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Two Sickles
Bringing the truth of the Books of Daniel, Revelation and all prophecies related to include anything Yeshua/Jesus spoke on these subject. No opinions but facts!
Joined July 2024
This is going to be LONG!! Wake Up Christians you are being so deceived!!! People just do not get or understand Revelation 13's mark. First off the word "mark" is "Badge of Servitude". If you were to read GREEK you would read it as "badge of servitude" not "mark". Second, this badge of servitude would be placed EPI. The Greek word EPI means ON, UPON, or ABOVE the forehead or right arm/hand/finger. the Word used for HAND is actually dextrous which is ARM and HAND, as one. In Greek and English the word dextrous pertains to the ARM & Hand as one. If you are a RIGHT HANDED person this doesn't mean you use your right hand but your whole right side more often than the left. Whenever you are writing or throwing you are using more muscles in your arms than you do in our hand. If you spoke Greek and was reading the Greek version of Revelation 13 you would understand for the "right hand" to be your whole right arm including your hand. Whenever the Lord is telling us about Revelation 13 the "beast of the earth" he is telling us that this would be a human empire. The word earth is figurative for human realm while the sea is figurative for spirit realm. The word SEA is also literal which is always referred to as the MEDITERRANEAN SEA. The beast of the sea in Revelation 13 John writes that he seen it as a "LION-BEAR-LEOPARD" which means you will see an empire based on religion, same as the seven empires before it, would arise in the OLD EMPIRES that were the LION-BEAR-LEOPARD empires. So, who were the LION-BEAR-LEOPARD empires? They were: 1. LION= Babylon 2. BEAR= Medes/Persians 3. LEOPARD = Seleucid Greek So whenever John is telling us "I seen a beast coming out of the sea" he is referring us to the MEDITERRANEAN SEA where those LION-BEAR-LEOPARD nations existed which are today known as: 1. Bear- Iraq 2. Bear-Iran 3. LEOPARD- Turkey Think, what do all three of these countries have in common? They BORDER EACH OTHER, all three of them. And since they all border each other, there is no separation between the lands and what SEA connects them all? Mediterranean Sea! That's why Jesus showed John a "beast aka empire" that would come up out of the sea. Also in Revelation we are told there would be a people would would NOT worship the beast of the earth and her image but they worship the dragon. John wrote: Revelation 13:11 (NASB) 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. TWO HORNS = TWO LEGS in Daniel 2 King Nebuchadnezzar's image. Don't believe me, find an image on the internet, look at it and turn it upside down, you will see TWO HORNS with ten little crowns on both or five on each. Remember from our perspective, this image is being built from the HEAD DOWN but whenever you turn Daniel 2 King Nebuchadnezzar's image upside down, its being built from the ground up. Who are the TWO HORNS or TWO LEGS in Daniel 2 and Revelation 12? They are in fact SHIA ISLAM who makes up the LION-BEAR-LEOPARD nations and Sunni Islam which make up the image and the location of the great city "Mystery Babylon". Now, why did Jesus give us the name "Mystery Babylon"? No it didn't have anything, zilch, nothing to do with the Tower of Babel, people should read Enoch's writings and then read Genesis 6 and then Genesis 11. The Tower didn't have anything to do with some "one world government". That is made up, a deception to keep you deceived. Think, if the Tower of Babel was about some one world government and the Lord said "NO you cannot do that" even demons/evil spirits MUST abide with that decision. Don't believe me? How many demon/evil spirits came out of possessed people whenever Jesus commanded it? ALL of them, they must abide in the word of God, Jesus Christ. The Tower of Babel was about the STONES to build the Tower. The STONES represents the EARTH and the people there were building a TOWER reaching into the heavens. Why? Because demon/evil spirits ONLY roams the earth and the stones come from the earth which means they were able to go up into the tower and yell up into heaven. Revelation 12 makes clear that the TAIL of the dragon, which is his TONGUE caused a third of angels to be hurled to the earth and later placed into prison UNDER the earth after they married human women and had offspring with those women. Demon/evil spirits are those offspring, they were denied entry into heaven and hades/sheol. The first of their kind was CAIN who is in fact