Alice Green Profile
Alice Green



Joined May 2015
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Alice Green
9 months
Great article about latest technology developments in rehab
Alice Green
1 year
Had a fantastic time at #BAPEN2023. Some brilliant talks including really useful sessions on MND and swallowing, a fabulous opportunity presenting muscle screening on the big stage thanks to Abbott, and lovely to catch up with old friends.
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Alice Green
1 year
Equal pay day 2023 today - who doesn’t love working for free?
Alice Green
1 year
Couldn’t agree more! Especially when this widens diversity and creativity. Also mining new starters for what was better at their previous employer and what is better here….
✨Sonia Sparkles✨🖤
1 year
We are missing out on so much potential & ideas in people because we put them in a little box and think they should not stray out of it… Band 2,3,4… Just admin Trainee Just a student nurse Non-clinical Staff Nurse Junior member Newly qualified And so much more in healthcare…
Alice Green
1 year
This is a pretty amazing device with life-changing consequences
Alice Green
1 year
Another opportunity to join our friendly team!
Alice Green
1 year
RT @editorNRTimes: Increased rehab recommendations for stroke survivors by @NICEcomms are welcomed - but questions arise around provision o…
Alice Green
1 year
What a fabulous opportunity. It’s much too early in my career for me to apply but will be encouraging others to do so!
Dr Alison Culkin
1 year
Are you a member of @BDA_PENG Are you passionate about nutrition support and education? Would you like to become a tutor on the PENG clinical update an award winning course? Then check out the PENG website for details👍🏻 @BDA_Dietitians
Alice Green
1 year
RT @BDA_Dietitians: It's #AHPsDay this week! 14 October marks the sixth annual celebration of everything that AHPs do. As the third-larges…
Alice Green
1 year
Interesting article, which matches my experience, about how people with injuries in the same part of the brain can present completely differently
Neuro Rehab Times
1 year
Supporting survivors of brain injury, who often have vastly different behaviours and presentations, enables development of new skills as a care professional, writes Austin Tooze at BIS Services #braininjury #rehab #neurorehab #care #cognitiverehab
Alice Green
1 year
RT @pennutrition: Happy #DietitiansDay2023 to our Australian colleagues! 🇦🇺 @dietitiansaus
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Alice Green
1 year
What a novel idea! Patients are often the best source of info for MUST so it makes sense. Not sure how well it would work in neuro - but can immediately see the benefits on general wards. Fantastic work.
Shelley Roberts
1 year
Patients can complete their own malnutrition screening in hospital using an electronic MST, which could improve screening accuracy, save staff time and involve patients in their own care #ESPEN2023
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Alice Green
1 year
Well done to our amazing physio Maddie for her fantastic work preventing falls
UK Falls Prevention Network
1 year
Following the brilliant webinar from @whh_pt_safety, we're looking forwards to Madeleine Gifford from @HillingdonNHSFT sharing her great QI project to reduce stroke inpatient falls on 14/09 at 12pm (BST) Register here: #ThinkFalls #ActionOnFalls
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Alice Green
1 year
I agree with all of this, but especially 2 and 4. Working in stroke has made me think about my own QoL and where I would draw the line… and it’s a lot sooner than most clinicians would for a patient. Few people think about what they’d want and even fewer write it down!
