![dr.ir. Carla Peeters Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1379389761111134210/SyVinefg_x96.jpg)
dr.ir. Carla Peeters
Interim CEO healthcare, strategic advisor more health, immunology, personalised nutrition/lifestyle, author, talks Director/owner COBALA Good Care Feels Better®
UCo Utrecht The Netherlands
Joined April 2021
RT @toobaffled: The Italian government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has announced a nationwide ban on insects in traditional dishes…
Without farmers, growers and fishermen many people will not be able to eat nutritious food and be active at work. UK has 2.8 million people in disabilities not able to work. The U turn to a healthy workforce will not be possible without affordable nutritious fresh food.
Huge farmers’ protest rally against the government’s inheritance tax on family farms in London today. So why aren’t the BBC extensively covering this?
Door de open view van epidemioloog dr Anders Tegnell (Zweden) voelde ik mij gesteund om artikelen gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke literatuur te schrijven over open de scholen, geen mondkapjes geen 1,5 meter en het pleidooi om kinderen en jongeren niet te vaccineren tegen COVID-19
“Scholen niet sluiten was een makkelijke beslissing. Data uit China, Italië e.a. toonden dat kinderen niet ziek werden van corona. Eigen data wees uit dat kinderen ook niet verspreidden” Zweden had geen lockdowns en geen QR EN.. Zweden zat nog niet bij de NAVO De voormalige Zweedse staatsepidemioloog Anders Tegnell. Bron:
Important message for universities similar as for healthcare organizations : less indirect costs (overhead and bureaucracy) more money to what the organizations are meant for.
Wake up call for universities! Business as usual or almost as usual is not a viable option! Universities must become dramatically less wasteful and more mission focused! More focus on high impact and innovative research & education NOT on bureaucracy!
This study again confirms that masking of children does not prevent a viral infection. Public Health Policies need better and careful decision making before implementing any measurements that can harm. Especially for children and pregnant women.
Did masking school children reduce Covid infections? Read new @RCJAPH article by @ProfNeerajSood, Heick, @ifihadastick & @TracyBethHoeg, together with open peer reviews that all can read.
This milestone is about more than women’s sports. Thank you @JenniferSey for your perseverance 🙏
In 2022 I found myself ousted from corporate America, unable to get a job doing what I had spent my entire adult life doing. And what I was (and am) good at. Three decades of hard work, long hours, time away from family all felt like a colossal waste of time and energy. My reputation and my life, to some extent, were in tatters because I had the audacity to advocate for open public schools during covid. I was cancelled. I had to start over in my 50s. I lived in a strange city & had almost no friends from the last 30 years of my life. I had no job and no prospects. I was considered toxic. I was lonely and terrified. I had (and have!) an amazing husband in @DanielKotzin who always told me to make myself bigger, not smaller, to keep speaking truth. The only person to ever tell me that. Today I have an amazing team at @xx_xyathletics and my own brand. I can speak my mind and we are at the center of the cultural change happening to protect women and girls. I wish I'd known in 2022 that I didn't need to be afraid about finding a way back. About finding a way to support my family. And finding a way back to confidence and happiness. I wish I'd known that I would find meaningful work again. And that if I followed my talents and my heart and principles, I would right everything in my life. @DanielKotzin knew but I didn't. Thank goodness he did. He kept me going. It's been a really hard 5 years for me. Harder than I share publicly. Yesterday was vindication. A huge victory. Thank you to @Riley_Gaines_ who I'm proud to call my friend and all of the TERFs who came before me. People like @KDansky and @MeghanEMurphy. Thank you to @sagesteele and @TulsiGabbard and @Michele_Tafoya and @megynkelly and so many others who told me to keep going. These women are the epitome of the phrase "we are linked not ranked," and they know there is room for all of us to be successful. And that we are stronger when we support each other. I'm proud to be on Team Terf. I'm proud of the work we are doing at @xx_xyathletics. I'm happy. Thank you all for being there with kind dm's when things get hard.
RT @ScottAtlas_IT: Delighted to be on the Editorial Board of the new Journal of the Academy of Public Health @RCJAPH that stands for open s…
Protection of women’s sports in US!
After 35 years as a Democrat I’ve been summoned to the Trump White House for the signing of the Executive Order to protect women’s sports. And I’m thrilled & honored to be there. Worst liberal ever. See you soon @thegaywhostrayd 🇺🇸
RT @MartinKulldorff: Peer review is fundamental to science and reviewers should be paid. Our new open access and open peer review Journal o…
Na 5 jaar Buurtzorg in de media dat mondkapjes niet nodig waren. Het zou fijn zijn wanneer bestuurders en wetenschappers die een andere visie hebben zich op het moment zelf uitspreken. Zo kan goed beleid ontstaan, kan schade voorkomen worden en zorggeld juist benut worden.
"Het continu focussen op Sywert van Lienden en zijn compagnons is de Staat verwijtbaar", zegt Buurtzorg-baas @josdeblok. "Voor mij voelde het van begin af aan als een soort afleidingsmanoeuvre. De richtlijn was vanaf het begin dat mondkapjes niet nodig waren." #WNL
RT @RCJAPH: "Scientific journals have had enormous positive impact on the development of science, but in some ways, they are now hampering…
Nieuw wetenschappelijk tijdschrift ter bevordering van transparantie en ontwikkeling van wetenschap met een open mind.
Enhancing transparency and open scientific discourse, we are launching the Journal of the Academy of Public Health (@RCJAPH) with open peer review that all can read and where good scientists can publish whatever their studies conclude. Check it out!
Insectenmeel I tot 4 % toegestaan in voeding als brood jam etc binnen de EU. Kan iemand mij de studies laten zien wat de lange termijn effecten zijn op de gezondheid voor mensen met COPD astma, chronische darm ontstekingen, ouderen en niet te vergeten zwangere vrouwen?
NEW - From 10 February, an EU regulation allows up to 4% of UV-treated insect powder to be contained in food products such as bread, cheese, jams, or pasta.
As warned for in my previous articles on food up to 4 % cricket or insect meal in food products allowed in EU since February 10th. What the long term consequences are on health especially for those with allergic reaction, gut inflammation or the elderly population is unknown.
NEW - From 10 February, an EU regulation allows up to 4% of UV-treated insect powder to be contained in food products such as bread, cheese, jams, or pasta.
RT @JenniferSey: If you’ve seen the new ad from @xx_xyathletics that’s trending but you didn’t know @bac37 made it…well, he did. He’s bri…
Het salaris van velen staat niet in verhouding tot deze enorme prijzen. Gezonde voeding onbetaalbaar staat haaks op een SER beleid die zegt het belangrijk te vinden dat de burger gezond gaat eten en bewegen. Waarom dan dit? Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
Het consumentenprogramma vergeleek 13 producten van A-merken en het voordeel is soms nog groter dan de 1+1 gratis- aanbiedingen. Voor die producten was Kassa in Nederland €161,69 kwijt en bij onze oosterburen slechts €73,75, minder dan de helft.'
@hansspekman interessante reflectie ‘ mensen met eerzame beroepen tellen niet meer mee in de samenleving” ‘ een alleenstaande vrouw met 1 kind kan van €5000,- per maand met deze hoge prijzen moeilijk meer rondkomen’ ‘Ik hoop dat we de zachtheid voor anderen weer terugvinden”
Mooi interview met @hansspekman @pvda . Hans Spekman: “Ik snap dat nijdige mensen voor rechts- autoritaire leiders kiezen” - YouTube
RT @JamesMelville: “Large-scale solar power plants raise local temperatures, creating a solar heat island effect that is similar to that cr…