While thousands protest, the 'prince' of
's dynasty,
, and his wife casually travel to the USA on a PRIVATE JET, oblivious to the outrage of millions✈️
🌍 Should we count their selfish emissions and the money spent on this lavish trip?🤔 💸
lost in a whirlwind of emotion as he dropped to one knee and taylor’s song on playing on the background.. yes yes yes yes, a milliiiiooonnn times YES. 🤍💍
demi dah gmn caranye block/mute komun, gua muak bgt liat komun coc anjg bacot bgt anjg udh ky hype idol kpop, banyak yg hype nya too much dan terkesan "ngatur" peserta nya babiiii, woi mereka mahasiswa bukan idol lu pada bngst stop jd org aneh
YEPPP def fun n worth to watch!!! tentang gangster yang mninggal karna nyelamatin anak sma suicide karna dibully trs jiwanya pindah ke badan anak sma ituu, coba tonton deeh