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Vivek Sarkar Profile
Vivek Sarkar



Dean @gtcomputing, dad, husband, computer scientist, educator, theatre enthusiast

Atlanta, GA
Joined October 2013
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Vivek Sarkar
2 months
It was great to get a behind-the-scenes preview with @cabreraangel of the Pathway of Progress installation, dedicated to celebrating Georgia Tech women. We all look forward to the completion and inauguration of this uplifting tribute to all our alumnae!
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Vivek Sarkar
6 months
@gtcomputing @siggraph @GTResearchNews @GeorgiaTech Congratulations Florian - all of us at @gtcomputing are proud of your accomplishment. Here’s looking forward to more future breakthroughs for you and your team by viewing computations through the lens of a statistician!
Vivek Sarkar
8 months
@NivArora, congrats on this landmark award - you have done us proud at @gtcomputing, and we look forward to all the exciting accomplishments that will follow from your leadership in sustainable computing! Kudos also to your PhD advisors, @ThadStorner & @gabowd. #TogetherWeSwarm
Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing
8 months
On Saturday, @NivArora became the first @GeorgiaTech alumnus to receive the @TheOfficialACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. An amazing achievement! Nivedita did her master's, Ph.D., and postdoc with us. We couldn't be prouder! #wecandothat 🐝 @gtcomputing
Vivek Sarkar
8 months
Congrats, Dana! Your joint expertise in Math and Theoretical Computer Science is emblematic of the unique community that we have across @gtcomputing, @GeorgiaTechISyE, and Math at @georgiatech, which includes the ACO PhD program and ARC center. Thanks for leading this community!
Georgia Tech School of Computer Science
8 months
Professor Dana Randall @DataRandAlgs recently gave a Congressional briefing on randomness, collective intelligence, and the connections these concepts have to national priorities. @gtcomputing @GTSciences @amermathsoc @mathmoves
Vivek Sarkar
9 months
Congrats to Sham on this very well deserved recognition of his leadership of the database area at Georgia Tech for over three decades! His textbook with Ramez Elmasri on the Fundamentals of Database Systems is a legend. We're delighted to have Sham as a colleague in @gtcomputing!
Georgia Tech Computing
9 months
Dr. Sham Navathe, a Computer Science professor at Georgia Tech for over 30 years, will be inducted into the College of Computing Hall of Fame on May 18. He is renowned for his work in database modeling and design, and has authored the leading database textbook worldwide.
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Vivek Sarkar
9 months
An awesome milestone for an awesome program! Kudos to all the @gtcomputing pioneers who created and led this groundbreaking initiative, and congrats to the 10K+ @GTOMSCS graduates from around the globe. We couldn’t be prouder of you! #TogetherWeSwarm
Ángel Cabrera
9 months
Congratulations on 10 years of @GTOMSCS, a program that revolutionized Computer Science graduate education and transformed the careers of thousands of working professionals! Here's to many more years and many more students!
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Vivek Sarkar
10 months
Thanks @CabreraAngel! It is an honor to take on this role under your leadership. This is indeed a consequential time for computing and its societal impacts, and my colleagues in @gtcomputing and @gatech have a lot to contribute with their leadership in the field! #togetherweswarm
Ángel Cabrera
10 months
Looking forward to working with Dean @vsarkar_gt Sarkar and the faculty and staff of @gtcomputing in building the best and most consequential college of computing in the nation
Vivek Sarkar
1 year
Wow, kudos to our students and colleagues across campus on these impressive accomplishments! As always, we know that they were achieved without compromising academic rigor. #GoJackets!
Rick Clark
1 year
#GeorgiaTech Enrollment, Access, and Success highlights: ✅98% first year retention 🏫Record enrollment- ~48k overall (19,500 undergrads) 🎓93% 6-year graduation rate 🥇45% increase in first-generation undergrads in last five years. #GoJackets! @GTOUE
Vivek Sarkar
1 year
Enjoyed stimulating discussions at the @CRAtweets workshop in Atlanta on challenges of preparing students from underrepresented groups for industry careers. Thanks to all, including our plenary speaker, @SitWithAvis, for their candid and insightful input.
