![The Philosophy of a Caged Lion Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1859021795191349248/PyzFR401_x96.jpg)
The Philosophy of a Caged Lion
Fighting the beast system, Tooth and Claw. I do not subscribe to Labelism, it is a TOOL of Division and only serves to Limit your Thinking. God Wins in the End.
Survival Is My Only Friend
Joined May 2023
45 to 47 Follow the money, it’s the key. What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going? Cover for possible future indictment to plead what? What if John McCain never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution? Biden? Mitch? Others? Boot Club? Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a Non-Profit? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups. Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s? Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away? Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this. Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure? The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino. Have faith.
Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder? What affiliation did they have? Classified. >hand-to-hand transfer? >WikiLeaks Publish v Seth Rich 187? >MS13[2] 187 Geo-location? Distance? >MS13 [2] 187 date? >MS13 [2] case summary notes? Interning for the [DNC] can be deadly.
RT @herbthefox1: Zelensky quietly signs law BANNING the harvesting of organs from fallen soldiers — we were told wasn’t happening. In the…
RT @NoogaJack: He's not mentioning the Massive smart city infrastructure that is Chattanooga and the entire state becoming Big Brother thr…
PREFACE. (1904) The part that Satan plays in the drama of a human life is often larger than a person will admit. Each one of us is not only acting, but we are constantly acted upon by one or the other of two great influences. The Good Spirit endeavors to lead us to the skies, and its angels are ever willing to minister to our real needs. The Evil Spirit, either openly or under cover, seeks to destroy our mind with the untruth by preaching to us his black sermons of death. Some of these sermons are short, others are longer, and at times they are delivered to us in the language of an angel with all the dignity that good scholarship might command. This volume was commenced with the purpose of tearing off his Satanic mask so that people might see more clearly the real source of these dark sermons. There are many people who, after yielding to temptation, will declare that they have acted independent of any evil influence. Satan is pleased to see a person rest in the shadow of such a delusion, but it is better for each one of us to know that either the good or evil spirit is seeking to be the guest of our thoughts, and it depends upon our attitude who will be entertained.
RT @deluxe_pepe: The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia revealed that the investment could rise if more opportunities ar…
@MJSmithUSA [1676]
@robertsepehr The First American Revolution in 1676 Bacon's Rebellion and the First 9/11 Sept. 19 1676, Bacon set fire to Jamestown as a pretense to bring in Royal 👑 Troops against Whites, Blacks, and Indians in Mecklenburg County Virginia. 🤷♂️
The computers of tomorrow are using photons instead of electrons, with the copper wires replaced with fiber optics. They are now using entangled photon packets to resonate data from one quantum computer to another via light waves. Wireless quantum networks could communicate via entanglement without the need for radio or other wireless transmissions.
Quantum Computers Resemble an Inverted Tower of Babel There are between 150–200 Quantum Computers worldwide. Google, IBM, Microsoft, CERN are all built the same. You can also see the Tower of Babel resemblance in modern architecture such as the BIS, Amazon HQ, and EU Parliament. AI & Quantum Computing may be presented as a “new concept,” but it’s likely been around for decades. Only now is the infrastructure coming online to support it, becoming one more web of control.