![CoffeeBlackMD Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1604534946697162752/JcFZdm2Z_x96.jpg)
IM. P/CC. TRT. HRT. Peptides. Health. Vitality. A little biohacking. Not medical advice. My DMs can get busy (I will get back to you as I’m able)
Joined September 2022
Every man’s TRT journey is fairly similar. I’m going to speak in generalities that cover the highlights. Don’t get bogged down in those weeds. The brush strokes are broad. Usually somewhere around age 35+ guys start feeling “off”. These aren’t lazy guys. Often hard charging guys. Stressful lives and jobs. Family men with a wife, kids, and responsibilities. They notice they’re putting on a bit of weight. But it’s not ridiculous and they decide to get more serious about the gym or exercise and their diet and this keeps much at bay for a long time. This often actually improves things and sometimes by a lot at this stage. Which lasts usually 3-5 years. Then they begin to notice the creep again. As hard charging guys they know they are just being babies and double down on hard but find that doubling down isn’t working. The extra gear they always used to have just doesn’t seem to be there any longer. And for a period of time the extra gear will occasionally rear its head and fool a guy making him think it’s back. But it’s not. It eventually disappears. This is usually the point when the weight begins to slide again. It’s also a common time for many guys to just begin the “giving up” process, “embrace”middle age and getting old and out of shape and fat. The guy that eventually moves onto TRT doesn’t find the giving up satisfactory. At all. He begins to try longer rest periods. He begins looking into why he’s feeling blah with low energy, low motivation, low libido, no gains in the gym, and long recoveries. Hes even mildly depressed. And weight at this point may be sliding up even faster than is comfortable and he knows it. Maybe his wife or kids have said something. Maybe he had to buy new sized pants for the first time in a decade. He’s not stupid and correctly identifies that he’s having symptoms of low testosterone. And he spends the next 18-24 months reading, watching videos and trying supplements. The tongkat, fadogia, fenugreek, tribulus, pine pollen. Maybe he finds the Peaters and goes ham on pregnenolone. He probably sees his regular doctor who argues about checking his testosterone, finally dies grudgingly, and then refuses to do anything about a low number because it’s not low enough. They might also be reading online scolds about giving into treatment with testosterone when all they need to do is be better men. It’s not a medical issue, it’s a … moral one. And the reason that testosterone isn’t naturally high is because they are too fat, don’t eat good, don’t sleep good, and won’t manage their stress (as if quitting their jobs, not making the mortgage, and feeding the kids is an option). They might see an influencer who lives on the beach, single, no kids, sleeps when he wants, works out when he wants, eats fresh local meat, fruit, and veggies only, swims in the ocean every day getting that grounding and that magnesium. High natural T. Looks great. If only … They get told that once you are taking testosterone that you can never stop. Which isn’t true. But the ignorant and the liars seem very persuasive at times. So they stew. Just cook in it. But finally they get sick and tired of being sick and tired and they find a doc who is facile with testosterone in the man with symptomatically low levels. They reach out. They pull that trigger. And … they don’t realize how down bad they were or awful they felt until they start feeling better. And sometimes it’ll take a month or two to notice a huge difference while some guys notice improvements in a few days. The life is changed. He feels confident again and strong. He loses weight. He makes gains in the gym. Him and his wife … get “friendly” 😉 again, regularly. That’s the arc. And if you’re wondering about it reach out to a doc who is familiar. You’re not a bad guy trying to get good. No moral failings. You’re a regular guy that stress, life, and age put into a state. You don’t need to stay there. You don’t. Please don’t. Take it back today.
Why would he “deeply regret” protecting a train full of people from a violent crazy person threatening everyone with harm? MFer ended up dead in the process. Is what it is. Oh well. Never would have hapoened if not for a whole litany of things that could have occurred, more simply the crazy violent dead MFer could have just sat in his seat and minded his business or perhaps best, NYC could have gotten all of these dangerous people off the streets and into institutions behind walls and heavily medicated . Penny did what he was forced to do. We, everyone, owes *him* the “deep regrets” and thanks for stepping up. This is why you guys got your ass handed to you in the last big election and will continue to experience lifting. Learn to read the f*cking room. The time line where the nonsense you’re taking about no longer exists. If it ever did …
Whatever you think of the verdict, there’s a world in which this guy says he deeply regrets taking Jordan Neely’s life and then disappears from the public eye forever The way he’s leaning into his “fame” tells you everything you need to know about him
Why would he “deeply regret” protecting a train full of people from a violent crazy person threatening everyone with harm? MFer ended up dead in the process. Is what it is. Oh well. Never would have hapoened if not for a whole litany of things that could have occurred, more simply the crazy violent dead mfer could have just sat in his seat and minded his business or perhaps best NYC could have gotten all of these dangerous people off the streets and into institutions behind walls. Penny did what he was forced to do. We, everyone, owes *him* the “deep regrets” and thanks for stepping up. This is why you guys got your ass handed to you in the last big election and will continue to experience lifting. Learn to read the f*cking room. The time line where the nonsense you’re taking about no longer exists. If it ever did …
@runliftrunlift I’m a firm believer that any pizza csn be a personal pizza if you believe in yourself and try really really hard.
The edge here isn’t appropriate for the family of the dying but I often do tell them there is a fine line between keeping someone alive and making them die much longer than necessary. And I tell them my advice that it’s time to stop. Usually if you are not pushy up front and they see you doing everything you can, they become reasonable not too long after.
@CareyCRedd Dying can be extremely peaceful. And quick. You have you have to let it and treat symptoms.
@BEG_two Removing security clearances isn’t “unlimited power” It’s simply a power the president has.
@MartinShkreli Were you high AF when you texted this one out with your thumbs? “doctor lobby” 🤣😆 Puff, puff, pass Seabass. Don’t sit on it.