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Vivek Sarkar
1 year
Well said, @CabreraAngel. Kudos to all the @gtcomputing schools on this accomplishment, and to all our @GeorgiaTech partner schools on their awesome showing as well.
Ángel Cabrera
1 year
Our computer science programs are not just the largest in the country but, according to @usnews, they are among the best: @gtcomputing undergraduate program ranked #6 today (use rankings carefully, look up methodology, compare, before choosing a school!)
Vivek Sarkar
1 year
Congrats to all awardees selected as @SimonsFdn Investigators in 2023, including our very own Santosh Vampala selected as one of three in Theoretical Computer Science! This is well deserved, and will help enable Santosh to explore exciting new research directions in the future.
Simons Foundation
1 year
Congratulations to the 2023 Simons Investigators in Math, Physics, Astrophysics & Computer Science - announced today in @NYTScience and online here:
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Vivek Sarkar
1 year
It was great to meet some of the new Explore LLC students along with my colleague, Kris Nagel, and to discuss exciting opportunities that span @GTSciences and @gtcomputing. Also inspiring to hear the life experiences and goals that these new Jackets are bringing to campus!
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Vivek Sarkar
1 year
Congrats, Srinivas and @ZeguraEllen! This is a great recognition for both of you, and for @gtcomputing as well!
Georgia Tech Computing
1 year
From A(luru) to Z(egura), we have exceptional faculty building the college and their academic disciplines. Congratulations Srinivas and Ellen on being named Regents' Professors, one of the highest honors in the @BORUSG! Learn more:
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Vivek Sarkar
1 year
I hope it works out. Their kickstarter link is here:
Vivek Sarkar
1 year
It was cool to see this project plan to perform Shakespeare in the Park in Atlanta!
Vivek Sarkar
2 years
@DeveshRanjanGT, congratulations to Samika and the proud parents. Here's wishing her the best of happiness and success in her @gtcomputing major, and the same to all our new admits!
Devesh Ranjan
2 years
Move-In day on campus ⁦@GeorgiaTech⁩. Had fun getting Samika Ranjan (⁦@gtcomputing⁩) moved in at Field. Thank you to all the volunteers who are making it the best experience of life for everyone. Also had a great visit to ⁦@GTInvention⁩ ⁦@MEGeorgiaTech⁩.
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Vivek Sarkar
2 years
Congrats and welcome aboard, Steve! As you know, all of us at @gatech_scs and @gtcomputing are looking forward to having you as our colleague, and to help you in every way as you prepare for the start of your academic career in Fall 2024!
Steve Mussmann
2 years
I am thrilled to announce that I will join @GeorgiaTech @gatech_scs as an assistant professor in Fall 2024! I am looking for PhD students to join my research group. If you are interested, please reach out! More info:
Vivek Sarkar
2 years
Santosh, congrats on being named a Simons Investigator in Computer Science, and on joining an elite group of research leaders across multiple disciplines. In addition to all your accomplishments, you are an awesome role model for our students and junior faculty in @gtcomputing!
Georgia Tech School of Computer Science
2 years
Congratulations to Professor Santosh Vempala for being named a 2023 Simons Investigator in theoretical computer science! 🎉 @gtcomputing @SimonsFdn
Vivek Sarkar
2 years
Congratulations to all @gatech_scs and @gatech_ece computer architecture researchers for their outstanding partnerships and contributions to ISCA over the years, and to program chair Hyesoon Kim and vice-chair @tusharkrishna29 for making ISCA-50 a grand success!
Georgia Tech School of Computer Science
2 years
SCS and @GeorgiaTech_ECE researchers participated in the International Symposium on Computer Architecture as it celebrated its 50th year. Read more on our past and present contributions to @ISCAConfOrg:
Vivek Sarkar
2 years
Thanks for sharing, @kexinrong. This has been a busy week with FCRC and SIGMOD being held 3,500 miles apart. Look forward to catching up after we are all back on campus. Fully agree with the joys of in-person conferences!
Kexin Rong
2 years
Georgia Tech DB group @SIGMODConf In-person conferences are so much fun
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