![saviourofhaha Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1611513194568089601/ajrcZomk_x96.jpg)
I was cycling my bike and felt a sudden moistness on my cheek. I reflexively rationalised that I’d splashed a puddle, but the road was dry, and the real reason soon became obvious. A bird had just taken a shit on my face and clothes. Although Some people pay to be pooed on, it’s not my thing. It could be worse, once a fat woman was yapping at me and as she did, poo flew from the sky and landed directly in her mouth. She had to scrape it out with her fat finger. It’s as if God said, ‘since you like eating so much, eat this!!!’ and sent the bird to shit in her mouth, protecting one of his most faithful sons in the process. But god is not a terrorist. God doesn’t send the bombs that kill the Gazan children from the sky, for example, that’s the Israelis. Maybe the Israelis sent the bird to shit on me and the fat woman. Many people online would eagerly gobble up this theory, simply to confirm their own bias. But Let’s assume, for a second, that it’s true and that the Jewish Community think fat women should keep their mouths shut, but what’s their problem with a nice guy like me? It’s a mystery, and I shall be spending my Stevens Day drying my clothes, scanning the Talmud and looking for clues.
Our grandparents were poor, we are rich. Our grandparents were religious, we are atheist. Our grandparents lived in a homogenous society. We live in a multicultural one. Our grandparents were conservative, we are liberal. A lot has changed, quickly. We have nothing in common with our ancestors.
Friends offends me because it is, and always has been, totally shit.
Jewish Friends actor David Schwimmer attacks Elon Musk for allowing Ye to continue posting on X. Follow: @AFpost
Stoneybatter is a weird place for four people to be stabbed. Maybe some lactose intolerant hipster had an allergic reaction to their chai latte. Maybe they melted down after failing to split the G. Truth is, we’ll probably never know.
Dublin sucks now lol. Everyone getting stabbed all the time. It actually completely changes the way you see your community and the world around you. Why would you want a wife or kids to be in this city? RTE are, in my opinion, concealing the truth of this incident by not mentioning the stabbings in the headline. Any private media company would lead with this information because they would be incentivised by clicks, but RTE are incentivised by towing the government line. It is evidence of corruption that is not considered evidence.
some people share Anthony Bourdain advice paragraphs on Facebook. ‘Eat at a restaurant and talk to a stranger, pick up a hitchhiker and take the day off work’ type stuff I’m sure if he was around he would hate seeing it shared because Considering how he died, none of it helped him and won’t help you