Oh, but there's more. The most pernicious of all, that wasn't in this clip is that Sta ofcls can now circumvent cnty election ofcls if they don't like the outcome they are seeing. Tell me how that isn't fascism 101? Will the Democrats
? Asking for a Democracy.
C'mon, smart humans! That Biden isn't adopting
& a
speaks volumes about his allegiance to his big money donors. Ryan is simply calling this out. Which is what we all should be doing! That we don't fight for the future of our existence is shameful!
It is the “worst fucking timing in the history of worst fucking timing” for
and the
to oppose Medicare for All during a pandemic & a Green New Deal during a climate crisis.
I see, so you admit that his being confirmed would mean he'd overturn Roe v. Wade. And to use your words... That's exactly what this is about, isn't it. Killing kids? You mean a fetus is a kid that can live outside the uterus? That's a new one on me. What about kids in cages?
You will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in history. I admire your incredible wisdom, brilliance and ability to rise above the pettiness of those who aren't worthy of your kindness. Thank you for ALL that you have done for this country and continue to do! 💗🌊
Let the new blood take the wheel. They've got guts and haven't been corrupted yet. They also have better political instincts than the old guard. That old dog won't hunt.
The biggest mistake that
are making is worrying about Trump’s base more than their own base. There are 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans in America and impeachment would energize the Democratic base in 2020.
The Democratic party is a lie and I bought the lie for 18 years. I fell for the platitudes and performative lip service. I genuinely believed they were “for the people” when the truth is that they are for their corporate donors. The people have no representation in America.
I'm really concerned that so many programs on NBC CBS CNN are becoming more and more Trump friendly. It's a disturbing trend. Keep your eyes open and don't fall for the normalization of trump & this criminal Administration
So much THIS!!! It felt like a death. I was inconsolable. My 13 year old daughter stayed home from school the next day because she knew it would be intense. She was right. Students were getting into verbal fights. She was glad she missed it.
Maybe it's because Bernie folks are empathetic, decent human beings that understand that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege.
We have unmitigated abuse of power and intention to subvert Democracy on full display in the highest court of the land. This is not sustainable and as they have so horrifyingly proven by the ending of Roe, this rogue extremist court is illegitimate and dangerous!
Smiling and laughing with her children while the world crumbles, knowing that her lunatic, demagogic, wanna be dictator father is the reason. The depth of moral bankruptcy is stunning.
We need to call it out! Being nice doesn't work. The Democratic establishment need to fear for their jobs because if they don't, they will continue to do the bidding of their corporate masters.
You're not "pro-life", you're pro controlling women's bodies. The woman's life and future fertility are threatened by this pg. She wanted this potential life but as is the case with any pregnancy, there are risks. Grow up and stop pushing your archaic beliefs on others!
I'm in Maryland and thought the elections here were safe! It's a Blue state except for Hogan, for cripes sake! 🙄 We have paper ballots that run through a scanner in my district. Will it be safe in November?!
Utterly devoid of reason and awareness. Everything he posted was nonsense and not based on factual information. Jesus, these idiots are exhausting.
Why are some people so afraid of others they perceive as "different" than they are? How boring would this world be if we all looked, sounded, acted, believed the same?! We'd never evolve. We'd all look, act, sound and dress like Tucker. Now that really would be scary.
I don't think this country can take 3 more years of this orange nightmare! I feel a sense of dread every day and my anxiety is through the roof!
I personally love that 4 letter word. It speaks volumes. Succinct in its meaning and expresses profoundly how most sane, decent Americans feel. Bobby DeNiro definitely speaks for me!
I am a Bernie supporter and I would never harass Fred or anyone else who is supporting another candidate. That said, this whole "Bernie Bro" narrative is a smear tactic. Humans can be mean, esp on social media. I have experienced it myself from those that don't like Bernie.
Jesus, I hope so. I hope what takes him out is that he chokes to death on a McDonald's french fry late at night, while tweeting on the royal throne.
We're going to have to keep on the Democrats to be tough with these criminals. They do tend to want to meet in the middle especially the old guard and we can't allow it to happen! For the future of our Democracy we need to hold their feet to the fire.
My daughter asked me after the massacre at Sante Fe High School why this keeps happening, which broke my heart, btw. I told her because the
cares nothing for human beings and everything for power, money and keeping the NRA happy.
We have to vote in numbers too big to manipulate. I admit I'm scared too. If you follow
she'll curl your hair as to the level of corruption with the voting machines.
wherever you can.
Jon Oliver is a legend! Pure genius! Offering that worthless Harlan Crow owned, scumbag, Christo-Fascist, Clarence Thomas, a million a year and a mansion on wheels to leave his SCOTUS seat in 30 days! Do it, Uncle Thomas!
I think you may be right with your thesis that the govt. already knows and is holding the information until after the election. It's terrifying, infuriating, and just beyond comprehension that we're in such precarious times because of mango Mussolini & his party of Putin.
They try to equate, rationalize, deflect and obfuscate because the truth is too damning. They don't want to admit they've been completely and utterly duped.
