Dr Omendra Ratnu Sanatani
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Joined March 2010
Index For Narendra Modi . Third one for Indi . I will not vote for slavery and poverty of my children. My vote is for freedom and affluence of my children . #NamoAgain
Send him to me . I will take care in my hospital in Jaipur . If he needs a cochlear implant too , it will be done . But the surgery is only one part . The real rehabilitation of the boy will take proper speech training . An exercise of one year .
This child of a BJP karyakarta is deaf and dumb. His name is Hari. Trying to fix his hearing right. Seems he has to undergo an expensive surgery. Kindly suggest a good Hospital and Dr.
हम आजीवन इस परिवार को 10,000 ₹ महीने की सहायता देंगे । . किसी हिन्दू को अनाथ नहीं छोड़ा जाएगा । . हमारे मारे गए भाई को तो हम लौटा नहीं सकते , पर आपके घर पर टूटी इस भयानक विपत्ति में एक छोटी सी सहायता कर सकता है । . महादेव, शक्ति सिंह जी को मोक्ष प्रदान.
कभी किसी नेता,मंत्री,विधायक के घर का आदमी दंगे में नहीं जाता,सोशल मीडिया पर आग लगाने वाले और दंगा करने वाले, वो भी बच जाते हैं।गरीब लोगों पर ही सारा दंश टूटता है। . नूह दंगे में मारे गए शक्ति सिंह के घर की हालत देखिए,4 बच्चे पीछे छोड़ गए।कोई पूछने वाला नहीं है।इसे देखिएगा जरूर
Laxmi has come two days ago from Ghotki,Sindh with a group of 37 Oadh Rajputs to Bharat as a refugee. We at @TeamNimittekam have ensured housing and food for all these brave Hindus who gave up all to save their Dharma. Laxmi will live honourably as a free,happy child in Bharat.
Geeta Bhaat from Amarkot, Sindh , Pakistan narrating her torture and pleading us for citizenship. Watch this and understand that the Jehadis and Leftists want us to forsake these Hindus . #CAA is a life saver for these brave Hindus .
On way to Jodhpur with brother @JaiAahuja for on ground assessment of attack on Hindu refugees by state of Rajasthan. Plan to take appropriate legal and social action against the barbaric action of the state. Hindus are not orphans. If we have to fight with bare hands, we will.
Upper caste, urban Hindu. I am an OBC,rural background Hindu settled in Jaipur,running a hospital n support @narendramodi on Hindutva.I live with Pakistani Hindu refugees. You be ashamed of your existence for opposing someone trying to help these forsaken people. @tavleen_singh.
I challenge you to an open debate on CAA . I have lived past ten years of my life with Pakistani Hindu and Sikh refugees . Yes , we are desperate for relief . Proudly identifiable . As for juvenile , let the world decide . Game ?.
When is the Prime Minister going to notice that his social media warriors are doing him more harm than good? They sound juvenile and desperate and are now easily identifiable.
Old Bharat : Upper caste Rajputs , Brahmins , Baniyas and the lower caste Bheels, Khateeks, Valmeekis , Mahars, Raigars , Nishads unitedly fought Islamic invaders and defeated them for 1000 continuous years. New Bharat : I am an Other Backward Caste Hindu bringing Dalit
How is this woman getting paid taxpayer money while calling for an end to Hinduism @dpradhanbjp? Cc @iitdelhi @PMOIndia .
कितनी भी कुँवारी कन्याओं को अष्टमी के दिन पूज लो , यदि हिन्दू समाज अपनी बेटियों के पाकिस्तान से नहीं निकालता , इन बच्चियों का श्राप हमें लगेगा ।. स्वयं ब्रह्मा जी भी हमें नहीं बचा सकते । . इसीलिए गत बारह वर्षों से चीख रहा हूँ , हमारी सम्पत्ति , हमारा विकास , हमारा वैभव, सब ताश के.
Reshma, a 9 year old Hindu girl in Sindh Pakistan was forcibly abducted, taken to a Sufi Dargah, converted to Islam and married to Wazir Hussain, a 45 year old Muslim abductor from Jacobabad, Sindh Pakistan.
Akbar killed 40,000 innocent Hindus in one day on 25th February 1568 at Chittor , Rajasthan . Bollywood makes movies on that murderer . Pratap defeated Akbar at Dewair and kept Mewar free . Pratap never hurt civilians . Not a single movie on Maharana Pratap . I rest my case .
#ExpressOpinion | Not only has Bollywood shown that ideas like ‘love jihad’ have no place in its world but it chooses to remain oblivious to the creed or caste of those who enter its portals, writes @tavleen_singh.