Rob Galloway
1 year
Thoughts on the NHS….. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. But this is what is happening in the NHS right now; hoping things will improve when just giving the same failing medicine. As an A&E doctor, I am proud of what I do and would not want any other job But I am getting increasingly demoralised that despite best efforts, it can seem like we are moving deckchairs on the NHS titanic and just applying a sticky plaster to ever expanding gaping wounds of deep routed societal problems. The relentless pressures are getting worse and we are insane if we think the same solutions will solve the problems we have – even with more money and slightly different politics. We need to have a different approach if we are to have a functioning NHS in the future We need to look at the issues and potential solutions 1) A large amount of the problems we see are preventable - problems from poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drugs and crucially poverty and people’s lack of opportunity and optimism about the future. Efforts should be made to prevent the problems not react to them 2) We must ask ourselves are we doing too much for people and extending their length of life but not addressing if it gives them a quality of life that they would want. Just because we can do so much for patients, doesn’t mean we should. 3) On the whole, the clinician treating you now, are feeling less happy with taking on risk than those ten years ago – hence why there is often over investigation instead of simple reassurance. The risk of being complained about and being sued is one reason. But how to take risk is not taught explicitly and we are losing significant numbers of highly experienced senior decision makers such as GPs who have learnt these skills through years of practice and are replacing them with much more junior staff who are good at working within their defined skills and protocols but who do not have the training and experience to be good “riskaticians”. This is also true of algorhythm based triage systems where the default position is often 999 ambulance and A&E without consideration of this decisions on other patients whose care is delayed because there are only finite resources. 4) We are providing care in the wrong place. I see so many people who could have been cared for by out of hours senior decision makers who can make a judgment call to treat at home, rather than coming to hospital. Instead, paramedics have to bring these complex elderly patients into hospital where they are then seen by junior staff who often can over investigate and admit which leads to deconditioning and deterioration. 5) Medical services are designed around 9-5 Monday to Friday working. This needs complete overhaul so that the same quality of care is provided 24/7 6) The private sector is not the solution. Where profit becomes before patients there is often a hidden bias to overinvesting and over-treating. The money spent on private sector investment run diagnostic centres may well be used in a better way. 7) Mental health care needs to be prioritised as much as medical care. Both are under resourced but the lack of beds and community care for mental health patients creates enormous pressures on emergency services and crucially leads to unacceptable care for the most vulnerable of patients. 8) Any remodelling of the NHS has to be a phased approach – stabilise the current crisis with investment in community as well as hospital care and then longer term transformation so that we truly become a health service rather than a reaction to illness service, 9) Key to a needed NHS transformation is keeping experienced staff and the only way to do this is empowerment of their decision making, flexible working and appropriate renumeration and recognition. The biggest risk to the NHS is that staff will soon stop caring and just go into self-preservation mode. So worry when people like me stop writing messages like this, rather than when we do! My biggest worry is that politicians won’t want to face up to these incredibly difficult problems and will try and kid themselves and us that a bit more money and tinkering will solve the issue. It wont. We need radical new thinking now and the politicians to realise this. Without this, the NHS will wither away to be replaced by privatised medicine and the care which will all deserve, will only be available to the richest in society. Please feel free to share these thoughts so that politicians of all shades can see the reality and thoughts of someone on the front line rather than just the sanitised version of the NHS they are shown. Thank you for reading my post weekend literary catharsis Rob Galloway , a tired but still optimistic (just) A&E Doctor. 📷
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Alice Green
1 year
“People who work in supportive teams with clear goals and good team leadership have dramatically lower levels of stress. Compassionate leadership increases staff engagement and satisfaction, resulting in better outcomes for organisations including improved financial performance”
The King's Fund
1 year
The principles of #CompassionateLeadership are now a key part of leading in health and care. But what is compassionate leadership and how can it benefit both staff and organisations? Find out more in our video and explainer:
Alice Green
1 year
RT @editorNRTimes: New research could help doctors better identify brain injured patients with hidden consciousness, and predict the potent…
Alice Green
1 year
Lots to reflect on in the #Letby case but this point is not being made frequently enough. The assumption of innocence based on skin colour is racism; media reporting is racist. Don’t fall for it
Alice Green
2 years
I missed an amazing webinar on this last week, but have been catching up on the reading and thinking about how we could implement these ideas in an inclusive way. Thank you 💕
✨Sonia Sparkles✨🖤
2 years
To change the culture of wellbeing, we need to act with kindness, empowerment, support & nurture each other to get to a better place This creates sustainability That’s why @NeedsAtWork is based on a framework that creates action in a constructive way 👉
Alice Green
2 years
This situation remains completely unacceptable and it is everyone’s responsibility to change it. At the very least we can call out racism every time we see it in the workplace
Partha S Kar 🇮🇳🇬🇧🏏🎥
2 years
Your reminder that, as a doctor, in the #NHS -in its 75th year - the following is WORSE- if you are non-white: 💥Referral to @gmcuk 💥Outcomes at Tribunals 💥Getting senior roles 💥Career progression 💥Bullying & harassment It's called #Racism Don't be shy in leadership roles.
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Alice Green
2 years
This is the way forward for sharing learning in busy NHS teams. Instead of presenting takeaways from CPD in a formal session 6 months later, why not give 3 x 10 minute talks in the next 3 weeks? Easier to remember, easier to take in.
Helen Bevan
2 years
Our world is changing so quickly. It is a challenge for learning & development systems to keep up. All learning processes are having to change, from formal education, to workplace learning, to the way we organise big conferences & seminars. Here's a good overview of some of the key trends from @brainiup_play. Thanks @WiemanEmile.
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