SATAN. Satan is NOT a fallen angel. Not once does the Word of God ever describe Satan as a fallen angel but Enoch does describe him as the offspring of GADREEL the angel who entered the Garden of Eden and deceived Eve. So, in Revelation we read about TWO BEASTS aka EMPIRES. These empires are in fact SHIA Islam and Sunni Islam. In Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 51 that the Lord will place in the hearts of the MEDES to destory Babylon. Well the Medes never destoyed Babylon, actually the Medes/Persian Empire made Babylon its capital city as did the Seleucid Greeks under Alexander the Great after they captured it. Again, why would Jesus refer us to "Mystery Babylon"? Because he was telling us to LOOK FOR THE RELIGION OF BABYLON to be RECREATED (The first Woe) and watch it SPREAD (Second WOE). Its so simple, read Daniel 3 compare the attributes and characteristics of Daniel 3 to Islam in Mecca today. Guess where Islam was created? Mecca. As it spread, the second beast was formed, the beast of the sea, it sprung up in the LION-LEOPARD-BEAR nations aka IRAQ-IRAN and TURKEY. Currently Iraq and Turkey are SUNNI majority but we are told whenever the RIVERS OF THE EUPHRATES dries up it will make way for the KINGS OF THE EAST aka BEAR nations aka SHIA Islam to be pushed into the LION and Leopard nations aka Iraq and Turkey. The KINGS and WISE-MEN OF THE EAST that came and presented gifts to Jesus as a newborn baby were the wise men of Iran. How do you think they knew what to look for? Daniel taught them!! Remember he was the SECOND highest leader in today's Iran and he taught them what to look for such as the STAR! The BIBLE does not change, if the KINGS OF THE EAST in Matthew were the people Iran, which they were, then in Revelation the kings of the east are in fact the same people. What to look for in Iran? A leader who is of MEDIAN descent!! Whenever you read or hear about this, you know the EUPHRATES RIVER is drying up. The Euphrates River drying up isn't LITERAL but FIGURATIVE. The EUPHRATES RIVER figurative means "water'. The word SHIA means "path to TRODDEN WATERS". Understanding yet? No? Read more. In Revelation we read about WORMWOOD. No this isn't about some asteroid named WORMWOOD that will flood a third of the earth. If you believe this then you FORGET why the Lord gave us the real rainbow!! Did he not say "I will NOT flood the earth ever again"? So why do Christians believes it will happen again? My bible reads the Lord said "I CHANGE NOT". So what is this about? Read: Revelation 8:10-11 (NASB) 10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. 11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. We are told that a GREAT STAR fell from heaven, burning like a torch, this is satan and the third of angels we read about in Revelation 12. Then John writes "it fell on a Third of the rivers and on the springs of water". First off,you must look at a map at the time this all happen. The continents of NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA were NOT even part of any map. It wasn't even known about. The ancient people believed the Mediterranean led them to the edger of the earth and yes they believed the earth was flat as the Word of God describes it to be and so does Enoch's writings. So, if you look at an ancient map, you will see Europe, Asia, Africa and the Mideast. Guess what is exactly 1/3 of the known earth on those maps? The MIDEAST. So, a great star was hurled to the earth burning LIKE A (Figurative) torch and it fell on a THIRD of the RIVERS and on the SPRINGS OF WATER. Jesus, speaking to the Samaritan woman stated "John 4:10 (NASB) 10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” Later Jesus stated: John 7:37-38 (NASB) 37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” He is giving us ALL the answers before events in Revelation began and most Christians miss these facts! Again SHIA means "path to trodden waters". What does TRODDEN mean? To STOMP ON. In the CEB translation the word STOMP is found: Matthew 7:6 (CEB) 6 Don’t give holy things to dogs, and don’t throw your pearls in front of pigs. They will stomp on the pearls, then turn around and attack you. The PEARLS is the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ! Shia stomps on the GOSPEL and this is exactly what it did. Now lets put it together in scripture: The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. We are being told that this "star" is called WORMWOOD as the word WORMWOOD only means BITTER. We are being told that this star became BITTER. This star is SATAN, SATAN is CAIN. Cain became BITTER toward Yahweh after Yahweh