Eight Crore Hindus have been killed by Islamists in the past 1200 years . ( Dr KS Lal, Will Durant ) . That means 66,666 Hindus per year . That means 5,555 Hindus per month . That means 185 Hindus per day . That means almost 8 Hindus per hour have been killed by Islamists for.
Roll call of honour: Remember the names of our Rat miner super—heroes: Feroz and Munna Quereshi, Rashid ,Irshad ,Naseem ,Monu ,Naseer , Ankur ,Jatin ,Saurabh, Waqeel Hasan , Devender. Aap sabko desh ka salaam! 🙏When India stays united, India wins! ⭐️⭐️.
Yes bhai. We will take care of every single Hindu/Sikh from that hell hole . It is our pious duty to protect these brave Hindus from the clutches of Jehadis . And the daughters . How can we forsake our daughters for few years of comfortable but boring life !
@JaiAahuja @satyanveshan are here to look after.we are sure.
The biggest fraud of modern human history is this so called Partition of Bharat, because it never happened . While Jehadis got a citadel to attack Hindus from the safety of Pakistan , Hindus got a Sharia compliant Bharat. The Jehadi dance of death goes on unabated on the.
While the Hindu Samaj continues to be in deep coma, @narendramodi government fights the most crucial battle of survival of Hindus in the subcontinent . Most Circus watching Hindus will wonder how is fighting Halal, the most crucial battle for Hindu survival ? . Because Halal
20 Hindu Bhils converting to Islam in Matli,bordering town between Sindh & Punjab. The drugged Hindu leadership is directly responsible for this genocide. If BJP didn’t want to implement #CAA, they shouldn’t have brought it. These Bhils stayed Hindus for centuries.Helpless now.
Sleepwalking Hindus walking to their slaughter and the cockroaches masquerading as Hindu leaders make Merry . How many more Hindus need to be murdered before the Hindu Sanaj takes notice and does something about it !! . #Badayun
3rd January 2020 , a crowd of five thousand attacks Gurudwara Nankana Saheb , the holiest shrine for Hindus and Sikhs . And there are Sikhs on this globe who think they have a future with Jehadis . #Hindus_Unsafe_In_Pak_Bangladesh
Hindu outrage against @narendramodi is sick. If Namo loses 2024,Hindu thought leaders will be vaporised. Namo gives an ecosystem for Hindu survival. It gives us Yogi ji. Without this ecosystem,UP would have been lost. Voting once in 5 yrs & throwing advices at Namo is stupid.
Hussain Suharawardy , of a Sufi tradition in West Bengal, killed tens of thousands of Hindus in 1946-47 . There is no unity . There is only a war of domination . If you can’t see that , perhaps you need help. The crime syndicate came to enslave us but our glorious.
Bharat's Sufi heritage is a testament to our centuries-old tradition of unity in diversity. Under the visionary guidance of Hon'ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji, the Sufi Corridor project will preserve this rich legacy and inspire future generations. It's a journey to connect hearts.
Another day for Pakistani Hindu refugee. Month old Rajkumar & Mahaveer Bhil left in Pakistan as the family migrated to Bharat. Can we even imagine the pain of the parents separated from the toddlers?.@TeamNimittekam pleads with @AmitShah to grant visa to the babies left behind.
6 जगह के लिए क्यूँ मान गए ? क्यूँकि चालाक हैं।.जानते हैं कि हिन्दुओं की छाती पर नमाज़ पढ़ी तो ना नौकरी मिलेगी,ना बिज़नस।. हिन्दू नेता गटर के कीड़े हैं।.मध्यम वर्गीय हिन्दुओं को ही आगे आकर धर्म बचाना होगा ।.झुकती है दुनिया, झुकाने वाला चाहिए । . नमन गुरुग्राम के हिन्दुओं को।.
गुड़गाँव के हिंदुओं ने वो किया जो पूरे भारत के लिए उदाहरण है। लगातार विरोध जताया, जेल भी गए, लेकिन 108 जगह खुले में नमाज़ होती थी, उसमें अब 39 बचे। अंततः, आज मुस्लिम संगठन ने कहा है कि वो सिर्फ़ 6 जगहों पर पढ़ेंगे खुले में, वो भी सिर्फ़ वक़्फ़ कि ज़मीन पर, सरकारी जगहों पर नहीं।.
