something about making 17/18 year olds decide what they wanna do for the rest of their life and then putting them in 50k of debt by 21 doesnt sit right with me.
inshallah one day brown people will understand that a bride moving into her man’s entire family’s house is not a religious thing and inshallah one day a woman who asks for her own place (as is her islamic right) doesn’t get called “chalak” or treated like she did some crime.
uni is just about buying overpriced coffee, walking 10k steps and running into people while saying “we should hang out” fully knowing it’s not gonna happen.
nothing pisses me off more than the fact that women in our culture are constantly raised to be understanding and to overly compensate yet when they’re being mistreated they’re also told that they’re too sensitive and emotional like damnn we can’t win huh.
i honestly think hijabi influencer culture has been so harmful for muslim women. creating a beauty standard revolving hijab goes against the very purpose of hijab itself - to conceal beauty.
nah fr ur acc evil if u tell a girl “wear hijab properly or not at all” that’s like telling someone who struggles with prayer “pray all 5 or not at all” no ones perfect we’re all a work in progress.
justin trudeau really said “Canada supports Israel’s right to assure its own security” when Jagmeet Singh asked about how Canada sells Israel weapons, so inshallah ill be voting NDP next elections.
fasting for 17 hours and then being full within 5 minutes of iftar is a prime example of how u should not ask for a cat as ur mehr bc mehr is supposed to be financial protection how is a cat gonna protect u pls girls use ur brains.
sorry i’ll never understand muslim men’s obsession with women not working unless “absolutely necessary” bc babe u make 30k it kinda is necessary why r u forcing her to live in the trenches 😭😭😭.
i don’t understand why people are angry about others bringing their countries’ flags to protests. it’s a way of showing solidarity yall just need something to be mad about
i have never in my entire life heard a story where people tell a man to have sabr with his wife it’s always the other way around and i think that speaks volumes about how we treat brown women.