judged that his type of people, half angels-half humans would be BOUND on the earth aka SHORES OF THE SEA. They would remain here on the earth, within their realm, they would effect humans to cause wars and cause humans to sin and to worship demon/evil spirits per ENOCH's own writings. Satan appeared to Muhammad in a cave in Mecca over a span of 22 year calling himself Gabriel, telling Muhammad that Jesus didn't die, that Jesus was only a prophet, that the disciples didn't see Jesus die, that Jesus wasn't resurrected and so on.....Here is what EVERY CHRISTIAN has missed except myself, this is what the Lord showed me recently. How long was it after Daniel was praying that Gabriel appeared to him? Lets connect some dots shall we: Daniel 10:12-14 (NASB) 12 Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future. How long was Gabriel being held up 21 days!! Which means Gabriel came and appeared to Daniel on the 22nd day! Do you see it? The real Gabriel appeared to Daniel on the 22nd day while Satan appeared to Muhammad for 22 years. Are we not told that 1 day = 1 year in prophecy? See how it all connects? So, lets finish this up: The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. John wrote "man men DIED from the waters, because they were made bitter". This is figurative which means "many men SPIRITUALLY DIED from the Quran that was given to them, because the QURAN made them bitter aka WORMWOOD". What is the Quran? Its SHIA, Shia means "path to trodden WATERS"!! If this does NOT help you as a Christian I don't know what can. If you truly believe in this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT foolishness you are deceived. Any Christians who pushes this 7 year tribulation heresy is pushing THE JESUIT AGENDA. That agenda is to have some Jesuit POPE installed in Jerusalem as KING over Jerusalem. He who controls Jerusalem controls the world per my bible. One last thing, Jesus wasn't 33 years old whenever he allowed himself to be sacrificed, he was actually 40 years old. Proof? Jesus wasn't born on 0000, he was in fact born in 7BC and 7+33AD = 40 years old. 33 is a foolish FREEMASONRY number, they believe if they reach some 32nd or 33rd degree they are gods, they have the ability to rule our lives. Don't believe in this hogwash stuff, they are part of the TEN KINGS in Revelation 17 just like DRUIDS are. Freemasons at a 33rd degree must go into a temple and SUMBIT (Islam means SUBMIT) to ALLAH and the false prophet Muhammad. He is called FALSE PROPHET in Revelation because that is what he is, a FALSE WITNESS to the WORD OF GOD. BTW, Revelation reads that the CURSE comes out of their MOUTHS. The word CURSE in Hebrew is ALAH pronounced AW-LAW just like ALLAH. Mecca is in fact Mystery Babylon, its ONE LEG called SUNNI Islam, Shia Islam is in Iran, once the Euphrates Rivers dries up meaning once Muslims gets tired of Mecca's water, its beliefs they will turn towards SHIA Islam which is what the QURAN is truly about. The QURAN is SHIA. So, if you are a Christian and you submit to Islam, you become Muslim, you lose your salvation. How? Because you must DENY JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD which is BLASPHEME of the HOLY SPIRIT for Jesus is the HOLY SPIRIT that became flesh. Can Muslims be saved? Yes, if they only accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. But, if they ever return to Islam they will lose their salvation for eternity!! JoeM was very inaccurate about Islam in his "Plan to Save the World" video. Be careful, its ISLAM that infiltrates through both conquests by entering countries and taking them over. Islam is at our door in America, do you truly want that here? Are you going to submit to the beast of Islam and its image and wear the SHAHADA MARK which was formalized in 666AD a man's number just like Revelation 13 reads. The SHAHADA has the name of the beast and the name of the man aka false prophet written right on it, they are ALLAH and Muhammad. Islam was the first ever MARXISTS religion and Islam is the OLDEST Empire on planet earth currently. Feet of iron and CLAY for CLAY means it would be the oldest. Whenever a person gets old, the phrase "I have feet of clay" means they are getting old. Yes Iron and clay do not mix neither does Shia and Sunni Islam. Hope this helps you. I am writing my book on all of this, I started this book back in 2018 and I am still writing it. Hopefully by March of 2025 it will be completed. Jesus gave us ALL the answers to Revelation whenever he was on this earth in the flesh. BTW this book will be FREE for all, a digital PDF. Freely given, freely give to all. God Bless...
