candidates supporters to win anything. All of a sudden I see a lot of “I hope you’ll join us” instead of “STFU Establishment Tool” 🤔😂😂😂😂Too late Assholes! 😃🖕
Elizabeth Warren released her medical records on Friday, the first Democratic presidential candidate this election cycle to disclose official health information. Warren’s longtime personal physician wrote in a letter that Warren is “in excellent health.”
It’s almost like there are multiple ways to organize and Tik Tok disappearing isn’t stopping anyone who actually wants to organize.
I want
followers to come on this post and try to lie to my face about what I lived through in 2016. I was a Berner and Bernie told us over and over he was going to contest the Convention. We were counting on it. That’s why said he needed all his delegates there.
Can you explain what is bizarre about correctly pointing out that the top news is “UFO Spy Balloons” when we have a environmental disaster occurring in real time?
“Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday outlined the steps she would take to prevent and contain infectious diseases.
Her plan came as authorities across the globe race to address the new coronavirus, a flu-like respiratory infection”
I get it. You’re trying to insult people who shop at TJ MAXX because you think everyone in the picture is a Trump supporter and Trump supporters blame China because the virus started in China. Newsflash: It’s not just Trump supporters. Have a seat.
Warren’s suite of Green New Deal policies would create up to 10.6 million jobs over the next decade according to an independent analysis the campaign released on Friday morning.
“Student debt, Warren says, is acting “as an anchor on our economy. It’s reducing home ownership rates. It’s leading fewer people to start businesses. It’s forcing students to drop out of school before getting a degree. It is a problem for all of us.”
“Instead of a 45-minute stump speech followed by three audience questions, Warren is speaking for fewer than 10 minutes and opening the rest of the hour to questions. The new format gets in at least a dozen audience questions.”
Berners: Keep saying you’re “progressive” while you laugh about letting Trump win another term. You’re NOT progressive. These deaths will be on your hands.
Michigan has just started reporting on coronavirus cases by race.
African Americans are 14% of that state's population but 40% of deaths.
This pandemic is reflecting--and exacerbating--inequality.
NYC should publish this data as well, so we get the picture here.
Warren had a plan for everything. Bernie has a plan for nothing, or vague ones in a briefing book somewhere. If you have a question, she has an answer”
. We need a president who has a detailed agenda, can take on an arrogant billionaire, and COMMIT TO A SECOND TERM. I can’t believe people will risk Republicans winning in 2024 because you voted for one of the two nearly 80 year old men. Unconscionable.
“Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right inside and hope that maybe the rest of the world will come around to it. And maybe they will and maybe they won’t, but the truth is, you gotta take care of yourself first,” Warren told Raelyn on Sunday night.”