We at @TeamNimittekam have purchased 6,000 sq. Yard land for this very purpose in Jodhpur . This land has been purchased by the Dharmansh given to us by the Hindu Samaj . Right now we have applied for conversion of the land from Agricultural to residential purpose . We are
I wonder if it is possible to spend a small bit of money and make a dormitory type of Accomodation for such refugees with facility for water and toilets somewhere in India?.I wonder if someone has come up with an architect plan to build something on a few floors, even beds are.
No Shia,Ahmediya applied for Indian citizenship. Before #CAA , 5000 Hindus were coming to India every year. I live with them . At least I didn’t find a single Shia or Ahmediya seeking refuge . It is one thing to love your son blindly , quite another to pen irrational views.
Everyone knows that there is religious persecution in Pakistan. And, among the persecuted are Shia, Ahmediya and Baloch Muslims. Why does our ‘compassionate’ government not feel for them?.
It was Imad- Ul- Mulk , the chief general of Gujarat ruler Muzaffar Khan who sent the letter to invite Babur to Bharat . Sanga had already defeated Ibrahim Lodhi twice . Why on earth would Sanga send a letter to Babur ! . History may be granular, but slavery is binary . Btw,
It was a Hindu, Rana Sanga (Rana Pratap’s grandfather) who invited Babur to take over the throne of Agra from Ibrahim Lodhi, a Muslim. Babur’s grandson Akbar married into a lot of Hindu families. History is granular and not binary.
बाप्पा रावल , खुमाण व शक्ति कुमार ने अरबों को हराया ।.सांगा, प्रताप, अमर सिंह जी व राज सिंह जी ने बाबर, अकबर, जहांगीर व औरंगज़ेब ( चारों तुर्क) को हराया। . जैत्र सिंह ने इल्तुतमिश व गुजरात के चालुक्यों ने बल्बन ( ग़ुलाम ) को हराया । .हम्मीर देव चौहान ने अलाउद्दीन ख़िलजी को हराया.
राजपूतों का संक्षिप्त परिचय :. राजपूतों को अरबों ने हराया.राजपूतो को तुर्कों ने हराया.राजपूतों को गुलामों ने हराया.राजपूतों को खिलजियों ने हराया.राजपूतों को तुगलकों ने हराया.राजपूतों को लोदियों ने हराया.राजपूतों को मुगलों ने हराया.राजपूतों को अफगानों ने हराया.राजपूतों को
Hindu leaders sinking their heads snugly into sand and continue living in their alternative reality where Hindu- Muslim conflict doesn’t even exist . With no idea of the historical context of Hindus trapped in Pakistan , no Poorva Paksha on the murderous ideology ruling Pakistan.
Mr Danish Kaneria it would be nice if you could put your house in order first. Arfa criticized our country, wrongly so, but our relationship is not defined by the religion we profess but by the country we love, our Bharat. Even when there is very little in common with her, I.
Two things Hindu Samaj needs to do after watching #KashmirFiles. 1.Create pressure on GOI to declare the Hindu exodus of 1990 as genocide. Write e-mails to the PMO. 2.A truth & reconciliation commission to address the sins committed against Hindus of Kashmir. No point weeping.
Hindus are 55% of Kerala’s population . If even half were to drift away from Left and Communists , they could be a formidable force in themselves . Wonder what will it take for Hindus to see this obvious truth .
Fate of Ayyappa Devotees in Kerala !!!. As u all know sabarimala pilgrimage is a significant annual Hindu pilgrimage in Kerala attracting millions of devotees. Pilgrims journey to the Sabarimala temple dedicated to Lord Ayyappa, observing strict vows, including a 41-day period of
We are rebuilding 40 huts for these 40 families at the cost of 50,000₹ each . Please support us at . The moment these huts are rebuilt , I will share videos and pictures. Help us rebuild these broken lives.
@satyanveshan If there is any effort to pool resources to rebuild please let us know. We should do it.
So you decide to destroy homes of poor migrant Hindus without serving a legal notice or giving time to evacuate. Great work sir.We are proud of you. Now please tell us why did your team demolish the colony in Gangana which is built on private property leased by the mining dept?.
We had received a complaint that illegal encroachment has been done in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar area, so our team went there and served notices to the people. They could not produce any documents, so a drive to remove encroachments was launched. They pelted stone at JCB in which JCB's
इस दुर्गन्ध से भरे संसार में आनंद के कुछ क्षण । . 14 पाक विस्थापित हिंदुओं को भारत की नागरिकता मिल गई । . धन्यवाद है @narendramodi जी व @AmitShah जी का । . अभी बहुत काम करना शेष है किन्तु कुछ क्षण विराम के । . 14 हिन्दू बच गए जेहादियों से । ये बच्चे ही धर्मयुद्ध लड़ेंगे और सत्य