I cringe when I hear politicians, pundits, election experts say that the 2020 election was the most secure election ever. I attribute most of that to mail-in ballots. If not for mail-in ballots tRump would have won and not legitmately. I have no doubt he had it rigged.
Doug Jones sounds like an incredible human being, but for many Repugs the fact that he is a Democrat and for a woman's right to her own body, he might as well be dirt under their feet. This is when religion & tribalism become a toxic stew that creates monsters. Oh the humanity!
has been all over the state, covering thousands of miles, talking to people from all walks of life who each have their own hopes & concerns. This is the way to represent
(Designed by Joohn Choe)
Project 25 is a
plan to destroy our Democracy.
A plan to transform the Executive Branch of Government into a Dictatorship.
You should research and read about this plan. Here is a basic summary, in no certain order.
If they are declared the winner in November, expect the
Bernie, I'm losing hope. I was really looking forward to having community college available for my kids, tuition free. What else is getting taken away from us? Manchin cannot have his way! 3.5t was already the compromise. This country may already be too far gone. I'm devastated.
I'm so sick of the "god" references and the devil made me do it nonsense. Keep your religion to yourself. The presumption that everyone knows or cares about your beliefs is asinine, ignorant and arrogant.
We will be in dire straits if they are able to ram the Handmaiden through. Please start impeachment hearings on Barr! That would slow it down. Why hasn't that happened anyway? Barr is a criminal.
They are rightly and honestly expressing their anger about Hillary smearing Bernie and lying about him. Saying things like nobody likes him? He's the most liked Senator in DC! Hillary is the one being divisive! Bernie has been nothing but kind even after all her smears! Just stop
How can anyone not be a Bernie fan. He's the only Senator that actually cares about the people and not the moneyed interests. Unless you're one of those that benefits from moneyed interests.
Wow, rage tweeting about something as irrelevant as Beyonce not showing up to the actual relevance of the critical situation at hand is next level cluelessness and pearl clutching. I question the sincerity of their outrage.
BTW, there is no such thing as an "alpha" male or a "beta" male. It's bullsh*t. But of course the tRump cultists believe any bullsh*t that is thrown at them.
Curious how it shows Biden leading though. We'll see I guess, whether it's just "testing". But from what I've seen so far there has been much f*ckery going on. Who needs Russia when our own parties engage in election fraud. We need handmarked paper ballots , no machine voting!
Lived in Alaska for 7 years and was always in awe upon seeing them. They're elusive creatures and while they will show up in yards near humans, they're not friendly. Powerful but seemingly mellow, they are wild and will stomp on your head if you get too close. Great video!
If this had been a peaceful protest with progressives and or liberals, they'd all be arrested. These thugs using their penis extenders as threats are allowed to spew their propaganda. What a country.
This is your brain on the Faux "news" tRump/Russian propaganda network. Putin thanks you for your allegiance to the cause of destroying western Democracy.
You know that the so-called
"investigation" was NOT about finding the truth. It was a cover-up! Please don't let your legacy be that you voted for a lying, partisan political hack that has been accused of sexual assault as SCOTUS! You KNOW this is a sham! Do the right thing
So did I. I fill out a paper ballot and it goes through an optical scanner. I've always assumed that there is a paper trail. Is that not the case? Should we be demanding a receipt of our vote?
She's not in office to help the majority of Americans. She is there to help her big money donors. Until we the people stop voting for these corporate owned politicians, nothing will fundamentally change.
They have been trained to not think for themselves and to believe their crazy preachers... so this is what happens.. It's very sad and pathetic and I don't see reaching these people unless and until maybe their world comes crashing down.
pro·jec·tion; also see (Devin Nunes)~ an unconscious defense mechanism whereby emotionally unacceptable traits are denied in oneself and are regarded (projected) as belonging to the external world or to someone else.
It is so obvious and most of us have been screaming this even before he was elected! Hillary even called him a Putin puppet! He is blatant about it too because he knows the complicit GOP will do nothing about it! They are just as guilty!
We are no longer a Democracy and the Repugs do nothing and have done nothing to stop this takeover of our country by a lying mob boss who conspired with Putin to subvert our Democracy! The Repuglicans are completely responsible for this and should all be held accountable!
Jared AND Ivanka were both upgraded to permanent Top Secret clearance on May 1.
As in a typical authoritarian regime, family bestows a different set of rules.
We will lose if Bloomberg somehow buys the nomination. There is absolutely no way he will bring out enough voters to beat tRump. No Fing way. Say good bye to Democracy if that happens.
Why do you care what anyone else believes or doesn't believe? If you really felt confident in your beliefs, you wouldn't need validation.
I'm just always full of anxiety about the state of affairs in this country right now and how fragile things seem. Are things as fragile as they seem? If RepugliCONs take over Congress, is it literally over for Democracy and what do we do then? Most Americans can't move to Canada.
I don't trust Flake as far as I can throw the flake. He is a member of ALEC and wants a constitutional amendment to stop the people from voting for Senators. Don't be fooled. That said, he is right about tRump of course but only because he is playing the long game.
I've seen more and more people not wearing masks going into stores. I'm sure many are vaccinated but not all. The lifting of the mask mandate was incredibly foolish! I knew it was too soon! Now what?!