@ClownWorld_ sure sounds like he has some disabling issues going on. He should be in a mental health facility not thrown into jail. Just my humble opinion.
Wait until we get to the VA audit. Here is a true story that happened with me. I'm a 100% DAV who has Permanent and Totally disabled as part of my ratings. We receive very little dependent compensation less than active duty members. Whenever my oldest daughter turned 18she was going to college so she was entitled to Chapter 31 benefits. But the VA began paying me for her as a dependent plus giving her Chapter 31 subsistence that helps pay for gas, food and school supplies. I called the VA about 5tines requesting them to stop paying me dependent payments but each time they kept saying "you have to wait until the system catches it". I told them why? Their reply was "we do t have a way to stop the payments". Sure enough about 18 months later I get a letter from the VA stating "you owe us $6500". I was very upset because I knew it was coming. So I appealed it telling the VA "I called the VA to have the payments stop only to be told I had to wait until the computers catch the overpayment, and that I was not a bank for the VA they can store their money in". Long story short I won the appeal! Why are these agencies using old software or software that cannot stop the overpayments when a Veteran calls to have it stopped? I believe there is a lot of theft going on inside the VA by employees and contractors. @elonmusk
John John...Who told the truth Q or Trump about John F Kennedy when Trump stated the following in the video below. He clearly speaks about TWO different John F Kennedys, one is a DECEIVER whom Melania love watching, an then he proceeds to speak about he second one Congressman John F. Kennedy. I have said on January 21, 2021 that Biden was being played by John F Kennedy aka John John and another person who I believe was Straun Rogers but not 100% sure about that. What we are 100% positive is many of them are wearing SILICONE masks. I think MAXINE WATERS character is currently wearing a silicone mask. She has changed from 2019/2020 to 2024 alone. People don't change like that overnight, once the oldness sets they don't change that much afterwards. My grandmother looked the same for 40 years once her face changed to her final appearance. She was 95 whenever she passed away.
RT @EzraACohen: The US has propped up the King of Jordan for a long time, yet Abdullah continuously undermines the US interests in the regi…
Why are WE sending US TAX MONEY to any country? Saudi Arabia is just next door, the richest country on the planet cannot help Jordan? C'mon man, stop this money laundering. Americans don't want out monies going to other countries not while we have veterans here at home hurting, Social Security retirees hurting financially, not when we are all hurting financially. Sorry but it has to stop.
United States isn't he only country they are doing all this money laundering in. Every single country that has a Federal Reserve its happening. Keep watching I believe what is happening here is going to happen in other countries like Britain, France, Germany and Italy. What are they going to find? QUADTRILLIONS stolen from those countries also.
@atensnut She's reading a script watch her eyes. Deal was made now she has to do what its ordered.
@JohnLukeSam1 @jsolomonReports Oh yes Joe Biden withheld a BILLION DOLLARS until they fired the Prosecutor that was investigating Burisma. That's extortion hero...
@jsolomonReports Why are we sending them our tax monies when we have homeless ppl in the streets, some were trafficked for years as sex slaves?
Again that is IMPOSSIBLE on a GLOBE hero. You think everybody lives on the same side of the planet? 90% of the POPULATION cannot be in the daylight at the same time on a GLOBE. Go do the tests yourself, but we know you won't because your a NASA believe. Don't worry you will wake up once Trump and the SPACE FORCE shows you all the TRUTH. What do you think space force was doing up there for TWO STRAIGHT years? They sent up their own little space shuttle for two straight years. You will find out soon.