I’m a California taxpayer and don’t want to foot the bill for the lawsuits that will presumably come as a result of the university’s behavior. Can you please do your jobs and stop this illegal activity?
It’s interesting how much better India is than Pakistan considering they are basically the same other than religion. A telling case study.
Did you discuss your leader’s de facto support for Hamas terrorists?
Is your company called Hims because it sounds similar to Hamas? I’m just asking questions!
I would have thought that this violates a few laws. Did the police in fact end up not doing anything and allow him to go back to what he was doing?
🚨Shocking NEW FOOTAGE of busker attack shows what really happened
Hash Tayeh & Clementine Ford claimed the street performer yelled 'f--k Palestine' before being set upon by pro-Hamas activists
SPOILER ALERT: they lied
SIGN the petition at now!
The male professor literally teaches constitutional law for the biggest California bar prep course and she claimed to know better than him about the first amendement rights. Good stuff.
There were multiple crimes committed here.
if you don’t get this under control asap you’re exposing the school and California taxpayers indirectly to significant monetary liability. Have you considered if you can be sued for breach of duties?
He literally teaches constitutional law for the biggest California bar prep course and has basically the entire detailed long outline memorized. He knows a bit about the first amendment.
As I always point out, the Jews are so good at inventing things that they invented a new type of genocide: inverse genocide, wherein the genocided group’s population skyrockets.
We’ll be told that it’s racist to admit this truth, but the undeniable truth is that extreme antisemitism is absolutely rampant in the Arab world.
Wow! The fact that the school allows this is insane. They must be considering suing the school for allowing this, which sadly, California taxpayers will probably ultimately bear the cost of. The admin should be sued directly and personally.
It’s also a pointless “point.” Even if they couldn’t be called an antisemite, call them a Jew hater or something. What’s the difference.
I’m a California taxpayer and don’t want to foot the bill for the lawsuits that will presumably come as a result of the university’s behavior. Can you please do your jobs and stop this illegal activity?
Your comment is meaningless. That’s like me saying that nobody will believe what you say except non Zionists.
Also, using all caps doesn’t make your point stronger.
Mehdi, is it true that the only growing Christian population in Middle East is in Israel? If so, why? Does it have to do with you calling non Muslims livestock?
I would watch a show that solely consisted of these types of annoying protesters being arrested and/or aggressively moved out of the way by annoyed citizens. You may be on to something.
It’s also a pointless “point.” Even if they couldn’t be called an antisemite, call them a Jew hater or something. What’s the difference.
I agree. Who is defending Christians in Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, and other places? Doesn’t seem to be Candace.
Really though it’s nothing new. Daily jihad against non Muslims world wide. Attacks like this and worse happen literally every day somewhere.
Glad they arrested her. Bakersfield hadn’t gone woke enough to let the inmates run the asylum. In LA she’d be offered a spot on the UCLA faculty.